[Python-checkins] r59416 - python/trunk/Doc/library/datetime.rst

georg.brandl python-checkins at python.org
Sat Dec 8 12:23:14 CET 2007

Author: georg.brandl
Date: Sat Dec  8 12:23:13 2007
New Revision: 59416

Add examples to the datetime documentation. Written for GHOP by "h4wk.cz".

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/datetime.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/datetime.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/datetime.rst	Sat Dec  8 12:23:13 2007
@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@
    Note that normalization of negative values may be surprising at first. For
    example, ::
+      >>> from datetime import timedelta
       >>> d = timedelta(microseconds=-1)
       >>> (d.days, d.seconds, d.microseconds)
       (-1, 86399, 999999)
@@ -266,6 +267,26 @@
 efficient pickling, and in Boolean contexts, a :class:`timedelta` object is
 considered to be true if and only if it isn't equal to ``timedelta(0)``.
+Example usage::
+    >>> from datetime import timedelta
+    >>> year = timedelta(days=365)
+    >>> another_year = timedelta(weeks=40, days=84, hours=23, 
+    ...                          minutes=50, seconds=600)  # adds up to 365 days
+    >>> year == another_year
+    True
+    >>> ten_years = 10 * year
+    >>> ten_years, ten_years.days // 365
+    (datetime.timedelta(3650), 10)
+    >>> nine_years = ten_years - year
+    >>> nine_years, nine_years.days // 365
+    (datetime.timedelta(3285), 9)
+    >>> three_years = nine_years // 3;
+    >>> three_years, three_years.days // 365
+    (datetime.timedelta(1095), 3)
+    >>> abs(three_years - ten_years) == 2 * three_years + year
+    True
 .. _datetime-date:
@@ -487,6 +508,55 @@
    Format codes referring to hours, minutes or seconds will see 0 values. See
    section :ref:`strftime-behavior`.
+Example of counting days to an event::
+    >>> import time
+    >>> from datetime import date
+    >>> today = date.today()
+    >>> today
+    datetime.date(2007, 12, 5)
+    >>> today == date.fromtimestamp(time.time())
+    True
+    >>> my_birthday = date(today.year, 6, 24)
+    >>> if my_birthday < today:
+    ...     my_birthday = my_birthday.replace(year=today.year + 1) 
+    >>> my_birthday
+    datetime.date(2008, 6, 24)
+    >>> time_to_birthday = abs(my_birthday - today) 
+    >>> time_to_birthday.days
+    202
+Example of working with :class:`date`::
+    >>> from datetime import date
+    >>> d = date.fromordinal(730920) # 730920th day after 1. 1. 0001
+    >>> d
+    datetime.date(2002, 3, 11)
+    >>> t = d.timetuple()
+    >>> for i in t:
+    ...     print i
+    2002                # year
+    3                   # month
+    11                  # day
+    0
+    0
+    0
+    0                   # weekday (0 = Monday)
+    70                  # 70th day in the year
+    -1
+    >>> ic = d.isocalendar()
+    >>> for i in ic:
+    ...     print i     # doctest: +SKIP
+    2002                # ISO year
+    11                  # ISO week number
+    1                   # ISO day number ( 1 = Monday )
+    >>> d.isoformat()
+    '2002-03-11'
+    >>> d.strftime("%d/%m/%y")
+    '11/03/02'
+    >>> d.strftime("%A %d. %B %Y")
+    'Monday 11. March 2002'
 .. _datetime-datetime:
@@ -922,6 +992,106 @@
    Return a string representing the date and time, controlled by an explicit format
    string.  See section :ref:`strftime-behavior`.
+Examples of working with datetime objects::
+    >>> from datetime import datetime, date, time
+    >>> # Using datetime.combine()
+    >>> d = date(2005, 7, 14)
+    >>> t = time(12, 30)
+    >>> datetime.combine(d, t)
+    datetime.datetime(2005, 7, 14, 12, 30)
+    >>> # Using datetime.now() or datetime.utcnow()
+    >>> datetime.now()
+    datetime.datetime(2007, 12, 6, 16, 29, 43, 79043)   # GMT +1
+    >>> datetime.utcnow()
+    datetime.datetime(2007, 12, 6, 15, 29, 43, 79060)
+    >>> # Using datetime.strptime()
+    >>> dt = datetime.strptime("21/11/06 16:30", "%d/%m/%y %H:%M")
+    >>> dt
+    datetime.datetime(2006, 11, 21, 16, 30)
+    >>> # Using datetime.timetuple() to get tuple of all attributes
+    >>> tt = dt.timetuple()
+    >>> for it in tt:
+    ...     print it
+    ... 
+    2006    # year
+    11      # month
+    21      # day
+    16      # hour
+    30      # minute
+    0       # second
+    1       # weekday (0 = Monday)
+    325     # number of days since 1st January
+    -1      # dst - method tzinfo.dst() returned None
+    >>> # Date in ISO format
+    >>> ic = dt.isocalendar()
+    >>> for it in ic:
+    ...     print it
+    ...
+    2006    # ISO year
+    47      # ISO week
+    2       # ISO weekday
+    >>> # Formatting datetime
+    >>> dt.strftime("%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M%p")
+    'Tuesday, 21. November 2006 04:30PM'
