[Python-checkins] CVS: python/nondist/sftools bug.py,NONE,1.1 buglib.py,NONE,1.1 jitterbuglib.py,NONE,1.1 login.py,NONE,1.1 patchtool.py,NONE,1.1 pest.py,NONE,1.1 sf-schema.txt,NONE,1.1 sfdb.py,NONE,1.1 sflib.py,NONE,1.1 upload.py,NONE,1.1

Fred L. Drake fdrake@users.sourceforge.net
Wed, 06 Jun 2001 11:29:13 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sftools
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv15643

Added Files:
	bug.py buglib.py jitterbuglib.py login.py patchtool.py pest.py 
	sf-schema.txt sfdb.py sflib.py upload.py 
Log Message:

Jeremy's original code to work with the SourceForge bug manager from

--- NEW FILE: bug.py ---
#! /usr/bin/env python

"""Update one or more bugs"""

import buglib
import login
import sfdb

import getopt
import sys

# flags: do we use each of the following?
LOGIN = None

FIELDS = ("summary", "bug_group_id", "category_id", "resolution_id",
          "status_id", "assigned_to", "priority", "details")
argnames = {}
for field in FIELDS:
    argnames['--' + field] = field

def main(bug_ids, updates):
    """Update one or more bugs using the fields in udpates

    bug_ids -- list of SF bug_ids
    updates -- keys are SF field names, values are the strings to put
    bug_ids = [int(bug) for bug in bug_ids]
    session = login.Login(LOGIN, PASSWORD)
    db = sfdb.BugDBInterface()
    update_ids = translate_updates(db, updates)
    for bug in bug_ids:
        b = db.get(bug)
        for k, v in update_ids.items():
            if k == 'assigned_to':
                b.set(k, v)
        buglib.update_bug(b.get_form_data(), session)
        if VERBOSE:
            print bug

def translate_updates(db, updates):
    trans = {}
    for k, v in updates.items():
        if k in ('summary', 'assigned_to', 'details'):
            trans[k] = v
        table = k[:-3]
        mapping = getattr(db, table)
        trans[k] = mapping.lookup(v)
    if VERBOSE:
        print trans
    return trans

if __name__ == "__main__":
    field_args = [field + "=" for field in FIELDS]
    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'v',
                               ["verbose", "login=", "password="] \
                               + field_args)
    updates = {}
    for k, v in opts:
        if k in ('-v', '--verbose'):
            VERBOSE = 1
        elif argnames.has_key(k):
            updates[argnames[k]] = v
        elif k == '--login':
            LOGIN = v
        elif k == '--password':
            PASSWORD = v

    assert len(args) > 0, "Must specify at least one bug id"
    if LOGIN is None:
        LOGIN = raw_input("SF username: ")
    if PASSWORD is None:
        import getpass
        PASSWORD = getpass.getpass("SF Password: ")
    main(args, updates)

--- NEW FILE: buglib.py ---
"""Tools to interact with SF Bug Tracker"""

import formatter
import getpass
import htmllib
import httplib
import urllib
import urlparse

    import cPickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle
    pickle = cPickle

import pg
import login
import sflib
import sfdb

BUG_SUMMARY_URL = "http://sourceforge.net/bugs/?group_id=5470&set=custom&_assigned_to=0&_status=1&_category=100&_bug_group=100&SUBMIT=Browse"
BUG_LOAD_URL = "http://sourceforge.net/bugs/index.php?group_id=5470&func=detailbug&bug_id=%s"
BUG_POST_URL = "http://sourceforge.net/bugs/index.php"

class BugParser(htmllib.HTMLParser):
    __super_init = htmllib.HTMLParser.__init__

