[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Lib/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages/StdSuites AppleScript_Suite.py,NONE,1.1 Macintosh_Connectivity_Clas.py,NONE,1.1 QuickDraw_Graphics_Suite.py,NONE,1.1 QuickDraw_Graphics_Suppleme.py,NONE,1.1 Required_Suite.py,NONE,1.1 Standard_Suite.py,NONE,1.1 Table_Suite.py,NONE,1.1 Text_Suite.py,NONE,1.1 Type_Names_Suite.py,NONE,1.1 __init__.py,NONE,1.1

jackjansen@users.sourceforge.net jackjansen@users.sourceforge.net
Mon, 30 Dec 2002 14:04:24 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages/StdSuites
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv29062/Lib/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages/StdSuites

Added Files:
	AppleScript_Suite.py Macintosh_Connectivity_Clas.py 
	QuickDraw_Graphics_Suite.py QuickDraw_Graphics_Suppleme.py 
	Required_Suite.py Standard_Suite.py Table_Suite.py 
	Text_Suite.py Type_Names_Suite.py __init__.py 
Log Message:
Moved most of Mac/Lib hierarchy to Lib/plat-mac: it can be used both
in MacPython-OS9 and MacPython-OSX (or the equivalent unix Python on
Mac OS X). The only items remaining in Mac/Lib are modules that are
meaningful only for MacPython-OS9 (CFM stuff, MacPython preferences
in resources, etc).

--- NEW FILE: AppleScript_Suite.py ---
"""Suite AppleScript Suite: Standard terms for AppleScript
Level 1, version 1

Generated from /Volumes/Sap/System Folder/Extensions/AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0

import aetools
import MacOS

_code = 'ascr'

class AppleScript_Suite_Events:

	def activate(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""activate: Bring the targeted application program to the front
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		_code = 'misc'
[...2143 lines suppressed...]
	'txdl' : text_item_delimiters,
	'prdp' : print_depth,
	'prln' : print_length,
	'pscd' : script_code,
	'time' : time,
	'pnam' : name,
	'rslt' : result,
	'day ' : day,

_compdeclarations = {

_enumdeclarations = {
	'eMds' : _Enum_eMds,
	'cons' : _Enum_cons,
	'misc' : _Enum_misc,
	'ekst' : _Enum_ekst,
	'boov' : _Enum_boov,

--- NEW FILE: Macintosh_Connectivity_Clas.py ---
"""Suite Macintosh Connectivity Classes: Classes relating to Apple Macintosh personal computer connectivity
Level 1, version 1

Generated from /Volumes/Sap/System Folder/Extensions/AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0

import aetools
import MacOS

_code = 'macc'

class Macintosh_Connectivity_Clas_Events:


class device_specification(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""device specification - A device connected to a computer """
	want = 'cdev'
class properties(aetools.NProperty):
	"""properties - property that allows getting and setting of multiple properties """
	which = 'pALL'
	want = 'reco'
class device_type(aetools.NProperty):
	"""device type - the kind of device """
	which = 'pdvt'
	want = 'edvt'
class device_address(aetools.NProperty):
	"""device address - the address of the device """
	which = 'pdva'
	want = 'cadr'

device_specifications = device_specification

class address_specification(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""address specification - Unique designation of a device or service connected to this computer """
	want = 'cadr'
class conduit(aetools.NProperty):
	"""conduit - How the addressee is physically connected """
	which = 'pcon'
	want = 'econ'
class protocol(aetools.NProperty):
	"""protocol - How to talk to this addressee """
	which = 'pprt'
	want = 'epro'

address_specifications = address_specification

class ADB_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""ADB address - Addresses a device connected via Apple Desktop Bus """
	want = 'cadb'
class _3c_inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
	"""<inheritance> - inherits some of its properties from this class """
	which = 'c@#^'
	want = 'cadr'
class ID(aetools.NProperty):
	"""ID - the Apple Desktop Bus device ID """
	which = 'ID  '
	want = 'shor'

ADB_addresses = ADB_address

class AppleTalk_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""AppleTalk address - Addresses a device or service connected via the AppleTalk protocol """
	want = 'cat '
class AppleTalk_machine(aetools.NProperty):
	"""AppleTalk machine - the machine name part of the address """
	which = 'patm'
	want = 'TEXT'
class AppleTalk_zone(aetools.NProperty):
	"""AppleTalk zone - the zone part of the address """
	which = 'patz'
	want = 'TEXT'
class AppleTalk_type(aetools.NProperty):
	"""AppleTalk type - the type part of the AppleTalk address """
	which = 'patt'
	want = 'TEXT'

AppleTalk_addresses = AppleTalk_address

class bus_slot(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""bus slot - Addresses a PC, PCI, or NuBus card """
	want = 'cbus'

bus_slots = bus_slot

class Ethernet_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""Ethernet address - Addresses a device by its Ethernet address """
	want = 'cen '

Ethernet_addresses = Ethernet_address

class FireWire_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""FireWire address - Addresses a device on the FireWire bus """
	want = 'cfw '

FireWire_addresses = FireWire_address

class IP_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""IP address - Addresses a device or service via the Internet Protocol (IP) """
	want = 'cip '
class DNS_form(aetools.NProperty):
	"""DNS form - the address in the form "apple.com" """
	which = 'pdns'
	want = 'TEXT'
class port(aetools.NProperty):
	"""port - the port number of the service or client being addressed """
	which = 'ppor'
	want = 'TEXT'

IP_addresses = IP_address

class LocalTalk_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""LocalTalk address - Addresses a device by its LocalTalk address """
	want = 'clt '
class network(aetools.NProperty):
	"""network - the LocalTalk network number """
	which = 'pnet'
	want = 'shor'
class node(aetools.NProperty):
	"""node - the LocalTalk node number """
	which = 'pnod'
	want = 'shor'
class socket(aetools.NProperty):
	"""socket - the LocalTalk socket number """
	which = 'psoc'
	want = 'shor'

LocalTalk_addresses = LocalTalk_address

class SCSI_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""SCSI address - Addresses a SCSI device """
	want = 'cscs'
class SCSI_bus(aetools.NProperty):
	"""SCSI bus - the SCSI bus number """
	which = 'pscb'
	want = 'shor'
class LUN(aetools.NProperty):
	"""LUN - the SCSI logical unit number """
	which = 'pslu'
	want = 'shor'

SCSI_addresses = SCSI_address

class Token_Ring_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""Token Ring address - Addresses a device or service via the Token Ring protocol """
	want = 'ctok'

Token_Ring_addresses = Token_Ring_address

class USB_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""USB address - Addresses a device on the Universal Serial Bus """
	want = 'cusb'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
	"""name - the USB device name """
	which = 'pnam'
	want = 'TEXT'

USB_Addresses = USB_address
device_specification._superclassnames = []
device_specification._privpropdict = {
	'properties' : properties,
	'device_type' : device_type,
	'device_address' : device_address,
device_specification._privelemdict = {
address_specification._superclassnames = []
address_specification._privpropdict = {
	'properties' : properties,
	'conduit' : conduit,
	'protocol' : protocol,
address_specification._privelemdict = {
ADB_address._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
ADB_address._privpropdict = {
	'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
	'ID' : ID,
ADB_address._privelemdict = {
AppleTalk_address._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
AppleTalk_address._privpropdict = {
	'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
	'AppleTalk_machine' : AppleTalk_machine,
	'AppleTalk_zone' : AppleTalk_zone,
	'AppleTalk_type' : AppleTalk_type,
AppleTalk_address._privelemdict = {
bus_slot._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
bus_slot._privpropdict = {
	'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
	'ID' : ID,
bus_slot._privelemdict = {
Ethernet_address._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
Ethernet_address._privpropdict = {
	'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
	'ID' : ID,
Ethernet_address._privelemdict = {
FireWire_address._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
FireWire_address._privpropdict = {
	'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
	'ID' : ID,
FireWire_address._privelemdict = {
IP_address._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
IP_address._privpropdict = {
	'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
	'ID' : ID,
	'DNS_form' : DNS_form,
	'port' : port,
IP_address._privelemdict = {
LocalTalk_address._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
LocalTalk_address._privpropdict = {
	'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
	'network' : network,
	'node' : node,
	'socket' : socket,
LocalTalk_address._privelemdict = {
SCSI_address._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
SCSI_address._privpropdict = {
	'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
	'SCSI_bus' : SCSI_bus,
	'ID' : ID,
	'LUN' : LUN,
SCSI_address._privelemdict = {
Token_Ring_address._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
Token_Ring_address._privpropdict = {
	'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
	'ID' : ID,
Token_Ring_address._privelemdict = {
USB_address._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
USB_address._privpropdict = {
	'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
	'name' : name,
USB_address._privelemdict = {
_Enum_edvt = {
	'hard_disk_drive' : 'ehd ',	# 
	'floppy_disk_drive' : 'efd ',	# 
	'CD_ROM_drive' : 'ecd ',	# 
	'DVD_drive' : 'edvd',	# 
	'storage_device' : 'edst',	# 
	'keyboard' : 'ekbd',	# 
	'mouse' : 'emou',	# 
	'trackball' : 'etrk',	# 
	'trackpad' : 'edtp',	# 
	'pointing_device' : 'edpd',	# 
	'video_monitor' : 'edvm',	# 
	'LCD_display' : 'edlc',	# 
	'display' : 'edds',	# 
	'modem' : 'edmm',	# 
	'PC_card' : 'ecpc',	# 
	'PCI_card' : 'edpi',	# 
	'NuBus_card' : 'ednb',	# 
	'printer' : 'edpr',	# 
	'speakers' : 'edsp',	# 
	'microphone' : 'ecmi',	# 

_Enum_econ = {
	'ADB' : 'eadb',	# 
	'printer_port' : 'ecpp',	# 
	'modem_port' : 'ecmp',	# 
	'modem_printer_port' : 'empp',	# 
	'LocalTalk' : 'eclt',	# 
	'Ethernet' : 'ecen',	# 
	'Token_Ring' : 'etok',	# 
	'SCSI' : 'ecsc',	# 
	'USB' : 'ecus',	# 
	'FireWire' : 'ecfw',	# 
	'infrared' : 'ecir',	# 
	'PC_card' : 'ecpc',	# 
	'PCI_bus' : 'ecpi',	# 
	'NuBus' : 'enub',	# 
	'PDS_slot' : 'ecpd',	# 
	'Comm_slot' : 'eccm',	# 
	'monitor_out' : 'ecmn',	# 
	'video_out' : 'ecvo',	# 
	'video_in' : 'ecvi',	# 
	'audio_out' : 'ecao',	# 
	'audio_line_in' : 'ecai',	# 
	'audio_line_out' : 'ecal',	# 
	'microphone' : 'ecmi',	# 

_Enum_epro = {
	'serial' : 'epsr',	# 
	'AppleTalk' : 'epat',	# 
	'IP' : 'epip',	# 
	'SCSI' : 'ecsc',	# 
	'ADB' : 'eadb',	# 
	'FireWire' : 'ecfw',	# 
	'IrDA' : 'epir',	# 
	'IRTalk' : 'epit',	# 
	'USB' : 'ecus',	# 
	'PC_card' : 'ecpc',	# 
	'PCI_bus' : 'ecpi',	# 
	'NuBus' : 'enub',	# 
	'bus' : 'ebus',	# 
	'Macintosh_video' : 'epmv',	# 
	'SVGA' : 'epsg',	# 
	'S_video' : 'epsv',	# 
	'analog_audio' : 'epau',	# 
	'digital_audio' : 'epda',	# 
	'PostScript' : 'epps',	# 

# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
	'cat ' : AppleTalk_address,
	'cadr' : address_specification,
	'ctok' : Token_Ring_address,
	'cfw ' : FireWire_address,
	'cbus' : bus_slot,
	'cscs' : SCSI_address,
	'cadb' : ADB_address,
	'cusb' : USB_address,
	'cdev' : device_specification,
	'clt ' : LocalTalk_address,
	'cip ' : IP_address,
	'cen ' : Ethernet_address,

_propdeclarations = {
	'pdns' : DNS_form,
	'ppor' : port,
	'patt' : AppleTalk_type,
	'pprt' : protocol,
	'pcon' : conduit,
	'patz' : AppleTalk_zone,
	'pnet' : network,
	'pdvt' : device_type,
	'pnam' : name,
	'c@#^' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
	'ID  ' : ID,
	'pALL' : properties,
	'pscb' : SCSI_bus,
	'pdva' : device_address,
	'patm' : AppleTalk_machine,
	'psoc' : socket,
	'pslu' : LUN,
	'pnod' : node,

_compdeclarations = {

_enumdeclarations = {
	'econ' : _Enum_econ,
	'edvt' : _Enum_edvt,
	'epro' : _Enum_epro,

--- NEW FILE: QuickDraw_Graphics_Suite.py ---
"""Suite QuickDraw Graphics Suite: A set of basic classes for graphics
Level 1, version 1

Generated from /Volumes/Sap/System Folder/Extensions/AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0

import aetools
import MacOS

_code = 'qdrw'

class QuickDraw_Graphics_Suite_Events:


class arc(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""arc - An arc """
	want = 'carc'
class arc_angle(aetools.NProperty):
	"""arc angle - the angle of the arc in degrees """
	which = 'parc'
	want = 'fixd'
class bounds(aetools.NProperty):
	"""bounds - the smallest rectangle that contains the entire arc """
	which = 'pbnd'
	want = 'qdrt'
class definition_rect(aetools.NProperty):
	"""definition rect - the rectangle that contains the circle or oval used to define the arc """
	which = 'pdrt'
	want = 'qdrt'
class fill_color(aetools.NProperty):
	"""fill color - the fill color """
	which = 'flcl'
	want = 'cRGB'
class fill_pattern(aetools.NProperty):
	"""fill pattern - the fill pattern """
	which = 'flpt'
	want = 'cpix'
class pen_color(aetools.NProperty):
	"""pen color - the pen color """
	which = 'ppcl'
	want = 'cRGB'
class pen_pattern(aetools.NProperty):
	"""pen pattern - the pen pattern """
	which = 'pppa'
	want = 'cpix'
class pen_width(aetools.NProperty):
	"""pen width - the pen width """
	which = 'ppwd'
	want = 'shor'
class start_angle(aetools.NProperty):
	"""start angle - the angle that defines the start of the arc, in degrees """
	which = 'pang'
	want = 'fixd'
class transfer_mode(aetools.NProperty):
	"""transfer mode - the transfer mode """
	which = 'pptm'
	want = 'tran'

arcs = arc

class drawing_area(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""drawing area - Container for graphics and supporting information """
	want = 'cdrw'
class background_color(aetools.NProperty):
	"""background color - the color used to fill in unoccupied areas """
	which = 'pbcl'
	want = 'cRGB'
class background_pattern(aetools.NProperty):
	"""background pattern - the pattern used to fill in unoccupied areas """
	which = 'pbpt'
	want = 'cpix'
class color_table(aetools.NProperty):
	"""color table - the color table """
	which = 'cltb'
	want = 'clrt'
class ordering(aetools.NProperty):
	"""ordering - the ordered list of graphic objects in the drawing area """
	which = 'gobs'
	want = 'obj '
class name(aetools.NProperty):
	"""name - the name """
	which = 'pnam'
	want = 'itxt'
class default_location(aetools.NProperty):
	"""default location - the default location of each new graphic object """
	which = 'pnel'
	want = 'QDpt'
class pixel_depth(aetools.NProperty):
	"""pixel depth - the number of bits per pixel """
	which = 'pdpt'
	want = 'shor'
class writing_code(aetools.NProperty):
	"""writing code - the script system and language of text objects in the drawing area """
	which = 'psct'
	want = 'intl'
class text_color(aetools.NProperty):
	"""text color - the default color for text objects """
	which = 'ptxc'
	want = 'cRGB'
class default_font(aetools.NProperty):
	"""default font - the name of the default font for text objects """
	which = 'ptxf'
	want = 'itxt'
class default_size(aetools.NProperty):
	"""default size - the default size for text objects """
	which = 'ptps'
	want = 'fixd'
class style(aetools.NProperty):
	"""style - the default text style for text objects """
	which = 'txst'
	want = 'tsty'
class update_on_change(aetools.NProperty):
	"""update on change - Redraw after each change? """
	which = 'pupd'
	want = 'bool'

drawing_areas = drawing_area

class graphic_line(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""graphic line - A graphic line """
	want = 'glin'
class start_point(aetools.NProperty):
	"""start point - the starting point of the line """
	which = 'pstp'
	want = 'QDpt'
class end_point(aetools.NProperty):
	"""end point - the ending point of the line """
	which = 'pend'
	want = 'QDpt'
class dash_style(aetools.NProperty):
	"""dash style - the dash style """
	which = 'pdst'
	want = 'tdas'
class arrow_style(aetools.NProperty):
	"""arrow style - the arrow style """
	which = 'arro'
	want = 'arro'

graphic_lines = graphic_line

class graphic_object(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""graphic object - A graphic object """
	want = 'cgob'

graphic_objects = graphic_object

class graphic_shape(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""graphic shape - A graphic shape """
	want = 'cgsh'

graphic_shapes = graphic_shape

class graphic_text(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""graphic text - A series of characters within a drawing area """
	want = 'cgtx'
class color(aetools.NProperty):
	"""color - the color of the first character """
	which = 'colr'
	want = 'cRGB'
class font(aetools.NProperty):
	"""font - the name of the font of the first character """
	which = 'font'
	want = 'ctxt'
class size(aetools.NProperty):
	"""size - the size in points of the first character """
	which = 'ptsz'
	want = 'fixd'
class uniform_styles(aetools.NProperty):
	"""uniform styles - the text styles that are uniform throughout the text """
	which = 'ustl'
	want = 'tsty'

class graphic_group(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""graphic group - Group of graphics """
	want = 'cpic'

graphic_groups = graphic_group

class oval(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""oval - An oval """
	want = 'covl'

ovals = oval

class pixel(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""pixel - A pixel """
	want = 'cpxl'

pixels = pixel

class pixel_map(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""pixel map - A pixel map """
	want = 'cpix'

pixel_maps = pixel_map

class polygon(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""polygon - A polygon """
	want = 'cpgn'
class point_list(aetools.NProperty):
	"""point list - the list of points that define the polygon """
	which = 'ptlt'
	want = 'QDpt'

polygons = polygon

class rectangle(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""rectangle - A rectangle """
	want = 'crec'

rectangles = rectangle

class rounded_rectangle(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""rounded rectangle - A rounded rectangle """
	want = 'crrc'
class corner_curve_height(aetools.NProperty):
	"""corner curve height - the height of the oval used to define the shape of the rounded corners """
	which = 'pchd'
	want = 'shor'
class corner_curve_width(aetools.NProperty):
	"""corner curve width - the width of the oval used to define the shape of the rounded corners """
	which = 'pcwd'
	want = 'shor'

rounded_rectangles = rounded_rectangle
arc._superclassnames = []
arc._privpropdict = {
	'arc_angle' : arc_angle,
	'bounds' : bounds,
	'definition_rect' : definition_rect,
	'fill_color' : fill_color,
	'fill_pattern' : fill_pattern,
	'pen_color' : pen_color,
	'pen_pattern' : pen_pattern,
	'pen_width' : pen_width,
	'start_angle' : start_angle,
	'transfer_mode' : transfer_mode,
arc._privelemdict = {
drawing_area._superclassnames = []
drawing_area._privpropdict = {
	'background_color' : background_color,
	'background_pattern' : background_pattern,
	'color_table' : color_table,
	'ordering' : ordering,
	'name' : name,
	'default_location' : default_location,
	'pixel_depth' : pixel_depth,
	'writing_code' : writing_code,
	'text_color' : text_color,
	'default_font' : default_font,
	'default_size' : default_size,
	'style' : style,
	'update_on_change' : update_on_change,
drawing_area._privelemdict = {
graphic_line._superclassnames = []
graphic_line._privpropdict = {
	'start_point' : start_point,
	'end_point' : end_point,
	'dash_style' : dash_style,
	'arrow_style' : arrow_style,
graphic_line._privelemdict = {
graphic_object._superclassnames = []
graphic_object._privpropdict = {
graphic_object._privelemdict = {
graphic_shape._superclassnames = []
graphic_shape._privpropdict = {
graphic_shape._privelemdict = {
graphic_text._superclassnames = []
graphic_text._privpropdict = {
	'color' : color,
	'font' : font,
	'size' : size,
	'uniform_styles' : uniform_styles,
graphic_text._privelemdict = {
graphic_group._superclassnames = []
graphic_group._privpropdict = {
graphic_group._privelemdict = {
oval._superclassnames = []
oval._privpropdict = {
oval._privelemdict = {
pixel._superclassnames = []
pixel._privpropdict = {
	'color' : color,
pixel._privelemdict = {
pixel_map._superclassnames = []
pixel_map._privpropdict = {
pixel_map._privelemdict = {
polygon._superclassnames = []
polygon._privpropdict = {
	'point_list' : point_list,
polygon._privelemdict = {
rectangle._superclassnames = []
rectangle._privpropdict = {
rectangle._privelemdict = {
rounded_rectangle._superclassnames = []
rounded_rectangle._privpropdict = {
	'corner_curve_height' : corner_curve_height,
	'corner_curve_width' : corner_curve_width,
rounded_rectangle._privelemdict = {
_Enum_tran = {
	'copy_pixels' : 'cpy ',	# 
	'not_copy_pixels' : 'ncpy',	# 
	'or_pixels' : 'or  ',	# 
	'not_or_pixels' : 'ntor',	# 
	'bic_pixels' : 'bic ',	# 
	'not_bic_pixels' : 'nbic',	# 
	'xor_pixels' : 'xor ',	# 
	'not_xor_pixels' : 'nxor',	# 
	'add_over_pixels' : 'addo',	# 
	'add_pin_pixels' : 'addp',	# 
	'sub_over_pixels' : 'subo',	# 
	'sub_pin_pixels' : 'subp',	# 
	'ad_max_pixels' : 'admx',	# 
	'ad_min_pixels' : 'admn',	# 
	'blend_pixels' : 'blnd',	# 

_Enum_arro = {
	'no_arrow' : 'arno',	# No arrow on line
	'arrow_at_start' : 'arst',	# Arrow at start of line
	'arrow_at_end' : 'aren',	# Arrow at end of line
	'arrow_at_both_ends' : 'arbo',	# Arrow at both the start and the end of the line

# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
	'cpic' : graphic_group,
	'covl' : oval,
	'cgtx' : graphic_text,
	'cgsh' : graphic_shape,
	'glin' : graphic_line,
	'cgob' : graphic_object,
	'cdrw' : drawing_area,
	'cpgn' : polygon,
	'cpxl' : pixel,
	'crrc' : rounded_rectangle,
	'carc' : arc,
	'cpix' : pixel_map,
	'crec' : rectangle,

_propdeclarations = {
	'pbpt' : background_pattern,
	'flcl' : fill_color,
	'parc' : arc_angle,
	'pbnd' : bounds,
	'colr' : color,
	'flpt' : fill_pattern,
	'ustl' : uniform_styles,
	'font' : font,
	'pend' : end_point,
	'pstp' : start_point,
	'pang' : start_angle,
	'pptm' : transfer_mode,
	'cltb' : color_table,
	'ptxc' : text_color,
	'ptxf' : default_font,
	'ppcl' : pen_color,
	'ptps' : default_size,
	'ppwd' : pen_width,
	'arro' : arrow_style,
	'pcwd' : corner_curve_width,
	'txst' : style,
	'psct' : writing_code,
	'pdst' : dash_style,
	'ptlt' : point_list,
	'gobs' : ordering,
	'pdpt' : pixel_depth,
	'pnel' : default_location,
	'pchd' : corner_curve_height,
	'pbcl' : background_color,
	'pnam' : name,
	'pdrt' : definition_rect,
	'ptsz' : size,
	'pupd' : update_on_change,
	'pppa' : pen_pattern,

