[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Lib/test test__locale.py,1.1,1.2

jhylton at users.sourceforge.net jhylton at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Sep 10 13:57:33 EDT 2003

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv17121

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Fix inconsistent mix of tabs and spaces that caused test to fail.

Index: test__locale.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test/test__locale.py,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.2
*** test__locale.py	4 Sep 2003 18:24:46 -0000	1.1
--- test__locale.py	10 Sep 2003 19:57:31 -0000	1.2
*** 18,34 ****
  	setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, loc)
      except Error:
!         continue
      if verbose:
!         print "locale %r" % loc
      saw_locale = 1
      nl_radixchar = nl_langinfo(RADIXCHAR)
      li_radixchar = localeconv()['decimal_point']
      if nl_radixchar != li_radixchar:
!         print "%r != %r" % (nl_radixchar, li_radixchar)
      nl_radixchar = nl_langinfo(THOUSEP)
      li_radixchar = localeconv()['thousands_sep']
      if nl_radixchar != li_radixchar:
!         print "%r != %r" % (nl_radixchar, li_radixchar)
  if not saw_locale:
      raise ImportError, "None of the listed locales found"
--- 18,33 ----
  	setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, loc)
      except Error:
! 	continue
      if verbose:
! 	print "locale %r" % loc
      saw_locale = 1
      nl_radixchar = nl_langinfo(RADIXCHAR)
      li_radixchar = localeconv()['decimal_point']
      if nl_radixchar != li_radixchar:
! 	print "%r != %r" % (nl_radixchar, li_radixchar)
      nl_radixchar = nl_langinfo(THOUSEP)
      li_radixchar = localeconv()['thousands_sep']
      if nl_radixchar != li_radixchar:
! 	print "%r != %r" % (nl_radixchar, li_radixchar)
  if not saw_locale:
      raise ImportError, "None of the listed locales found"

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