    VERBOSE = 0

    def __init__(self, formatter, verbose=None):
        self.fields = {}
        self.current_field = None
        self.current_field_value = None
        self.summary = None
        self.bug_id = None
        if verbose is not None:
            self.VERBOSE = verbose
    def start_select(self, attrs):
        if self.VERBOSE:
            print "SELECT", attrs
        for k, v in attrs:
            if k == 'name':
                self.current_field = v
        assert self.current_field is not None
    def end_select(self):
        self.current_field = None

    def start_option(self, attrs):
        if self.VERBOSE:
            print "OPTION", attrs
        assert self.current_field_value is None
        selected = 0
        for k, v in attrs:
            if k == 'value':
                value = v
            if k == 'selected':
                selected = 1
        if selected:
            self.current_field_value = value

    def end_option(self):
        if self.current_field_value is not None:
            label = self.save_end()
            self.fields[self.current_field] = (label,
            self.current_field_value = None

    def start_input(self, attrs):
        summary = 0
        bug_id = 0
        value = None
        for k, v in attrs:
            if k == 'name' and v == 'summary':
                summary = 1
            elif k == 'value':
                value = v
            elif k == 'name' and v == 'bug_id':
                bug_id = 1
        if summary:
            assert self.summary is None
            assert value is not None
            self.summary = value
        if bug_id:
            assert self.bug_id is None
            assert value is not None
            self.bug_id = value

def get_bug_urls():
    urls = []
    p = sflib.SummaryParser(BUG_SUMMARY_URL, ('detailbug',))
    for path, query, frag in p.hrefs:
        url = urlparse.urljoin(BUG_SUMMARY_URL, path)
    if VERBOSE:
        print "%d bugs found" % len(urls)
    return urls

def http_get(url, session):
        f = session.get(url)
        buf = f.read()
    except httplib.HTTPException, err:
        print "Error occurred loading %s" % url
        print err
        return None
    return buf

def load_bug(url, session):
    for i in range(3):
        buf = http_get(url, session)
        if buf is not None:
        raise RuntimeError, "could not load %s" % url
    p = BugParser(formatter.NullFormatter())
    return p.bug_id, p.summary, p.fields

# a list of fields in the bug submission form that are currently
# ignored and what value should be used for them on submission  
_ignored_fields = [("canned_response", "100"),
                   ("dependent_on_task[]", "100"),
                   ("dependent_on_bug[]", "100"),

def update_bug(bug_info, session):
    """Update SF bug tracker with new bug_info

    bug_info is a dictionary returned from the local database
    session is the login session returned by login.Login
    form = {'func': 'postmodbug',
            'group_id': '5470',
            'submit': 'Submit Changes',
    for k, v in bug_info.items():
        form[k] = str(v)
    # fill in blank values for everything else
    for k, v in _ignored_fields:
        form[k] = v
    body = urllib.urlencode(form)
    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    return session.get(BUG_POST_URL, "POST", headers, body)

def make_bug_urls(bugs):
    return [BUG_LOAD_URL % bug for bug in bugs]

def main(bugs=None):
    session = login.Login("jhylton", getpass.getpass())
    db = sfdb.BugDBInterface(pg.connect())
    if bugs:
        urls = make_bug_urls(bugs)
        urls = get_bug_urls()
    for url in urls:
        if VERBOSE:
            print url
        bug_id, summary, fields = load_bug(url, session)
        if VERBOSE:
            print bug_id, summary
        if db.exists(bug_id):
            db.update(bug_id, summary, fields)
            db.insert(bug_id, summary, fields)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:

--- NEW FILE: jitterbuglib.py ---
"""Library for reading Jitterbug records and submitting them to SF

A Jitterbug database has one or more categories of bugs, like
incoming, open, resolved, etc.  Each category is represented by a
directory.  Each bug is stored in one or more files in that
directory; each bug has a unique id. The files for bug NNN are

    * NNN: A mail message containing the bug report
    * NNN.notes: Any notes entered via the Jitterbug Web interface
    * NNN.audit: A log of changes to the bug record; one per line
    * NNN.followup.I: one or more followup mail messages; first one is
        numbered 1
    * NNN.reply.I: one or more replies entered throught the Web form;
        first one is numbered 1