_compdeclarations = {

_enumdeclarations = {
	'arro' : _Enum_arro,
	'tran' : _Enum_tran,

--- NEW FILE: QuickDraw_Graphics_Suppleme.py ---
"""Suite QuickDraw Graphics Supplemental Suite: Defines transformations of graphic objects
Level 1, version 1

Generated from /Volumes/Sap/System Folder/Extensions/AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0

import aetools
import MacOS

_code = 'qdsp'

class QuickDraw_Graphics_Suppleme_Events:


class drawing_area(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""drawing area - Container for graphics and supporting information """
	want = 'cdrw'
class rotation(aetools.NProperty):
	"""rotation - the default rotation for objects in the drawing area """
	which = 'prot'
	want = 'trot'
class scale(aetools.NProperty):
	"""scale - the default scaling for objects in the drawing area """
	which = 'pscl'
	want = 'fixd'
class translation(aetools.NProperty):
	"""translation - the default repositioning for objects in the drawing area """
	which = 'ptrs'
	want = 'QDpt'

drawing_areas = drawing_area

class graphic_group(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""graphic group - Group of graphics """
	want = 'cpic'

graphic_groups = graphic_group
drawing_area._superclassnames = []
drawing_area._privpropdict = {
	'rotation' : rotation,
	'scale' : scale,
	'translation' : translation,
drawing_area._privelemdict = {
graphic_group._superclassnames = []
graphic_group._privpropdict = {
graphic_group._privelemdict = {

# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
	'cpic' : graphic_group,
	'cdrw' : drawing_area,

_propdeclarations = {
	'prot' : rotation,
	'ptrs' : translation,
	'pscl' : scale,

_compdeclarations = {

_enumdeclarations = {

--- NEW FILE: Required_Suite.py ---
"""Suite Required Suite: Every application supports open, print, run, and quit
Level 1, version 1

Generated from /Volumes/Sap/System Folder/Extensions/AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0

import aetools
import MacOS

_code = 'reqd'

from _builtinSuites.builtin_Suite import *
class Required_Suite_Events(builtin_Suite_Events):


# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {

_propdeclarations = {

_compdeclarations = {

_enumdeclarations = {

--- NEW FILE: Standard_Suite.py ---
"""Suite Standard Suite: Common terms for most applications
Level 1, version 1

Generated from /Volumes/Sap/System Folder/Extensions/AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0

import aetools
import MacOS

_code = 'core'

from _builtinSuites.builtin_Suite import *
class Standard_Suite_Events(builtin_Suite_Events):

	def open(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""open: Open the specified object(s)
		Required argument: list of objects to open
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		_code = 'aevt'
		_subcode = 'odoc'

		if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
		_arguments['----'] = _object

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

	def run(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""run: Run an application.  Most applications will open an empty, untitled window.
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		_code = 'aevt'
		_subcode = 'oapp'

		if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
		if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

	def reopen(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""reopen: Reactivate a running application.  Some applications will open a new untitled window if no window is open.
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		_code = 'aevt'
		_subcode = 'rapp'

		if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
		if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

	def print_(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""print: Print the specified object(s)
		Required argument: list of objects to print
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		_code = 'aevt'
		_subcode = 'pdoc'

		if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
		_arguments['----'] = _object

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

	_argmap_quit = {
		'saving' : 'savo',

	def quit(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""quit: Quit an application
		Keyword argument saving: specifies whether to save currently open documents
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		_code = 'aevt'
		_subcode = 'quit'

		aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_quit)
		if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'

		aetools.enumsubst(_arguments, 'savo', _Enum_savo)

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

	_argmap_close = {
		'saving' : 'savo',
		'saving_in' : 'kfil',

	def close(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""close: Close an object
		Required argument: the object to close
		Keyword argument saving: specifies whether changes should be saved before closing
		Keyword argument saving_in: the file in which to save the object
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		_code = 'core'
		_subcode = 'clos'

		aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_close)
		_arguments['----'] = _object

		aetools.enumsubst(_arguments, 'savo', _Enum_savo)

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

	_argmap_count = {
		'each' : 'kocl',

	def count(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""count: Return the number of elements of an object
		Required argument: the object whose elements are to be counted
		Keyword argument each: if specified, restricts counting to objects of this class
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		Returns: the number of elements
		_code = 'core'
		_subcode = 'cnte'

		aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_count)
		_arguments['----'] = _object

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

	def delete(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""delete: Delete an object from its container. Note this does not work on script variables, only on elements of application classes.
		Required argument: the element to delete
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		_code = 'core'
		_subcode = 'delo'

		if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
		_arguments['----'] = _object

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

	_argmap_duplicate = {
		'to' : 'insh',
		'with_properties' : 'prdt',

	def duplicate(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""duplicate: Duplicate one or more objects
		Required argument: the object(s) to duplicate
		Keyword argument to: the new location for the object(s)
		Keyword argument with_properties: the initial values for properties of the new object that are to be different from the original
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		Returns: to the duplicated object(s)
		_code = 'core'
		_subcode = 'clon'

		aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_duplicate)
		_arguments['----'] = _object

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

	def exists(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""exists: Verify if an object exists
		Required argument: the object in question
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		Returns: true if it exists, false if not
		_code = 'core'
		_subcode = 'doex'

		if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
		_arguments['----'] = _object

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

	_argmap_make = {
		'new' : 'kocl',
		'at' : 'insh',
		'with_data' : 'data',
		'with_properties' : 'prdt',

	def make(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""make: Make a new element
		Keyword argument new: the class of the new element
		Keyword argument at: the location at which to insert the element
		Keyword argument with_data: the initial data for the element
		Keyword argument with_properties: the initial values for the properties of the element
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		Returns: to the new object(s)
		_code = 'core'
		_subcode = 'crel'

		aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_make)
		if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

	_argmap_move = {
		'to' : 'insh',

	def move(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""move: Move object(s) to a new location
		Required argument: the object(s) to move
		Keyword argument to: the new location for the object(s)
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		Returns: to the object(s) after they have been moved
		_code = 'core'
		_subcode = 'move'

		aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_move)
		_arguments['----'] = _object

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

	_argmap_save = {
		'in_' : 'kfil',
		'as' : 'fltp',

	def save(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""save: Save an object
		Required argument: the object to save, usually a document or window
		Keyword argument in_: the file in which to save the object
		Keyword argument as: the file type of the document in which to save the data
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		_code = 'core'
		_subcode = 'save'

		aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_save)
		_arguments['----'] = _object

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

	def select(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""select: Make a selection
		Required argument: the object to select
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		_code = 'misc'
		_subcode = 'slct'

		if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
		_arguments['----'] = _object

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

	_argmap_data_size = {
		'as' : 'rtyp',

	def data_size(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""data size: (optional) Return the size in bytes of an object
		Required argument: the object whose data size is to be returned
		Keyword argument as: the data type for which the size is calculated
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		Returns: the size of the object in bytes
		_code = 'core'
		_subcode = 'dsiz'

		aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_data_size)
		_arguments['----'] = _object

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

	_argmap_suite_info = {
		'in_' : 'wrcd',

	def suite_info(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""suite info: (optional) Get information about event suite(s)
		Required argument: the suite for which to return information
		Keyword argument in_: the human language and script system in which to return information
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		Returns: a record containing the suites and their versions
		_code = 'core'
		_subcode = 'gtsi'

		aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_suite_info)
		_arguments['----'] = _object

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

	_argmap_event_info = {
		'in_' : 'wrcd',

	def event_info(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""event info: (optional) Get information about the Apple events in a suite
		Required argument: the event class of the Apple events for which to return information
		Keyword argument in_: the human language and script system in which to return information
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		Returns: a record containing the events and their parameters
		_code = 'core'
		_subcode = 'gtei'

		aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_event_info)
		_arguments['----'] = _object