+Using datetime with tzinfo::
+    >>> from datetime import timedelta, datetime, tzinfo
+    >>> class GMT1(tzinfo):
+    ...     def __init__(self):         # DST starts last Sunday in March
+    ...         d = datetime(dt.year, 4, 1)   # ends last Sunday in October
+    ...         self.dston = d - timedelta(days=d.weekday() + 1)
+    ...         d = datetime(dt.year, 11, 1)    
+    ...         self.dstoff = d - timedelta(days=d.weekday() + 1)
+    ...     def utcoffset(self, dt):
+    ...         return timedelta(hours=1) + self.dst(dt)
+    ...     def dst(self, dt):              
+    ...         if self.dston <=  dt.replace(tzinfo=None) < self.dstoff:
+    ...             return timedelta(hours=1)
+    ...         else:
+    ...             return timedelta(0)
+    ...     def tzname(self,dt):
+    ...          return "GMT +1"
+    ... 
+    >>> class GMT2(tzinfo):
+    ...     def __init__(self):
+    ...         d = datetime(dt.year, 4, 1)  
+    ...         self.dston = d - timedelta(days=d.weekday() + 1)
+    ...         d = datetime(dt.year, 11, 1)    
+    ...         self.dstoff = d - timedelta(days=d.weekday() + 1)
+    ...     def utcoffset(self, dt):
+    ...         return timedelta(hours=1) + self.dst(dt)
+    ...     def dst(self, dt):
+    ...         if self.dston <=  dt.replace(tzinfo=None) < self.dstoff:
+    ...             return timedelta(hours=2)
+    ...         else:
+    ...             return timedelta(0)
+    ...     def tzname(self,dt):
+    ...         return "GMT +2"
+    ... 
+    >>> gmt1 = GMT1()
+    >>> # Daylight Saving Time
+    >>> dt1 = datetime(2006, 11, 21, 16, 30, tzinfo=gmt1)
+    >>> dt1.dst()
+    datetime.timedelta(0)
+    >>> dt1.utcoffset()
+    datetime.timedelta(0, 3600)
+    >>> dt2 = datetime(2006, 6, 14, 13, 0, tzinfo=gmt1)
+    >>> dt2.dst()
+    datetime.timedelta(0, 3600)
+    >>> dt2.utcoffset()
+    datetime.timedelta(0, 7200)
+    >>> # Convert datetime to another time zone
+    >>> dt3 = dt2.astimezone(GMT2())
+    >>> dt3     # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+    datetime.datetime(2006, 6, 14, 14, 0, tzinfo=<GMT2 object at 0x...>)
+    >>> dt2     # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+    datetime.datetime(2006, 6, 14, 13, 0, tzinfo=<GMT1 object at 0x...>)
+    >>> dt2.utctimetuple() == dt3.utctimetuple()
+    True
 .. _datetime-time:
@@ -1067,6 +1237,30 @@
    ``self.tzinfo.tzname(None)``, or raises an exception if the latter doesn't
    return ``None`` or a string object.
+    >>> from datetime import time, tzinfo
+    >>> class GMT1(tzinfo):
+    ...     def utcoffset(self, dt):
+    ...         return timedelta(hours=1) 
+    ...     def dst(self, dt):              
+    ...         return timedelta(0)
+    ...     def tzname(self,dt):
+    ...         return "Europe/Prague"
+    ...
+    >>> t = time(12, 10, 30, tzinfo=GMT1())
+    >>> t                               # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+    datetime.time(12, 10, 30, tzinfo=<GMT1 object at 0x...>)
+    >>> gmt = GMT1()
+    >>> t.isoformat()
+    '12:10:30+01:00'
+    >>> t.dst()
+    datetime.timedelta(0)
+    >>> t.tzname()
+    'Europe/Prague'
+    >>> t.strftime("%H:%M:%S %Z")
+    '12:10:30 Europe/Prague'
 .. _datetime-tzinfo:
@@ -1280,7 +1474,7 @@
 :class:`tzinfo` subclasses; there are no ambiguities when using UTC, or any
 other fixed-offset :class:`tzinfo` subclass (such as a class representing only
 EST (fixed offset -5 hours), or only EDT (fixed offset -4 hours)).
 .. _strftime-behavior:
@@ -1301,48 +1495,113 @@
 should not be used, as :class:`date` objects have no such values.  If they're
 used anyway, ``0`` is substituted for them.
-For a naive object, the ``%z`` and ``%Z`` format codes are replaced by empty
-For an aware object:
-   :meth:`utcoffset` is transformed into a 5-character string of the form +HHMM or
-   -HHMM, where HH is a 2-digit string giving the number of UTC offset hours, and
-   MM is a 2-digit string giving the number of UTC offset minutes.  For example, if
-   :meth:`utcoffset` returns ``timedelta(hours=-3, minutes=-30)``, ``%z`` is
-   replaced with the string ``'-0330'``.
-   If :meth:`tzname` returns ``None``, ``%Z`` is replaced by an empty string.
-   Otherwise ``%Z`` is replaced by the returned value, which must be a string.
 The full set of format codes supported varies across platforms, because Python
 calls the platform C library's :func:`strftime` function, and platform
-variations are common.  The documentation for Python's :mod:`time` module lists
-the format codes that the C standard (1989 version) requires, and those work on
-all platforms with a standard C implementation.  Note that the 1999 version of
-the C standard added additional format codes.
+variations are common.  
