[Python-checkins] buildbot failure in x86 XP-4 trunk

buildbot at python.org buildbot at python.org
Fri Apr 4 21:43:24 CEST 2008

The Buildbot has detected a new failure of x86 XP-4 trunk.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL: http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot/all/

Buildslave for this Build: bolen-windows

Build Reason: 
Build Source Stamp: [branch trunk] HEAD
Blamelist: jeffrey.yasskin,thomas.heller,trent.nelson

BUILD FAILED: failed test

Excerpt from the test logfile:
1 test failed:

FAIL: testAddressReuseSemantics (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\cygwin\home\db3l\buildarea\trunk.bolen-windows\build\lib\test\test_socket.py", line 552, in testAddressReuseSemantics
    self.fail("expected EADDRINUSE socket.error exception to be "    \
AssertionError: expected EADDRINUSE socket.error exception to be raised when attempting to bind a second socket to a (host, port) we've already bound to (SO_REUSEADDR *WAS* set on the socket)

 -The Buildbot

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