[Python-checkins] python/nondist/sandbox/setuptools/setuptools/tests test_resources.py, 1.18, 1.19

pje@users.sourceforge.net pje at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Jul 25 00:47:08 CEST 2005

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/setuptools/setuptools/tests
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv6325/setuptools/tests

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Implement "entry points" for dynamic discovery of drivers and plugins.
Change setuptools to discover setup commands using an entry point group
called "distutils.commands".  Thanks to Ian Bicking for the suggestion that
led to designing this super-cool feature.

Index: test_resources.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/setuptools/setuptools/tests/test_resources.py,v
retrieving revision 1.18
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -d -r1.18 -r1.19
--- test_resources.py	24 Jul 2005 17:59:27 -0000	1.18
+++ test_resources.py	24 Jul 2005 22:47:06 -0000	1.19
@@ -185,7 +185,16 @@
             d,"Twisted>=1.5 fcgiapp>=0.1 ZConfig>=2.0 docutils>=0.3".split(),
             ["fastcgi", "docgen"]
-        self.assertRaises(InvalidOption, d.requires, ["foo"])
+        self.assertRaises(UnknownExtra, d.requires, ["foo"])
@@ -194,13 +203,86 @@
+class EntryPointTests(TestCase):
+    def assertfields(self, ep):
+        self.assertEqual(ep.name,"foo")
+        self.assertEqual(ep.module_name,"setuptools.tests.test_resources")
+        self.assertEqual(ep.attrs, ("EntryPointTests",))
+        self.assertEqual(ep.extras, ("x",))
+        self.failUnless(ep.load() is EntryPointTests)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            str(ep),
+            "foo = setuptools.tests.test_resources:EntryPointTests [x]"
+        )
+    def testBasics(self):
+        ep = EntryPoint(
+            "foo", "setuptools.tests.test_resources", ["EntryPointTests"],
+            ["x"]
+        )
+        self.assertfields(ep)
+    def testParse(self):
+        s = "foo = setuptools.tests.test_resources:EntryPointTests [x]"
+        ep = EntryPoint.parse(s)
+        self.assertfields(ep)
+        ep = EntryPoint.parse("bar baz=  spammity[PING]")
+        self.assertEqual(ep.name,"bar baz")
+        self.assertEqual(ep.module_name,"spammity")
+        self.assertEqual(ep.attrs, ())
+        self.assertEqual(ep.extras, ("ping",))
+        ep = EntryPoint.parse(" fizzly =  wocka:foo")
+        self.assertEqual(ep.name,"fizzly")
+        self.assertEqual(ep.module_name,"wocka")
+        self.assertEqual(ep.attrs, ("foo",))
+        self.assertEqual(ep.extras, ())
+    def testRejects(self):
+        for ep in [
+            "foo", "x=1=2", "x=a:b:c", "q=x/na", "fez=pish:tush-z", "x=f[a]>2",
+        ]:
+            try: EntryPoint.parse(ep)
+            except ValueError: pass
+            else: raise AssertionError("Should've been bad", ep)
+    def checkSubMap(self, m):
+        self.assertEqual(str(m),
+            "{"
+            "'feature2': EntryPoint.parse("
+                "'feature2 = another.module:SomeClass [extra1,extra2]'), "
+            "'feature1': EntryPoint.parse("
+                "'feature1 = somemodule:somefunction')"
+            "}"
+        )
+    submap_str = """
+            # define features for blah blah
+            feature1 = somemodule:somefunction
+            feature2 = another.module:SomeClass [extra1,extra2]
+    """
+    def testParseList(self):
+        self.checkSubMap(EntryPoint.parse_list("xyz", self.submap_str))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, EntryPoint.parse_list, "x a", "foo=bar")
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, EntryPoint.parse_list, "x",
+            ["foo=baz", "foo=bar"])
+    def testParseMap(self):
+        m = EntryPoint.parse_map({'xyz':self.submap_str})
+        self.checkSubMap(m['xyz'])
+        self.assertEqual(m.keys(),['xyz'])
+        m = EntryPoint.parse_map("[xyz]\n"+self.submap_str)
+        self.checkSubMap(m['xyz'])
+        self.assertEqual(m.keys(),['xyz'])
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, EntryPoint.parse_map, ["[xyz]", "[xyz]"])
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, EntryPoint.parse_map, self.submap_str)
 class RequirementsTests(TestCase):

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