+The following is a list of all the format codes that the C standard (1989
+version) requires, and these work on all platforms with a standard C
+implementation.  Note that the 1999 version of the C standard added additional
+format codes.
 The exact range of years for which :meth:`strftime` works also varies across
 platforms.  Regardless of platform, years before 1900 cannot be used.
-.. % %% This example is obsolete, since strptime is now supported by datetime.
-.. % 
-.. % \subsection{Examples}
-.. % 
-.. % \subsubsection{Creating Datetime Objects from Formatted Strings}
-.. % 
-.. % The \class{datetime} class does not directly support parsing formatted time
-.. % strings.  You can use \function{time.strptime} to do the parsing and create
-.. % a \class{datetime} object from the tuple it returns:
-.. % 
-.. % \begin{verbatim}
-.. % >>> s = "2005-12-06T12:13:14"
-.. % >>> from datetime import datetime
-.. % >>> from time import strptime
-.. % >>> datetime(*strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")[0:6])
-.. % datetime.datetime(2005, 12, 6, 12, 13, 14)
-.. % \end{verbatim}
-.. % 
+| Directive | Meaning                        | Notes |
+| ``%a``    | Locale's abbreviated weekday   |       |
+|           | name.                          |       |
+| ``%A``    | Locale's full weekday name.    |       |
+| ``%b``    | Locale's abbreviated month     |       |
+|           | name.                          |       |
+| ``%B``    | Locale's full month name.      |       |
+| ``%c``    | Locale's appropriate date and  |       |
+|           | time representation.           |       |
+| ``%d``    | Day of the month as a decimal  |       |
+|           | number [01,31].                |       |
+| ``%H``    | Hour (24-hour clock) as a      |       |
+|           | decimal number [00,23].        |       |
+| ``%I``    | Hour (12-hour clock) as a      |       |
+|           | decimal number [01,12].        |       |
+| ``%j``    | Day of the year as a decimal   |       |
+|           | number [001,366].              |       |
+| ``%m``    | Month as a decimal number      |       |
+|           | [01,12].                       |       |
+| ``%M``    | Minute as a decimal number     |       |
+|           | [00,59].                       |       |
+| ``%p``    | Locale's equivalent of either  | \(1)  |
+|           | AM or PM.                      |       |
+| ``%S``    | Second as a decimal number     | \(2)  |
+|           | [00,61].                       |       |
+| ``%U``    | Week number of the year        | \(3)  |
+|           | (Sunday as the first day of    |       |
+|           | the week) as a decimal number  |       |
+|           | [00,53].  All days in a new    |       |
+|           | year preceding the first       |       |
+|           | Sunday are considered to be in |       |
+|           | week 0.                        |       |
+| ``%w``    | Weekday as a decimal number    |       |
+|           | [0(Sunday),6].                 |       |
+| ``%W``    | Week number of the year        | \(3)  |
+|           | (Monday as the first day of    |       |
+|           | the week) as a decimal number  |       |
+|           | [00,53].  All days in a new    |       |
+|           | year preceding the first       |       |
+|           | Monday are considered to be in |       |
+|           | week 0.                        |       |
+| ``%x``    | Locale's appropriate date      |       |
+|           | representation.                |       |
+| ``%X``    | Locale's appropriate time      |       |
+|           | representation.                |       |
+| ``%y``    | Year without century as a      |       |
+|           | decimal number [00,99].        |       |
+| ``%Y``    | Year with century as a decimal |       |
+|           | number.                        |       |
+| ``%z``    | UTC offset in the form +HHMM   | \(4)  |
+|           | or -HHMM (empty string if the  |       |
+|           | the object is naive).          |       |
+| ``%Z``    | Time zone name (empty string   |       |
+|           | if the object is naive).       |       |
+| ``%%``    | A literal ``'%'`` character.   |       |
+   When used with the :func:`strptime` function, the ``%p`` directive only affects
+   the output hour field if the ``%I`` directive is used to parse the hour.
+   The range really is ``0`` to ``61``; this accounts for leap seconds and the
+   (very rare) double leap seconds.
+   When used with the :func:`strptime` function, ``%U`` and ``%W`` are only used in
+   calculations when the day of the week and the year are specified.
+   For example, if :meth:`utcoffset` returns ``timedelta(hours=-3, minutes=-30)``,
+   ``%z`` is replaced with the string ``'-0330'``.

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