[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Doc/lib libcsv.tex,1.1,1.2

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake@acm.org
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 15:04:28 -0400

Skip Montanaro writes:
 > That would have been my vote.  The others implementing things seemed to want
 > a package, so I acquiesced.  (I would have also migrated less stuff from
 > csv.py into _csv.c.)

Time to push back.

 > How long do I have to implement this?

Since it's just moving stuff around, it shouldn't take more than 10
minutes.  ;-)  Getting the other csv developers to agree is another


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation