[Python-checkins] r46060 - sandbox/trunk/Doc/functional.rst

andrew.kuchling python-checkins at python.org
Sat May 20 21:54:13 CEST 2006

Author: andrew.kuchling
Date: Sat May 20 21:54:13 2006
New Revision: 46060

Add generator section; various markup fixes

Modified: sandbox/trunk/Doc/functional.rst
--- sandbox/trunk/Doc/functional.rst	(original)
+++ sandbox/trunk/Doc/functional.rst	Sat May 20 21:54:13 2006
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@
 discourage the use of assignment statements such as ``a=3`` or ``c = a
 + b``.
-Functional programming may seem like an odd constraint to work under,
-a pointless skill like writing a BASIC interpreter in {\TeX}.  There
-are theoretical and practical advantages to the functional style:
+Functional programming may seem like an odd constraint to work under.
+There are theoretical and practical advantages to the functional
 * Formal provability.
 * Modularity.
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
 Note that you can only go forward in an iterator; there's no way to
 get the previous element, reset the iterator, or make a copy of it.
 Iterator objects can optionally provide these additional capabilities,
-but the iterator protocol only specifies the \method{next()} method.
+but the iterator protocol only specifies the ``next()`` method.
 Functions may therefore consume all of the iterator's output, and if
 you need to do something different with the same stream, you'll have
 to create a new iterator.
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
 This is just the default behaviour.  If you want to iterate over keys,
 values, or key/value pairs, you can explicitly call the
-\method{iterkeys()}, \method{itervalues()}, or \method{iteritems()}
+``iterkeys()``, ``itervalues()``, or ``iteritems()``
 methods to get an appropriate iterator.  
 The ``dict()`` constructor can accept an iterator that returns a
@@ -270,15 +270,13 @@
     >>> dict(iter(L))
     {'Italy': 'Rome', 'US': 'Washington DC', 'France': 'Paris'}
-Files also support iteration by calling the \method{readline()}
+Files also support iteration by calling the ``readline()``
 method until there are no more lines in the file.  This means you can
-read each line of a file like this:
+read each line of a file like this::
-for line in file:
-    # do something for each line
-    ...
+    for line in file:
+	# do something for each line
+	...
 XXX sets
@@ -295,7 +293,7 @@
 List comprehensions (or "listcomps") are a concise notation for such
 operations, borrowed from the functional programming language Haskell
-(\url{http://www.haskell.org}).  You can strip all the whitespace from
+(http://www.haskell.org).  You can strip all the whitespace from
 a stream of strings with the following list comprehension::
         line_list = ['  line 1\n', 'line 2  \n', ...]
@@ -320,9 +318,9 @@
 		 if condition ]
 The elements of the generated list will be the successive
-values of \var{expression}.  The final \keyword{if} clause is
-optional; if present, \var{expression} is only evaluated and added to
-the result when \var{condition} is true.
+values of ``expression``.  The final ``if`` clause is
+optional; if present, ``expression`` is only evaluated and added to
+the result when ``condition`` is true.
 The ``for...in`` clauses contain the sequences to be iterated over.
 The sequences do not have to be the same length, because they are
@@ -332,23 +330,21 @@
 resulting pair of elements from ``sequence1`` and ``sequence2``.
 Put another way, a list comprehension is equivalent to the following
-Python code:
+Python code::
-for expr1 in sequence1:
-    for expr2 in sequence2:
-    ...
-        for exprN in sequenceN:
-             if (condition):
-                  # Append the value of 
-                  # the expression to the 
-                  # resulting list.
+    for expr1 in sequence1:
+	for expr2 in sequence2:
+	...
+	    for exprN in sequenceN:
+		 if (condition):
+		      # Append the value of 
+		      # the expression to the 
+		      # resulting list.
-This means that when there are multiple \keyword{for}...\keyword{in}
+This means that when there are multiple ``for...in``
 clauses, the resulting list will be equal to the product of the
 lengths of all the sequences.  If you have two lists of length 3, the
-output list is 9 elements long:
+output list is 9 elements long::
     seq1 = 'abc'
     seq2 = (1,2,3)
@@ -371,12 +367,202 @@
-Generators are a special class of functions that simplify 
-the task of writing certain kinds of iterators. 
+Generators are a special class of functions that simplify the task of
+writing iterators.  Regular functions compute a value and return it,
+but generators return an iterator that returns a stream of values.
+You're doubtless familiar with how regular function calls work in
+Python or C.  When you call a function, it gets a private namespace
+where its local variables are created.  When the function reaches a
+``return`` statement, the local variables are destroyed and the
+value is returned to the caller.  A later call to the same function
+creates a new private namespace and a fresh set of local
+variables. But, what if the local variables weren't thrown away on
+exiting a function?  What if you could later resume the function where
+it left off?  This is what generators provide; they can be thought of
+as resumable functions.
+Here's the simplest example of a generator function::
+    def generate_ints(N):
+	for i in range(N):
+	    yield i
+Any function containing a ``yield`` keyword is a generator function;
+this is detected by Python's bytecode compiler which compiles the
+function specially as a result.
+When you call a generator function, it doesn't return a single value;
+instead it returns a generator object that supports the iterator
+protocol.  On executing the ``yield`` expression, the generator
+outputs the value of ``i``, similar to a ``return``
+statement.  The big difference between ``yield`` and a
+``return`` statement is that on reaching a ``yield`` the
+generator's state of execution is suspended and local variables are