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

	_argmap_class_info = {
		'in_' : 'wrcd',

	def class_info(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
		"""class info: (optional) Get information about an object class
		Required argument: the object class about which information is requested
		Keyword argument in_: the human language and script system in which to return information
		Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
		Returns: a record containing the object\xd5s properties and elements
		_code = 'core'
		_subcode = 'qobj'

		aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_class_info)
		_arguments['----'] = _object

		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
				_arguments, _attributes)
		if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
			raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
		# XXXX Optionally decode result
		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
			return _arguments['----']

class application(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""application - An application program """
	want = 'capp'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
	"""name - the name of the application """
	which = 'pnam'
	want = 'itxt'
class frontmost(aetools.NProperty):
	"""frontmost - Is this the frontmost application? """
	which = 'pisf'
	want = 'bool'
class selection(aetools.NProperty):
	"""selection - the selection visible to the user.  Use the \xd4select\xd5 command to set a new selection; use \xd4contents of selection\xd5 to get or change information in the document. """
	which = 'sele'
	want = 'csel'
class clipboard(aetools.NProperty):
	"""clipboard - the contents of the clipboard for this application """
	which = 'pcli'
	want = '****'
class version(aetools.NProperty):
	"""version - the version of the application """
	which = 'vers'
	want = 'vers'

applications = application

class document(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""document - A document of a scriptable application """
	want = 'docu'
class modified(aetools.NProperty):
	"""modified - Has the document been modified since the last save? """
	which = 'imod'
	want = 'bool'

documents = document

class file(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""file - a file on a disk or server (or a file yet to be created) """
	want = 'file'
class stationery(aetools.NProperty):
	"""stationery - Is the file a stationery file? """
	which = 'pspd'
	want = 'bool'

files = file

class alias(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""alias - a file on a disk or server.  The file must exist when you check the syntax of your script. """
	want = 'alis'

aliases = alias

class selection_2d_object(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""selection-object - A way to refer to the state of the current of the selection.  Use the \xd4select\xd5 command to make a new selection. """
	want = 'csel'
class contents(aetools.NProperty):
	"""contents - the information currently selected.  Use \xd4contents of selection\xd5 to get or change information in a document. """
	which = 'pcnt'
	want = '****'

class window(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""window - A window """
	want = 'cwin'
class bounds(aetools.NProperty):
	"""bounds - the boundary rectangle for the window """
	which = 'pbnd'
	want = 'qdrt'
class closeable(aetools.NProperty):
	"""closeable - Does the window have a close box? """
	which = 'hclb'
	want = 'bool'
class titled(aetools.NProperty):
	"""titled - Does the window have a title bar? """
	which = 'ptit'
	want = 'bool'
class index(aetools.NProperty):
	"""index - the number of the window """
	which = 'pidx'
	want = 'long'
class floating(aetools.NProperty):
	"""floating - Does the window float? """
	which = 'isfl'
	want = 'bool'
class modal(aetools.NProperty):
	"""modal - Is the window modal? """
	which = 'pmod'
	want = 'bool'
class resizable(aetools.NProperty):
	"""resizable - Is the window resizable? """
	which = 'prsz'
	want = 'bool'
class zoomable(aetools.NProperty):
	"""zoomable - Is the window zoomable? """
	which = 'iszm'
	want = 'bool'
class zoomed(aetools.NProperty):
	"""zoomed - Is the window zoomed? """
	which = 'pzum'
	want = 'bool'
class visible(aetools.NProperty):
	"""visible - Is the window visible? """
	which = 'pvis'
	want = 'bool'

windows = window

class insertion_point(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""insertion point - An insertion location between two objects """
	want = 'cins'

insertion_points = insertion_point
application._superclassnames = []
application._privpropdict = {
	'name' : name,
	'frontmost' : frontmost,
	'selection' : selection,
	'clipboard' : clipboard,
	'version' : version,
application._privelemdict = {
document._superclassnames = []
document._privpropdict = {
	'modified' : modified,
document._privelemdict = {
file._superclassnames = []
file._privpropdict = {
	'stationery' : stationery,
file._privelemdict = {
alias._superclassnames = []
alias._privpropdict = {
alias._privelemdict = {
selection_2d_object._superclassnames = []
selection_2d_object._privpropdict = {
	'contents' : contents,
selection_2d_object._privelemdict = {
window._superclassnames = []
window._privpropdict = {
	'bounds' : bounds,
	'closeable' : closeable,
	'titled' : titled,
	'index' : index,
	'floating' : floating,
	'modal' : modal,
	'resizable' : resizable,
	'zoomable' : zoomable,
	'zoomed' : zoomed,
	'visible' : visible,
window._privelemdict = {
insertion_point._superclassnames = []
insertion_point._privpropdict = {
insertion_point._privelemdict = {
class starts_with(aetools.NComparison):
	"""starts with - Starts with """
class contains(aetools.NComparison):
	"""contains - Contains """
class ends_with(aetools.NComparison):
	"""ends with - Ends with """
class _3d_(aetools.NComparison):
	"""= - Equal """
class _3e_(aetools.NComparison):
	"""> - Greater than """
class _b3_(aetools.NComparison):
	"""\xb3 - Greater than or equal to """
class _3c_(aetools.NComparison):
	"""< - Less than """
class _b2_(aetools.NComparison):
	"""\xb2 - Less than or equal to """
_Enum_savo = {
	'yes' : 'yes ',	# Save objects now
	'no' : 'no  ',	# Do not save objects
	'ask' : 'ask ',	# Ask the user whether to save

_Enum_kfrm = {
	'index' : 'indx',	# keyform designating indexed access
	'named' : 'name',	# keyform designating named access
	'id' : 'ID  ',	# keyform designating access by unique identifier

_Enum_styl = {
	'plain' : 'plan',	# Plain
	'bold' : 'bold',	# Bold
	'italic' : 'ital',	# Italic
	'outline' : 'outl',	# Outline
	'shadow' : 'shad',	# Shadow
	'underline' : 'undl',	# Underline
	'superscript' : 'spsc',	# Superscript
	'subscript' : 'sbsc',	# Subscript
	'strikethrough' : 'strk',	# Strikethrough
	'small_caps' : 'smcp',	# Small caps
	'all_caps' : 'alcp',	# All capital letters
	'all_lowercase' : 'lowc',	# Lowercase
	'condensed' : 'cond',	# Condensed
	'expanded' : 'pexp',	# Expanded
	'hidden' : 'hidn',	# Hidden

# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
	'cwin' : window,
	'file' : file,
	'csel' : selection_2d_object,
	'alis' : alias,
	'capp' : application,
	'cins' : insertion_point,
	'docu' : document,

_propdeclarations = {
	'prsz' : resizable,
	'vers' : version,
	'pidx' : index,
	'pvis' : visible,
	'imod' : modified,
	'pbnd' : bounds,
	'sele' : selection,
	'pisf' : frontmost,
	'pspd' : stationery,
	'isfl' : floating,
	'iszm' : zoomable,
	'hclb' : closeable,
	'pcli' : clipboard,
	'pmod' : modal,
	'pcnt' : contents,
	'pnam' : name,
	'pzum' : zoomed,
	'ptit' : titled,

_compdeclarations = {
	'<   ' : _3c_,
	'ends' : ends_with,
	'>=  ' : _b3_,
	'cont' : contains,
	'<=  ' : _b2_,
	'=   ' : _3d_,
	'bgwt' : starts_with,
	'>   ' : _3e_,

_enumdeclarations = {
	'savo' : _Enum_savo,
	'styl' : _Enum_styl,
	'kfrm' : _Enum_kfrm,

--- NEW FILE: Table_Suite.py ---
"""Suite Table Suite: Classes for manipulating tables
Level 1, version 1

