[Python-checkins] CVS: python/dist/src/Lib dis.py,1.34,1.35 inspect.py,1.16,1.17 tabnanny.py,1.13,1.14 tokenize.py,1.22,1.23

Tim Peters tim_one@users.sourceforge.net
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 15:08:15 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv4630/python/dist/src/Lib

Modified Files:
	dis.py inspect.py tabnanny.py tokenize.py 
Log Message:
Merging the gen-branch into the main line, at Guido's direction.  Yay!
Bugfix candidate in inspect.py:  it was referencing "self" outside of
a method.

Index: dis.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/dis.py,v
retrieving revision 1.34
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -C2 -r1.34 -r1.35
*** dis.py	2001/04/20 19:13:01	1.34
--- dis.py	2001/06/18 22:08:13	1.35
*** 224,227 ****
--- 224,228 ----
  def_op('IMPORT_STAR', 84)
  def_op('EXEC_STMT', 85)
+ def_op('YIELD_STMT', 86)
  def_op('POP_BLOCK', 87)

Index: inspect.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/inspect.py,v
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -C2 -r1.16 -r1.17
*** inspect.py	2001/04/13 14:04:02	1.16
--- inspect.py	2001/06/18 22:08:13	1.17
*** 350,379 ****
          else: return ''
! class EndOfBlock(Exception): pass
! class BlockFinder:
!     """Provide a tokeneater() method to detect the end of a code block."""
!     def __init__(self):
!         self.indent = 0
!         self.started = 0
!         self.last = 0
!     def tokeneater(self, type, token, (srow, scol), (erow, ecol), line):
!         if not self.started:
!             if type == tokenize.NAME: self.started = 1
          elif type == tokenize.NEWLINE:
!             self.last = srow
          elif type == tokenize.INDENT:
!             self.indent = self.indent + 1
          elif type == tokenize.DEDENT:
!             self.indent = self.indent - 1
!             if self.indent == 0: raise EndOfBlock, self.last
! def getblock(lines):
!     """Extract the block of code at the top of the given list of lines."""
!     try:
!         tokenize.tokenize(ListReader(lines).readline, BlockFinder().tokeneater)
!     except EndOfBlock, eob:
!         return lines[:eob.args[0]]
  def getsourcelines(object):
--- 350,375 ----
          else: return ''
! def getblock(lines):
!     """Extract the block of code at the top of the given list of lines."""
!     indent = 0
!     started = 0
!     last = 0
!     tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(ListReader(lines).readline)
!     for (type, token, (srow, scol), (erow, ecol), line) in tokens:
!         if not started:
!             if type == tokenize.NAME:
!                 started = 1
          elif type == tokenize.NEWLINE:
!             last = srow
          elif type == tokenize.INDENT:
!             indent = indent + 1
          elif type == tokenize.DEDENT:
!             indent = indent - 1
!             if indent == 0:
!                 return lines[:last]
!     else:
!         raise ValueError, "unable to find block"
  def getsourcelines(object):

