[Python-checkins] r57533 - sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/zipimport_/tests.py sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/zipimport_/zipimport.py

brett.cannon python-checkins at python.org
Mon Aug 27 01:46:44 CEST 2007

Author: brett.cannon
Date: Mon Aug 27 01:46:43 2007
New Revision: 57533

Implement zipimport.zipimporter.__init__.

Modified: sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/zipimport_/tests.py
--- sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/zipimport_/tests.py	(original)
+++ sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/zipimport_/tests.py	Mon Aug 27 01:46:43 2007
@@ -4,43 +4,58 @@
 import contextlib
 import os
 import py_compile
+import shutil
 from test import test_support
 import unittest
 import zipfile
 example_code = 'attr = None'
+created_paths = set(['_top_level',
+                     os.path.join('_pkg', '__init__'),
+                     os.path.join('_pkg', 'submodule'),
+                     os.path.join('_pkg', '_subpkg', '__init__'),
+                     os.path.join('_pkg', '_subpkg', 'submodule')
+                    ])
 def temp_zipfile(source=True, bytecode=True):
-    """Create a temporary zip file for testing."""
+    """Create a temporary zip file for testing.
+    Clears zipimport._zip_directory_cache.
+    """
+    zipimport._zip_directory_cache = {}
     zip_path = test_support.TESTFN + '.zip'
+    bytecode_suffix = 'c' if __debug__ else 'o'
     zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'w')
-        os.mkdir('_pkg')
-        os.mkdir(os.path.join('_pkg', '_subpkg'))
-        for module_path in ['_top_level.py', os.path.join('_pkg', '__init__.py'),
-                os.path.join('_pkg', 'submodule.py'),
-                os.path.join('_pkg', '_subpkg', '__init__.py'),
-                os.path.join('_pkg', '_subpkg', 'submodule.py')]:
-            with open(module_path, 'w') as temp_file:
+        for path in created_paths:
+            if os.sep in path:
+                directory = os.path.split(path)[0]
+                if not os.path.exists(directory):
+                    os.makedirs(directory)
+            code_path = path + '.py'
+            with open(code_path, 'w') as temp_file:
-            try:
-                if source:
-                    zip_file.write(module_path)
-                if bytecode:
-                    py_compile.compile(module_path, doraise=True)
-                    zip_file.write(module_path + 'c' if __debug__ else 'o')
-            finally:
-                test_support.unlink(module_path)
-                test_support.unlink(module_path + 'c' if __debug__ else 'o')
+            if source:
+                zip_file.write(code_path)
+            if bytecode:
+                py_compile.compile(code_path, doraise=True)
+                zip_file.write(code_path + bytecode_suffix)
         yield zip_path
-        if os.path.exists(os.path.join('_pkg', '_subpkg')):
-            os.rmdir(os.path.join('_pkg', '_subpkg'))
-        if os.path.exists('_pkg'):
-            os.rmdir('_pkg')
-        os.unlink(zip_path)
+        zip_file.close()
+        for path in created_paths:
+            if os.sep in path:
+                directory = os.path.split(path)[0]
+                if os.path.exists(directory):
+                    shutil.rmtree(directory)
+            else:
+                for suffix in ('.py', '.py' + bytecode_suffix):
+                    test_support.unlink(path + suffix)
+        test_support.unlink(zip_path)
 class ZipImportErrorTests(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -71,14 +86,31 @@
         with temp_zipfile() as zip_path:
             zip_importer = zipimport.zipimporter(zip_path)
             self.assert_(isinstance(zip_importer, zipimport.zipimporter))
+            self.assertEqual(zip_importer.archive, zip_path)
+            self.assertEqual(zip_importer.prefix, '')
+            self.assert_(zip_path in zipimport._zip_directory_cache)
     def test_pkg_path(self):
         # Thanks to __path__, need to be able to work off of a path with a zip
         # file at the front and a path for the rest.
         with temp_zipfile() as zip_path:
-            path = os.path.join(zip_path, '_pkg')
+            prefix = os.path.join('_pkg', '')
+            path = os.path.join(zip_path, prefix)
             zip_importer = zipimport.zipimporter(path)
             self.assert_(isinstance(zip_importer, zipimport.zipimporter))
+            self.assertEqual(zip_importer.archive, zip_path)
+            self.assertEqual(zip_importer.prefix, prefix)
+            self.assert_(zip_path in zipimport._zip_directory_cache)
+    def test_zip_directory_cache(self):
+        # Test that _zip_directory_cache is set properly.
+        # Using a package entry to test using a hard example.
+        with temp_zipfile(bytecode=False) as zip_path:
+            importer = zipimport.zipimporter(os.path.join(zip_path, '_pkg'))
+            self.assert_(zip_path in zipimport._zip_directory_cache)
+            file_set = set(zipimport._zip_directory_cache[zip_path].iterkeys())
+            compare_set = set(path + '.py' for path in created_paths)
+            self.assertEqual(file_set, compare_set)
 class FindModule(unittest.TestCase):

Modified: sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/zipimport_/zipimport.py
--- sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/zipimport_/zipimport.py	(original)
+++ sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/zipimport_/zipimport.py	Mon Aug 27 01:46:43 2007
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 """A re-implementation of zipimport to use importlib."""
 import importlib
-#import contextlib
+import contextlib
 #import datetime
 #import imp
 import os
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
 # XXX Import lock prevents concurrency issues during importation use, but does
 #  not make any guarantees for non-import uses.
+# XXX Keyed on archive path with a value of a dict keyed on internal paths to
+#  files within the archive and values of zipfile.ZipInfo (different than C
+#  version which uses tuples instead).
 _zip_directory_cache = {}
@@ -31,29 +34,25 @@
         than a zip file is passed in then ZipImportError is raised.
-        while archivepath:
-            if zipfile.is_zipfile(archivepath):
-                break
-            archivepath = os.path.split(archivepath)[0]
-        else:
-            raise ZipImportError("not a zip file")
-        # XXX need to have archive, prefix, _files attributes.
-        raise NotImplementedError
-        path = os.path.abspath(archivepath)
-        # XXX Need to tweak to handle zip archive package info like
-        # _pkg.zip/pkg
+        path = archivepath
         while path:
             if zipfile.is_zipfile(path):
-            path = path.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[0]
+            path = os.path.split(path)[0]
-            raise ZipImportError("the specified path must be a zip file")
-        self._zip_path = path
-        self._path_entry = archivepath
-        self._path_cache = {}
+            raise ZipImportError("%s is not a zip file" % archivepath)
+        self.archive = path  # Path to zip file.
+        self.prefix = archivepath[len(path)+1:]  # Package directory.
+        if self.prefix and not self.prefix.endswith(os.sep):
+            self.prefix += os.sep
+        if not path in _zip_directory_cache:
+            with contextlib.closing(zipfile.ZipFile(path)) as zip_file:
+                zip_info_list = zip_file.infolist()
+            # XXX Need to duplicate tuple from original zipimport?
+            zip_info_dict = dict((info.filename, info)
+                                    for info in zip_info_list)
+            _zip_directory_cache[path] = zip_info_dict
+        self._files = _zip_directory_cache[path]
     def __repr__(self):
         raise NotImplementedError

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