Generated from /Volumes/Sap/System Folder/Extensions/AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0

import aetools
import MacOS

_code = 'tbls'

class Table_Suite_Events:


class cell(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""cell - A cell """
	want = 'ccel'
class formula(aetools.NProperty):
	"""formula - the formula of the cell """
	which = 'pfor'
	want = 'ctxt'
class protection(aetools.NProperty):
	"""protection - Indicates whether value or formula in the cell can be changed """
	which = 'ppro'
	want = 'prtn'

cells = cell

class column(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""column - A column """
	want = 'ccol'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
	"""name - the name of the column """
	which = 'pnam'
	want = 'itxt'

columns = column

class row(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""row - A row """
	want = 'crow'

rows = row

class table(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""table - A table """
	want = 'ctbl'

tables = table
cell._superclassnames = []
cell._privpropdict = {
	'formula' : formula,
	'protection' : protection,
cell._privelemdict = {
column._superclassnames = []
column._privpropdict = {
	'name' : name,
column._privelemdict = {
row._superclassnames = []
row._privpropdict = {
row._privelemdict = {
table._superclassnames = []
table._privpropdict = {
table._privelemdict = {
_Enum_prtn = {
	'read_only' : 'nmod',	# Can\xd5t change values or formulas
	'formulas_protected' : 'fpro',	# Can changes values but not formulas
	'read_2f_write' : 'modf',	# Can change values and formulas

# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
	'ccel' : cell,
	'ccol' : column,
	'ctbl' : table,
	'crow' : row,

_propdeclarations = {
	'pnam' : name,
	'pfor' : formula,
	'ppro' : protection,

_compdeclarations = {

_enumdeclarations = {
	'prtn' : _Enum_prtn,

--- NEW FILE: Text_Suite.py ---
"""Suite Text Suite: A set of basic classes for text processing
Level 1, version 1

Generated from /Volumes/Sap/System Folder/Extensions/AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0

import aetools
import MacOS

_code = 'TEXT'

class Text_Suite_Events:


class character(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""character - A character """
	want = 'cha '
class _3c_inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
	"""<inheritance> - inherits some of its properties from this class """
	which = 'c@#^'
	want = 'ctxt'

class line(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""line - A line of text """
	want = 'clin'
class justification(aetools.NProperty):
	"""justification - the justification of the text """
	which = 'pjst'
	want = 'just'

lines = line

class paragraph(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""paragraph - A paragraph """
	want = 'cpar'

paragraphs = paragraph

class text(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""text - Text """
	want = 'ctxt'
class color(aetools.NProperty):
	"""color - the color of the first character """
	which = 'colr'
	want = 'cRGB'
class font(aetools.NProperty):
	"""font - the name of the font of the first character """
	which = 'font'
	want = 'ctxt'
class size(aetools.NProperty):
	"""size - the size in points of the first character """
	which = 'ptsz'
	want = 'fixd'
class writing_code(aetools.NProperty):
	"""writing code - the script system and language """
	which = 'psct'
	want = 'intl'
class style(aetools.NProperty):
	"""style - the text style of the first character of the first character """
	which = 'txst'
	want = 'tsty'
class uniform_styles(aetools.NProperty):
	"""uniform styles - the text styles that are uniform throughout the text """
	which = 'ustl'
	want = 'tsty'
#        element 'cha ' as ['indx']
#        element 'clin' as ['indx']
#        element 'cpar' as ['indx']
#        element 'ctxt' as ['indx']
#        element 'cwor' as ['indx']

class text_flow(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""text flow - A contiguous block of text.  Page layout applications call this a \xd4story.\xd5 """
	want = 'cflo'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
	"""name - the name """
	which = 'pnam'
	want = 'itxt'

text_flows = text_flow

class text_style_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""text style info - On and Off styles of text run """
	want = 'tsty'
class on_styles(aetools.NProperty):
	"""on styles - the styles that are on for the text """
	which = 'onst'
	want = 'styl'
class off_styles(aetools.NProperty):
	"""off styles - the styles that are off for the text """
	which = 'ofst'
	want = 'styl'

text_style_infos = text_style_info

class word(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""word - A word """
	want = 'cwor'

words = word
character._superclassnames = ['text']
character._privpropdict = {
	'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
character._privelemdict = {
line._superclassnames = ['text']
line._privpropdict = {
	'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
	'justification' : justification,
line._privelemdict = {
paragraph._superclassnames = ['text']
paragraph._privpropdict = {
	'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
paragraph._privelemdict = {
text._superclassnames = []
text._privpropdict = {
	'color' : color,
	'font' : font,
	'size' : size,
	'writing_code' : writing_code,
	'style' : style,
	'uniform_styles' : uniform_styles,
text._privelemdict = {
	'character' : character,
	'line' : line,
	'paragraph' : paragraph,
	'text' : text,
	'word' : word,
text_flow._superclassnames = ['text']
text_flow._privpropdict = {
	'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
	'name' : name,
text_flow._privelemdict = {
text_style_info._superclassnames = []
text_style_info._privpropdict = {
	'on_styles' : on_styles,
	'off_styles' : off_styles,
text_style_info._privelemdict = {
word._superclassnames = ['text']
word._privpropdict = {
	'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
word._privelemdict = {
_Enum_just = {
	'left' : 'left',	# Align with left margin
	'right' : 'rght',	# Align with right margin
	'center' : 'cent',	# Align with center
	'full' : 'full',	# Align with both left and right margins

_Enum_styl = {
	'plain' : 'plan',	# Plain
	'bold' : 'bold',	# Bold
	'italic' : 'ital',	# Italic
	'outline' : 'outl',	# Outline
	'shadow' : 'shad',	# Shadow
	'underline' : 'undl',	# Underline
	'superscript' : 'spsc',	# Superscript
	'subscript' : 'sbsc',	# Subscript
	'strikethrough' : 'strk',	# Strikethrough
	'small_caps' : 'smcp',	# Small caps
	'all_caps' : 'alcp',	# All capital letters
	'all_lowercase' : 'lowc',	# Lowercase
	'condensed' : 'cond',	# Condensed
	'expanded' : 'pexp',	# Expanded
	'hidden' : 'hidn',	# Hidden

# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
	'cpar' : paragraph,
	'cha ' : character,
	'cflo' : text_flow,
	'tsty' : text_style_info,
	'clin' : line,
	'cwor' : word,
	'ctxt' : text,

_propdeclarations = {
	'ptsz' : size,
	'ofst' : off_styles,
	'pjst' : justification,
	'colr' : color,
	'txst' : style,
	'psct' : writing_code,
	'ustl' : uniform_styles,
	'c@#^' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
	'pnam' : name,
	'font' : font,
	'onst' : on_styles,

_compdeclarations = {

_enumdeclarations = {
	'styl' : _Enum_styl,
	'just' : _Enum_just,

--- NEW FILE: Type_Names_Suite.py ---
"""Suite Type Names Suite: Terminology for Registry data types
Level 1, version 1

Generated from /Volumes/Sap/System Folder/Extensions/AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0

import aetools
import MacOS

_code = 'tpnm'

class Type_Names_Suite_Events:


class type_class_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""type class info - information about properties and elements of a class """
	want = 'gcli'

class type_event_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""type event info - information about an event """
	want = 'evin'

class plain_text(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""plain text -  """
	want = 'TEXT'

plain_text = plain_text

string = plain_text

class bounding_rectangle(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""bounding rectangle - bounding rectangle """
	want = 'qdrt'

class point(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""point - point coordinates """
	want = 'QDpt'

class fixed(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""fixed - a real number """
	want = 'fixd'

class location_reference(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""location reference -  """
	want = 'insl'

class application_dictionary(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""application dictionary -  """
	want = 'aete'

class color_table(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""color table -  """
	want = 'clrt'

class dash_style(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""dash style -  """
	want = 'tdas'

class double_integer(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""double integer -  """
	want = 'comp'

class extended_real(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""extended real -  """
	want = 'exte'

class fixed_point(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""fixed point -  """
	want = 'fpnt'

class fixed_rectangle(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""fixed rectangle -  """
	want = 'frct'

class long_fixed(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""long fixed -  """
	want = 'lfxd'