Index: tabnanny.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/tabnanny.py,v
retrieving revision 1.13
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -C2 -r1.13 -r1.14
*** tabnanny.py	2001/04/08 00:38:42	1.13
--- tabnanny.py	2001/06/18 22:08:13	1.14
*** 78,84 ****
          print "checking", `file`, "..."
-     reset_globals()
!         tokenize.tokenize(f.readline, tokeneater)
      except tokenize.TokenError, msg:
--- 78,83 ----
          print "checking", `file`, "..."
!         process_tokens(tokenize.generate_tokens(f.readline))
      except tokenize.TokenError, msg:
*** 245,270 ****
      return prefix + " " + string.join(firsts, ', ')
! # The collection of globals, the reset_globals() function, and the
! # tokeneater() function, depend on which version of tokenize is
! # in use.
! if hasattr(tokenize, 'NL'):
!     # take advantage of Guido's patch!
!     indents = []
!     check_equal = 0
!     def reset_globals():
!         global indents, check_equal
!         check_equal = 0
!         indents = [Whitespace("")]
!     def tokeneater(type, token, start, end, line,
!                    JUNK=(tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL) ):
!         global indents, check_equal
          if type == NEWLINE:
              # a program statement, or ENDMARKER, will eventually follow,
--- 244,260 ----
      return prefix + " " + string.join(firsts, ', ')
! # Need Guido's enhancement
! assert hasattr(tokenize, 'NL'), "tokenize module too old"
! def process_tokens(tokens,
!                    JUNK=(tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL)):
+     indents = [Whitespace("")]
+     check_equal = 0
+     for (type, token, start, end, line) in tokens:
          if type == NEWLINE:
              # a program statement, or ENDMARKER, will eventually follow,
*** 312,371 ****
                  raise NannyNag(start[0], msg, line)
- else:
-     # unpatched version of tokenize
-     nesting_level = 0
-     indents = []
-     check_equal = 0
-     def reset_globals():
-         global nesting_level, indents, check_equal
-         nesting_level = check_equal = 0
-         indents = [Whitespace("")]
-     def tokeneater(type, token, start, end, line,
-                    INDENT=tokenize.INDENT,
-                    DEDENT=tokenize.DEDENT,
-                    NEWLINE=tokenize.NEWLINE,
-                    COMMENT=tokenize.COMMENT,
-                    OP=tokenize.OP):
-         global nesting_level, indents, check_equal
-         if type == INDENT:
-             check_equal = 0
-             thisguy = Whitespace(token)
-             if not indents[-1].less(thisguy):
-                 witness = indents[-1].not_less_witness(thisguy)
-                 msg = "indent not greater e.g. " + format_witnesses(witness)
-                 raise NannyNag(start[0], msg, line)
-             indents.append(thisguy)
-         elif type == DEDENT:
-             del indents[-1]
-         elif type == NEWLINE:
-             if nesting_level == 0:
-                 check_equal = 1
-         elif type == COMMENT:
-             pass
-         elif check_equal:
-             check_equal = 0
-             thisguy = Whitespace(line)
-             if not indents[-1].equal(thisguy):
-                 witness = indents[-1].not_equal_witness(thisguy)
-                 msg = "indent not equal e.g. " + format_witnesses(witness)
-                 raise NannyNag(start[0], msg, line)
-         if type == OP and token in ('{', '[', '('):
-             nesting_level = nesting_level + 1
-         elif type == OP and token in ('}', ']', ')'):
-             if nesting_level == 0:
-                 raise NannyNag(start[0],
-                                "unbalanced bracket '" + token + "'",
-                                line)
-             nesting_level = nesting_level - 1
  if __name__ == '__main__':
--- 302,305 ----

