[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Lib urllib.py,1.160,1.161

bcannon at users.sourceforge.net bcannon at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Mar 23 16:26:42 EST 2004

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv5420/Lib

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Replace code in urllib for basejoin (undocumented) with urlparse.urljoin .
Test suites for urllib and urlparse run with each other's function to verify
correctness of replacement and both test suites pass.

Bumped urllib's __version__ attribute up a minor number.

Index: urllib.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/urllib.py,v
retrieving revision 1.160
retrieving revision 1.161
diff -C2 -d -r1.160 -r1.161
*** urllib.py	12 Feb 2004 17:35:07 -0000	1.160
--- urllib.py	23 Mar 2004 21:26:39 -0000	1.161
*** 28,31 ****
--- 28,32 ----
  import time
  import sys
+ from urlparse import urljoin as basejoin
  __all__ = ["urlopen", "URLopener", "FancyURLopener", "urlretrieve",
*** 37,41 ****
             "splitgophertype", "getproxies"]
! __version__ = '1.15'    # XXX This version is not always updated :-(
  MAXFTPCACHE = 10        # Trim the ftp cache beyond this size
--- 38,42 ----
             "splitgophertype", "getproxies"]
! __version__ = '1.16'    # XXX This version is not always updated :-(
  MAXFTPCACHE = 10        # Trim the ftp cache beyond this size
*** 846,907 ****
- def basejoin(base, url):
-     """Utility to combine a URL with a base URL to form a new URL."""
-     type, path = splittype(url)
-     if type:
-         # if url is complete (i.e., it contains a type), return it
-         return url
-     host, path = splithost(path)
-     type, basepath = splittype(base) # inherit type from base
-     if host:
-         # if url contains host, just inherit type
-         if type: return type + '://' + host + path
-         else:
-             # no type inherited, so url must have started with //
-             # just return it
-             return url
-     host, basepath = splithost(basepath) # inherit host
-     basepath, basetag = splittag(basepath) # remove extraneous cruft
-     basepath, basequery = splitquery(basepath) # idem
-     if path[:1] != '/':
-         # non-absolute path name
-         if path[:1] in ('#', '?'):
-             # path is just a tag or query, attach to basepath
-             i = len(basepath)
-         else:
-             # else replace last component
-             i = basepath.rfind('/')
-         if i < 0:
-             # basepath not absolute
-             if host:
-                 # host present, make absolute
-                 basepath = '/'
-             else:
-                 # else keep non-absolute
-                 basepath = ''
-         else:
-             # remove last file component
-             basepath = basepath[:i+1]
-         # Interpret ../ (important because of symlinks)
-         while basepath and path[:3] == '../':
-             path = path[3:]
-             i = basepath[:-1].rfind('/')
-             if i > 0:
-                 basepath = basepath[:i+1]
-             elif i == 0:
-                 basepath = '/'
-                 break
-             else:
-                 basepath = ''
-         path = basepath + path
-     if host and path and path[0] != '/':
-         path = '/' + path
-     if type and host: return type + '://' + host + path
-     elif type: return type + ':' + path
-     elif host: return '//' + host + path # don't know what this means
-     else: return path
  # Utilities to parse URLs (most of these return None for missing parts):
  # unwrap('<URL:type://host/path>') --> 'type://host/path'
--- 847,850 ----

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