[Python-checkins] r55103 - in python/trunk: Modules/itertoolsmodule.c Modules/posixmodule.c Objects/intobject.c Objects/longobject.c PC/config.c PC/pyconfig.h Python/thread_nt.h

Anthony Baxter anthony at interlink.com.au
Fri May 4 07:24:58 CEST 2007

On Friday 04 May 2007, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> > On a different issue, What is your opinion on Itanium?  Is it
> > here to stay?  I never installed any I64 compilers and didn't
> > add that target to the VC8 build dir.  Do you think I ought to?
> No; I would like to stop producing Itanium binaries in 2.6. This
> hasn't seen much discussion, yet, however, users interested in
> seeing such support would have to contribute patches themselves.

There's numbers for different releases here:

I'm mystified at the 3k+ downloads per day for 2.5.msi instead of 
2.5.1.msi, or the 600 per day of 2.4.2 (!)

ia64 version of 2.5.1 has 1054 hits this month, vs 36642 for the x86 
amd 2410 for the amd64

Anthony Baxter     <anthony at interlink.com.au>
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

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