+preserved.  On the next call to the generator's ``.next()`` method,
+the function will resume executing.  
+Here's a sample usage of the ``generate_ints()`` generator::
+    >>> gen = generate_ints(3)
+    >>> gen
+    <generator object at 0x8117f90>
+    >>> gen.next()
+    0
+    >>> gen.next()
+    1
+    >>> gen.next()
+    2
+    >>> gen.next()
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      File "stdin", line 1, in ?
+      File "stdin", line 2, in generate_ints
+    StopIteration
-XXX {Copy bits of what's new}
+You could equally write ``for i in generate_ints(5)``, or
+``a,b,c = generate_ints(3)``.
+Inside a generator function, the ``return`` statement can only be used
+without a value, and signals the end of the procession of values;
+after executing a ``return`` the generator cannot return any further
+values.  ``return`` with a value, such as ``return 5``, is a syntax
+error inside a generator function.  The end of the generator's results
+can also be indicated by raising ``StopIteration`` manually, or by
+just letting the flow of execution fall off the bottom of the
+You could achieve the effect of generators manually by writing your
+own class and storing all the local variables of the generator as
+instance variables.  For example, returning a list of integers could
+be done by setting ``self.count`` to 0, and having the
+``next()`` method increment ``self.count`` and return it.
+However, for a moderately complicated generator, writing a
+corresponding class can be much messier.
+The test suite included with Python's library, ``test_generators.py``,
+contains a number of more interesting examples.  Here's one generator
+that implements an in-order traversal of a tree using generators
+    # A recursive generator that generates Tree leaves in in-order.
+    def inorder(t):
+	if t:
+	    for x in inorder(t.left):
+		yield x
+	    yield t.label
+	    for x in inorder(t.right):
+		yield x
+Two other examples in ``test_generators.py`` produce
+solutions for the N-Queens problem (placing N queens on an NxN
+chess board so that no queen threatens another) and the Knight's Tour
+(finding a route that takes a knight to every square of an NxN chessboard
+without visiting any square twice).
+New generator features in Python 2.5
+In Python 2.4 and earlier, generators only produced output.  Once a
+generator's code was invoked to create an iterator, there's no way to
+pass any new information into the function when its execution is
+resumed.  (You could hack together this ability by making the
+generator look at a global variable or passing in some mutable object
+that callers then modify, but these approaches are messy.)
+In Python 2.5 there's a simple way to pass values into a generator.
+In Python 2.5 ``yield`` became an expression, returning a value that
+can be assigned to a variable or otherwise operated on::
+    val = (yield i)
+I recommend that you **always** put parentheses around a ``yield``
+expression when you're doing something with the returned value, as in
+the above example.  The parentheses aren't always necessary, but it's
+easier to always add them instead of having to remember when they're
+(PEP 342 explains the exact rules, which are that a
+``yield``-expression must always be parenthesized except when it
+occurs at the top-level expression on the right-hand side of an
+assignment.  This means you can write ``val = yield i`` but have to
+use parentheses when there's an operation, as in ``val = (yield i)
++ 12``.)
+Values are sent into a generator by calling its
+``send(value})`` method.  This method resumes the 
+generator's code and the ``yield`` expression returns the specified
+value.  If the regular ``next()`` method is called, the
+``yield`` returns ``None``.
+Here's a simple counter that increments by 1 and allows changing the
+value of the internal counter.
+    def counter (maximum):
+	i = 0
+	while i < maximum:
+	    val = (yield i)
+	    # If value provided, change counter
+	    if val is not None:
+		i = val
+	    else:
+		i += 1
+And here's an example of changing the counter:
+    >>> it = counter(10)
+    >>> print it.next()
+    0
+    >>> print it.next()
+    1
+    >>> print it.send(8)
+    8
+    >>> print it.next()
+    9
+    >>> print it.next()
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      File ``t.py'', line 15, in ?
+	print it.next()
+    StopIteration
-Mention 2.5 additions but don't describe them.
+Because ``yield`` will often be returning ``None``, you
+should always check for this case.  Don't just use its value in
+expressions unless you're sure that the ``send()`` method
+will be the only method used resume your generator function.
+In addition to ``send()``, there are two other new methods on
+* ``throw(type, value=None, traceback=None)`` is used to raise an exception inside the
+  generator; the exception is raised by the ``yield`` expression
+  where the generator's execution is paused.
+* ``close()`` raises a ``GeneratorExit``
+  exception inside the generator to terminate the iteration.  
+  On receiving this
+  exception, the generator's code must either raise
+  ``GeneratorExit`` or ``StopIteration``; catching the 
+  exception and doing anything else is illegal and will trigger
+  a ``RuntimeError``.  ``close()`` will also be called by 
+  Python's garbage collector when the generator is garbage-collected.
+  If you need to run cleanup code when a ``GeneratorExit`` occurs,
+  I suggest using a ``try: ... finally:`` suite instead of 
+  catching ``GeneratorExit``.
+The cumulative effect of these changes is to turn generators from
+one-way producers of information into both producers and consumers.
+Generators also become **coroutines**, a more generalized form of
+subroutines.  Subroutines are entered at one point and exited at
+another point (the top of the function, and a ``return``
+statement), but coroutines can be entered, exited, and resumed at
+many different points (the ``yield`` statements).  
 The itertools module

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