[Python-checkins] CVS: python/dist/src/Lib calendar.py,,

Michael Hudson mwh@users.sourceforge.net
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 04:31:51 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv3753

Modified Files:
      Tag: release22-maint
Log Message:
Slap HEAD version of calendar.py onto branch.

Hope this was right thing to do.

Index: calendar.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/calendar.py,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.22.18.1 -r1.22.18.2
*** calendar.py	16 Mar 2002 18:01:05 -0000
--- calendar.py	25 Mar 2002 12:31:48 -0000
*** 10,17 ****
  # Import functions and variables from time module
  from time import localtime, mktime, strftime
  __all__ = ["error","setfirstweekday","firstweekday","isleap",
!            "prmonth","month","prcal","calendar","timegm"]
  # Exception raised for bad input (with string parameter for details)
--- 10,19 ----
  # Import functions and variables from time module
  from time import localtime, mktime, strftime
+ from types import SliceType
  __all__ = ["error","setfirstweekday","firstweekday","isleap",
!            "prmonth","month","prcal","calendar","timegm",
!            "month_name", "month_abbr", "day_name", "day_abbr"]
  # Exception raised for bad input (with string parameter for details)
*** 25,50 ****
  mdays = [0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
! class _localized_name:
!     def __init__(self, format, len):
          self.format = format
!         self.len = len
!     def __getitem__(self, item):
!         if isinstance(item, int):
!             if item < 0: item += self.len
!             if not 0 <= item < self.len:
!                 raise IndexError, "out of range"
!             return strftime(self.format, (item,)*9).capitalize()
!         elif isinstance(item, type(slice(0))):
!             return [self[e] for e in range(self.len)].__getslice__(item.start, item.stop)
      def __len__(self):
!         return self.len
  # Full and abbreviated names of weekdays
! day_name = _localized_name('%A', 7)
! day_abbr = _localized_name('%a', 7)
  # Full and abbreviated names of months (1-based arrays!!!)
! month_name = _localized_name('%B', 13)
! month_abbr = _localized_name('%b', 13)
  # Constants for weekdays
--- 27,76 ----
  mdays = [0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
! # This module used to have hard-coded lists of day and month names, as
! # English strings.  The classes following emulate a read-only version of
! # that, but supply localized names.  Note that the values are computed
! # fresh on each call, in case the user changes locale between calls.
! class _indexer:
!     def __getitem__(self, i):
!         if isinstance(i, SliceType):
!             return self.data[i.start : i.stop]
!         else:
!             # May raise an appropriate exception.
!             return self.data[i]
! class _localized_month(_indexer):
!     def __init__(self, format):
          self.format = format
!     def __getitem__(self, i):
!         self.data = [strftime(self.format, (2001, j, 1, 12, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0))
!                      for j in range(1, 13)]
!         self.data.insert(0, "")
!         return _indexer.__getitem__(self, i)
      def __len__(self):
!         return 13
! class _localized_day(_indexer):
!     def __init__(self, format):
!         self.format = format
!     def __getitem__(self, i):
!         # January 1, 2001, was a Monday.
!         self.data = [strftime(self.format, (2001, 1, j+1, 12, 0, 0, j, j+1, 0))
!                      for j in range(7)]
!         return _indexer.__getitem__(self, i)
!     def __len__(self_):
!         return 7
  # Full and abbreviated names of weekdays
! day_name = _localized_day('%A')
! day_abbr = _localized_day('%a')
  # Full and abbreviated names of months (1-based arrays!!!)
! month_name = _localized_month('%B')
! month_abbr = _localized_month('%b')
  # Constants for weekdays