Index: tokenize.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/tokenize.py,v
retrieving revision 1.22
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -C2 -r1.22 -r1.23
*** tokenize.py	2001/03/23 05:22:49	1.22
--- tokenize.py	2001/06/18 22:08:13	1.23
*** 112,116 ****
--- 112,121 ----
+ # backwards compatible interface, probably not used
  def tokenize_loop(readline, tokeneater):
+     for token_info in generate_tokens(readline):
+         apply(tokeneater, token_info)
+ def generate_tokens(readline):
      lnum = parenlev = continued = 0
      namechars, numchars = string.letters + '_', string.digits
*** 130,139 ****
              if endmatch:
                  pos = end = endmatch.end(0)
!                 tokeneater(STRING, contstr + line[:end],
                             strstart, (lnum, end), contline + line)
                  contstr, needcont = '', 0
                  contline = None
              elif needcont and line[-2:] != '\\\n' and line[-3:] != '\\\r\n':
!                 tokeneater(ERRORTOKEN, contstr + line,
                             strstart, (lnum, len(line)), contline)
                  contstr = ''
--- 135,144 ----
              if endmatch:
                  pos = end = endmatch.end(0)
!                 yield (STRING, contstr + line[:end],
                             strstart, (lnum, end), contline + line)
                  contstr, needcont = '', 0
                  contline = None
              elif needcont and line[-2:] != '\\\n' and line[-3:] != '\\\r\n':
!                 yield (ERRORTOKEN, contstr + line,
                             strstart, (lnum, len(line)), contline)
                  contstr = ''
*** 157,161 ****
              if line[pos] in '#\r\n':           # skip comments or blank lines
!                 tokeneater((NL, COMMENT)[line[pos] == '#'], line[pos:],
                             (lnum, pos), (lnum, len(line)), line)
--- 162,166 ----
              if line[pos] in '#\r\n':           # skip comments or blank lines
!                 yield ((NL, COMMENT)[line[pos] == '#'], line[pos:],
                             (lnum, pos), (lnum, len(line)), line)
*** 163,170 ****
              if column > indents[-1]:           # count indents or dedents
!                 tokeneater(INDENT, line[:pos], (lnum, 0), (lnum, pos), line)
              while column < indents[-1]:
                  indents = indents[:-1]
!                 tokeneater(DEDENT, '', (lnum, pos), (lnum, pos), line)
          else:                                  # continued statement
--- 168,175 ----
              if column > indents[-1]:           # count indents or dedents
!                 yield (INDENT, line[:pos], (lnum, 0), (lnum, pos), line)
              while column < indents[-1]:
                  indents = indents[:-1]
!                 yield (DEDENT, '', (lnum, pos), (lnum, pos), line)
          else:                                  # continued statement
*** 182,191 ****
                  if initial in numchars or \
                     (initial == '.' and token != '.'):      # ordinary number
!                     tokeneater(NUMBER, token, spos, epos, line)
                  elif initial in '\r\n':
!                     tokeneater(parenlev > 0 and NL or NEWLINE,
                                 token, spos, epos, line)
                  elif initial == '#':
!                     tokeneater(COMMENT, token, spos, epos, line)
                  elif token in ("'''", '"""',               # triple-quoted
                                 "r'''", 'r"""', "R'''", 'R"""',
--- 187,196 ----
                  if initial in numchars or \
                     (initial == '.' and token != '.'):      # ordinary number
!                     yield (NUMBER, token, spos, epos, line)
                  elif initial in '\r\n':
!                     yield (parenlev > 0 and NL or NEWLINE,
                                 token, spos, epos, line)
                  elif initial == '#':
!                     yield (COMMENT, token, spos, epos, line)
                  elif token in ("'''", '"""',               # triple-quoted
                                 "r'''", 'r"""', "R'''", 'R"""',
*** 198,202 ****
                          pos = endmatch.end(0)
                          token = line[start:pos]
!                         tokeneater(STRING, token, spos, (lnum, pos), line)
                          strstart = (lnum, start)           # multiple lines
--- 203,207 ----
                          pos = endmatch.end(0)
                          token = line[start:pos]
!                         yield (STRING, token, spos, (lnum, pos), line)
                          strstart = (lnum, start)           # multiple lines
*** 217,223 ****
                      else:                                  # ordinary string
!                         tokeneater(STRING, token, spos, epos, line)
                  elif initial in namechars:                 # ordinary name
!                     tokeneater(NAME, token, spos, epos, line)
                  elif initial == '\\':                      # continued stmt
                      continued = 1
--- 222,228 ----
                      else:                                  # ordinary string
!                         yield (STRING, token, spos, epos, line)
                  elif initial in namechars:                 # ordinary name
!                     yield (NAME, token, spos, epos, line)
                  elif initial == '\\':                      # continued stmt
                      continued = 1
*** 225,237 ****
                      if initial in '([{': parenlev = parenlev + 1
                      elif initial in ')]}': parenlev = parenlev - 1
!                     tokeneater(OP, token, spos, epos, line)
!                 tokeneater(ERRORTOKEN, line[pos],
                             (lnum, pos), (lnum, pos+1), line)
                  pos = pos + 1
      for indent in indents[1:]:                 # pop remaining indent levels
!         tokeneater(DEDENT, '', (lnum, 0), (lnum, 0), '')
!     tokeneater(ENDMARKER, '', (lnum, 0), (lnum, 0), '')
  if __name__ == '__main__':                     # testing
--- 230,242 ----
                      if initial in '([{': parenlev = parenlev + 1
                      elif initial in ')]}': parenlev = parenlev - 1
!                     yield (OP, token, spos, epos, line)
!                 yield (ERRORTOKEN, line[pos],
                             (lnum, pos), (lnum, pos+1), line)
                  pos = pos + 1
      for indent in indents[1:]:                 # pop remaining indent levels
!         yield (DEDENT, '', (lnum, 0), (lnum, 0), '')
!     yield (ENDMARKER, '', (lnum, 0), (lnum, 0), '')
  if __name__ == '__main__':                     # testing