class long_fixed_point(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""long fixed point -  """
	want = 'lfpt'

class long_fixed_rectangle(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""long fixed rectangle -  """
	want = 'lfrc'

class long_point(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""long point -  """
	want = 'lpnt'

class long_rectangle(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""long rectangle -  """
	want = 'lrct'

class machine_location(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""machine location -  """
	want = 'mLoc'

class menu(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""menu -  """
	want = 'cmnu'

class menu_item(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""menu item -  """
	want = 'cmen'

class null(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""null -  """
	want = 'null'

class pixel_map_record(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""pixel map record -  """
	want = 'tpmm'

class PostScript_picture(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""PostScript picture -  """
	want = 'EPS '

class RGB16_color(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""RGB16 color -  """
	want = 'tr16'

class RGB96_color(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""RGB96 color -  """
	want = 'tr96'

class small_integer(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""small integer -  """
	want = 'shor'

class small_real(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""small real -  """
	want = 'sing'

class system_dictionary(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""system dictionary -  """
	want = 'aeut'

class rotation(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""rotation -  """
	want = 'trot'

class scrap_styles(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""scrap styles -  """
	want = 'styl'

class TIFF_picture(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""TIFF picture -  """
	want = 'TIFF'

class version(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""version -  """
	want = 'vers'

class unsigned_integer(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""unsigned integer -  """
	want = 'magn'

class type_property_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""type property info -  """
	want = 'pinf'

class type_element_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""type element info -  """
	want = 'elin'

class type_parameter_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""type parameter info -  """
	want = 'pmin'

class type_suite_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""type suite info -  """
	want = 'suin'

class target_id(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""target id -  """
	want = 'targ'
type_class_info._superclassnames = []
type_class_info._privpropdict = {
type_class_info._privelemdict = {
type_event_info._superclassnames = []
type_event_info._privpropdict = {
type_event_info._privelemdict = {
plain_text._superclassnames = []
plain_text._privpropdict = {
plain_text._privelemdict = {
plain_text._superclassnames = []
plain_text._privpropdict = {
plain_text._privelemdict = {
bounding_rectangle._superclassnames = []
bounding_rectangle._privpropdict = {
bounding_rectangle._privelemdict = {
point._superclassnames = []
point._privpropdict = {
point._privelemdict = {
fixed._superclassnames = []
fixed._privpropdict = {
fixed._privelemdict = {
location_reference._superclassnames = []
location_reference._privpropdict = {
location_reference._privelemdict = {
application_dictionary._superclassnames = []
application_dictionary._privpropdict = {
application_dictionary._privelemdict = {
color_table._superclassnames = []
color_table._privpropdict = {
color_table._privelemdict = {
dash_style._superclassnames = []
dash_style._privpropdict = {
dash_style._privelemdict = {
double_integer._superclassnames = []
double_integer._privpropdict = {
double_integer._privelemdict = {
extended_real._superclassnames = []
extended_real._privpropdict = {
extended_real._privelemdict = {
fixed_point._superclassnames = []
fixed_point._privpropdict = {
fixed_point._privelemdict = {
fixed_rectangle._superclassnames = []
fixed_rectangle._privpropdict = {
fixed_rectangle._privelemdict = {
long_fixed._superclassnames = []
long_fixed._privpropdict = {
long_fixed._privelemdict = {
long_fixed_point._superclassnames = []
long_fixed_point._privpropdict = {
long_fixed_point._privelemdict = {
long_fixed_rectangle._superclassnames = []
long_fixed_rectangle._privpropdict = {
long_fixed_rectangle._privelemdict = {
long_point._superclassnames = []
long_point._privpropdict = {
long_point._privelemdict = {
long_rectangle._superclassnames = []
long_rectangle._privpropdict = {
long_rectangle._privelemdict = {
machine_location._superclassnames = []
machine_location._privpropdict = {
machine_location._privelemdict = {
menu._superclassnames = []
menu._privpropdict = {
menu._privelemdict = {
menu_item._superclassnames = []
menu_item._privpropdict = {
menu_item._privelemdict = {
null._superclassnames = []
null._privpropdict = {
null._privelemdict = {
pixel_map_record._superclassnames = []
pixel_map_record._privpropdict = {
pixel_map_record._privelemdict = {
PostScript_picture._superclassnames = []
PostScript_picture._privpropdict = {
PostScript_picture._privelemdict = {
RGB16_color._superclassnames = []
RGB16_color._privpropdict = {
RGB16_color._privelemdict = {
RGB96_color._superclassnames = []
RGB96_color._privpropdict = {
RGB96_color._privelemdict = {
small_integer._superclassnames = []
small_integer._privpropdict = {
small_integer._privelemdict = {
small_real._superclassnames = []
small_real._privpropdict = {
small_real._privelemdict = {
system_dictionary._superclassnames = []
system_dictionary._privpropdict = {
system_dictionary._privelemdict = {
rotation._superclassnames = []
rotation._privpropdict = {
rotation._privelemdict = {
scrap_styles._superclassnames = []
scrap_styles._privpropdict = {
scrap_styles._privelemdict = {
TIFF_picture._superclassnames = []
TIFF_picture._privpropdict = {
TIFF_picture._privelemdict = {
version._superclassnames = []
version._privpropdict = {
version._privelemdict = {
unsigned_integer._superclassnames = []
unsigned_integer._privpropdict = {
unsigned_integer._privelemdict = {
type_property_info._superclassnames = []
type_property_info._privpropdict = {
type_property_info._privelemdict = {
type_element_info._superclassnames = []
type_element_info._privpropdict = {
type_element_info._privelemdict = {
type_parameter_info._superclassnames = []
type_parameter_info._privpropdict = {
type_parameter_info._privelemdict = {
type_suite_info._superclassnames = []
type_suite_info._privpropdict = {
type_suite_info._privelemdict = {
target_id._superclassnames = []
target_id._privpropdict = {
target_id._privelemdict = {

# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
	'shor' : small_integer,
	'tr16' : RGB16_color,
	'vers' : version,
	'aeut' : system_dictionary,
	'clrt' : color_table,
	'fpnt' : fixed_point,
	'TEXT' : plain_text,
	'elin' : type_element_info,
	'insl' : location_reference,
	'mLoc' : machine_location,
	'EPS ' : PostScript_picture,
	'QDpt' : point,
	'cmen' : menu_item,
	'tpmm' : pixel_map_record,
	'aete' : application_dictionary,
	'magn' : unsigned_integer,
	'cmnu' : menu,
	'frct' : fixed_rectangle,
	'lfrc' : long_fixed_rectangle,
	'evin' : type_event_info,
	'sing' : small_real,
	'suin' : type_suite_info,
	'trot' : rotation,
	'pmin' : type_parameter_info,
	'fixd' : fixed,
	'styl' : scrap_styles,
	'lpnt' : long_point,
	'gcli' : type_class_info,
	'TIFF' : TIFF_picture,
	'tr96' : RGB96_color,
	'tdas' : dash_style,
	'exte' : extended_real,
	'pinf' : type_property_info,
	'lfpt' : long_fixed_point,
	'lrct' : long_rectangle,
	'qdrt' : bounding_rectangle,
	'comp' : double_integer,
	'lfxd' : long_fixed,
	'null' : null,
	'targ' : target_id,

_propdeclarations = {

_compdeclarations = {

_enumdeclarations = {

--- NEW FILE: __init__.py ---
Package generated from /Volumes/Sap/System Folder/Extensions/AppleScript
Resource aeut resid 0 Standard Event Suites for English
import aetools
Error = aetools.Error
import AppleScript_Suite
import Required_Suite
import Standard_Suite
import Text_Suite
import QuickDraw_Graphics_Suite
import QuickDraw_Graphics_Suppleme
import Table_Suite
import Macintosh_Connectivity_Clas
import Type_Names_Suite

