[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Lib inspect.py,1.44,1.45

jhylton@users.sourceforge.net jhylton@users.sourceforge.net
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 11:14:41 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv28310

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Fix for SF bug 620190: getargspec() doesn't work with methods.

Index: inspect.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/inspect.py,v
retrieving revision 1.44
retrieving revision 1.45
diff -C2 -d -r1.44 -r1.45
*** inspect.py	15 Jun 2003 22:33:28 -0000	1.44
--- inspect.py	27 Jun 2003 18:14:39 -0000	1.45
*** 594,598 ****
      a list of argument names (possibly containing nested lists), and
      'varargs' and 'varkw' are the names of the * and ** arguments or None."""
!     if not iscode(co): raise TypeError, 'arg is not a code object'
      code = co.co_code
--- 594,600 ----
      a list of argument names (possibly containing nested lists), and
      'varargs' and 'varkw' are the names of the * and ** arguments or None."""
!     if not iscode(co):
!         raise TypeError('arg is not a code object')
      code = co.co_code
*** 643,648 ****
      'args' is a list of the argument names (it may contain nested lists).
      'varargs' and 'varkw' are the names of the * and ** arguments or None.
!     'defaults' is an n-tuple of the default values of the last n arguments."""
!     if not isfunction(func): raise TypeError, 'arg is not a Python function'
      args, varargs, varkw = getargs(func.func_code)
      return args, varargs, varkw, func.func_defaults
--- 645,655 ----
      'args' is a list of the argument names (it may contain nested lists).
      'varargs' and 'varkw' are the names of the * and ** arguments or None.
!     'defaults' is an n-tuple of the default values of the last n arguments.
!     """
!     if ismethod(func):
!         func = func.im_func
!     if not isfunction(func):
!         raise TypeError('arg is not a Python function')
      args, varargs, varkw = getargs(func.func_code)
      return args, varargs, varkw, func.func_defaults