_code_to_module = {
	'ascr' : AppleScript_Suite,
	'reqd' : Required_Suite,
	'core' : Standard_Suite,
	'TEXT' : Text_Suite,
	'qdrw' : QuickDraw_Graphics_Suite,
	'qdsp' : QuickDraw_Graphics_Suppleme,
	'tbls' : Table_Suite,
	'macc' : Macintosh_Connectivity_Clas,
	'tpnm' : Type_Names_Suite,

_code_to_fullname = {
	'ascr' : ('StdSuites.AppleScript_Suite', 'AppleScript_Suite'),
	'reqd' : ('StdSuites.Required_Suite', 'Required_Suite'),
	'core' : ('StdSuites.Standard_Suite', 'Standard_Suite'),
	'TEXT' : ('StdSuites.Text_Suite', 'Text_Suite'),
	'qdrw' : ('StdSuites.QuickDraw_Graphics_Suite', 'QuickDraw_Graphics_Suite'),
	'qdsp' : ('StdSuites.QuickDraw_Graphics_Suppleme', 'QuickDraw_Graphics_Suppleme'),
	'tbls' : ('StdSuites.Table_Suite', 'Table_Suite'),
	'macc' : ('StdSuites.Macintosh_Connectivity_Clas', 'Macintosh_Connectivity_Clas'),
	'tpnm' : ('StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite', 'Type_Names_Suite'),

from AppleScript_Suite import *
from Required_Suite import *
from Standard_Suite import *
from Text_Suite import *
from QuickDraw_Graphics_Suite import *
from QuickDraw_Graphics_Suppleme import *
from Table_Suite import *
from Macintosh_Connectivity_Clas import *
from Type_Names_Suite import *
def getbaseclasses(v):
	if hasattr(v, '_superclassnames') and not hasattr(v, '_propdict'):
		v._propdict = {}
		v._elemdict = {}
		for superclass in v._superclassnames:
			v._propdict.update(getattr(eval(superclass), '_privpropdict', {}))
			v._elemdict.update(getattr(eval(superclass), '_privelemdict', {}))

import StdSuites

# Set property and element dictionaries now that all classes have been defined

# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
	'jul ' : July,
	'may ' : May,
	'TEXT' : string,
	'cmet' : cubic_metres,
	'STXT' : styled_text,
	'nds ' : number_2c__date_or_text,
	'feet' : feet,
	'feb ' : February,
	'nmbr' : number,
	'mile' : miles,
	'kprs' : keystroke,
	'psct' : writing_code,
	'degf' : degrees_Fahrenheit,
	'lrs ' : list_2c__record_or_text,
	'ldt ' : date,
	'litr' : litres,
	'nd  ' : number_or_date,
	'cmtr' : centimetres,
	'evnt' : event,
	'pstr' : Pascal_string,
	'zone' : zone,
	'PICT' : picture,
	'ls  ' : list_or_string,
	'long' : integer,
	'sf  ' : alias_or_string,
	'citl' : writing_code_info,
	'citm' : text_item,
	'mach' : machine,
	'type' : type_class,
	'prep' : preposition,
	'tue ' : Tuesday,
	'case' : upper_case,
	'vers' : version,
	'wed ' : Wednesday,
	'dec ' : December,
	'sqkm' : square_kilometres,
	'obj ' : reference,
	'vect' : vector,
	'wkdy' : weekday,
	'cRGB' : RGB_color,
	'sun ' : Sunday,
	'itxt' : international_text,
	'scnd' : seconds,
	'mar ' : March,
	'kmtr' : kilometres,
	'sqft' : square_feet,
	'list' : list,
	'doub' : real,
	'nov ' : November,
	'qrts' : quarts,
	'degc' : degrees_Celsius,
	'msng' : missing_value,
	'alis' : alias,
	'jan ' : January,
	'metr' : metres,
	'mnth' : month,
	'ns  ' : number_or_string,
	'jun ' : June,
	'aug ' : August,
	'llst' : linked_list,
	'styl' : styled_Clipboard_text,
	'encs' : encoded_string,
	'galn' : gallons,
	'cuin' : cubic_inches,
	'fri ' : Friday,
	'sutx' : styled_Unicode_text,
	'lr  ' : list_or_record,
	'degk' : degrees_Kelvin,
	'mon ' : Monday,
	'snd ' : sound,
	'pcls' : class_,
	'kgrm' : kilograms,
	'scpt' : script,
	'****' : anything,
	'prop' : property,
	'reco' : record,
	'bool' : boolean,
	'oct ' : October,
	'sqrm' : square_metres,
	'inch' : inches,
	'kfrm' : reference_form,
	'cobj' : item,
	'gram' : grams,
	'cha ' : character,
	'apr ' : April,
	'undf' : empty_ae_name_,
	'capp' : app,
	'enum' : constant,
	'hand' : handler,
	'sqmi' : square_miles,
	'rdat' : data,
	'cstr' : C_string,
	'utxt' : Unicode_text,
	'thu ' : Thursday,
	'sqyd' : square_yards,
	'yard' : yards,
	'cyrd' : cubic_yards,
	'ozs ' : ounces,
	'lbs ' : pounds,
	'cfet' : cubic_feet,
	'ccmt' : cubic_centimetres,
	'sat ' : Saturday,
	'sep ' : September,
	'fss ' : file_specification,
	'ctxt' : text,
	'cwin' : window,
	'file' : file,
	'csel' : selection_2d_object,
	'alis' : alias,
	'capp' : application,
	'cins' : insertion_point,
	'docu' : document,
	'cpar' : paragraph,
	'cha ' : character,
	'cflo' : text_flow,
	'tsty' : text_style_info,
	'clin' : line,
	'cwor' : word,
	'ctxt' : text,
	'cpic' : graphic_group,
	'covl' : oval,
	'cgtx' : graphic_text,
	'cgsh' : graphic_shape,
	'glin' : graphic_line,
	'cgob' : graphic_object,
	'cdrw' : drawing_area,
	'cpgn' : polygon,
	'cpxl' : pixel,
	'crrc' : rounded_rectangle,
	'carc' : arc,
	'cpix' : pixel_map,
	'crec' : rectangle,
	'cpic' : graphic_group,
	'cdrw' : drawing_area,
	'ccel' : cell,
	'ccol' : column,
	'ctbl' : table,
	'crow' : row,
	'cat ' : AppleTalk_address,
	'cadr' : address_specification,
	'ctok' : Token_Ring_address,
	'cfw ' : FireWire_address,
	'cbus' : bus_slot,
	'cscs' : SCSI_address,
	'cadb' : ADB_address,
	'cusb' : USB_address,
	'cdev' : device_specification,
	'clt ' : LocalTalk_address,
	'cip ' : IP_address,
	'cen ' : Ethernet_address,
	'shor' : small_integer,
	'tr16' : RGB16_color,
	'vers' : version,
	'aeut' : system_dictionary,
	'clrt' : color_table,
	'fpnt' : fixed_point,
	'TEXT' : plain_text,
	'elin' : type_element_info,
	'insl' : location_reference,
	'mLoc' : machine_location,
	'EPS ' : PostScript_picture,
	'QDpt' : point,
	'cmen' : menu_item,
	'tpmm' : pixel_map_record,
	'aete' : application_dictionary,
	'magn' : unsigned_integer,
	'cmnu' : menu,
	'frct' : fixed_rectangle,
	'lfrc' : long_fixed_rectangle,
	'evin' : type_event_info,
	'sing' : small_real,
	'suin' : type_suite_info,
	'trot' : rotation,
	'pmin' : type_parameter_info,
	'fixd' : fixed,
	'styl' : scrap_styles,
	'lpnt' : long_point,
	'gcli' : type_class_info,
	'TIFF' : TIFF_picture,
	'tr96' : RGB96_color,
	'tdas' : dash_style,
	'exte' : extended_real,
	'pinf' : type_property_info,
	'lfpt' : long_fixed_point,
	'lrct' : long_rectangle,
	'qdrt' : bounding_rectangle,
	'comp' : double_integer,
	'lfxd' : long_fixed,
	'null' : null,
	'targ' : target_id,

class StdSuites(AppleScript_Suite_Events,
	_signature = 'ascr'

	_moduleName = 'StdSuites'