This program loads each bug report for a category into the SF Bug

import cgi
import os
import re
import rfc822
import urllib
import urlparse

    from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from StringIO import StringIO

import sflib

SF_SUBMIT_URL = "http://sourceforge.net/bugs/index.php"

class BugLabels:
    ASSIGNMENT = "100"
    CATEGORY = "100"
    GROUP = "100"
    PRIORITY = "5"

def set_label(label, val):
    setattr(BugLabels, label, val)

class Message:
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.path = path
        f = open(path)
        self.msg = rfc822.Message(f)
        self.body = self.msg.fp.read()

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        return getattr(self.msg, attr)

    def dump(self):
        """Return a string with a minimal copy of the message"""
        headers = []
        for field in "From", "Subject", "Date":
            val = self.msg.getheader(field)
            if val:
                headers.append("%s: %s" % (field, val))
        return "\n".join(headers) + "\n\n" + self.body

class Notes:
    def __init__(self, buf):
        self.buf = buf

    def dump(self):
        return self.buf

class Bug:
    def __init__(self, dir, bug_id):
        self.id = bug_id
        self.dir = dir
        self.root = os.path.join(dir, bug_id)

    def _load(self):

    def _load_root(self):
        f = open(self.root)
        self.msg = rfc822.Message(f)
        # The body of a Jitterbug mail message has four more rfc822
        # headers.  Parse these as another message object, then get
        # the real body out of the second Message object. 
        g = StringIO(self.msg.fp.read())
        self.msg_headers = rfc822.Message(g)
        self.msg_body = self.msg_headers.fp.read()

    def _load_audit(self):
        audit_path = self.root + ".audit"
        if not os.path.exists(audit_path):
            self.audit = None
            f = open(audit_path)
            self.audit = f.read()

    def _load_notes(self):
        notes_path = self.root + ".notes"
        if not os.path.exists(notes_path):
            self.notes = None
            f = open(notes_path)
            self.notes = f.read()

    def _load_numbered(self, name):
        rx = re.compile("%s.%s.(\d+)" % (self.id, name))
        elts = {}
        for file in os.listdir(self.dir):
            mo = rx.match(file)
            if not mo:
            msg = Message(os.path.join(self.dir, file))
            elts[int(mo.group(1))] = msg
        if elts:
            l = elts.items()
            l = map(lambda x:x[1], l)
            l = []
        return l

    def _load_followups(self):
        self.followups = self._load_numbered('followup')

    def _load_replys(self):
        self.replys = self._load_numbered('reply')

    def dump(self, io):
        template = """Jitterbug-Id: %(jid)s
Submitted-By: %(sender)s
Date: %(date)s
Version: %(version)s
OS: %(os)s


Audit trail:

        jid = self.id
        sender = self.msg.getheader('from')
        date = self.msg.getheader('date')
        version = self.msg_headers.getheader('version')
        os = self.msg_headers.getheader('os')
        body = self.msg_body
        audit = self.audit

        io.write(template % vars())

    def submit(self, url):
        buf = self.submit_initial(url)

        if not (self.followups or self.replys or self.notes):
            if VERBOSE:
                print "Done"
        # find the SF bug id and post comments for each reply or
        # followup
        p = self._load_bug_summary(url, buf)

    def submit_initial(self, url):
        if VERBOSE:
            print "Submitting bug PR#%s" % self.id
        data = self.encode_initial_bug_report()
        f = urllib.urlopen(url, data)
        resp = f.read()
        return resp

    def submit_followups(self, url):
        bug_id = self.find_bug_id(url)
        if bug_id is None:
            print "Error entering bug PR#%s" % self.id
        i = 0
        for msg in self.replys + self.followups:
            i = i + 1
            data = self.encode_followup_comment(bug_id, msg)
            if VERBOSE:
                print "Submitting followup/reply", i
            urllib.urlopen(url, data)
        if self.notes:
            if VERBOSE:
                print "Submitting notes"
            data = self.encode_followup_comment(bug_id,
            urllib.urlopen(url, data)

    def find_bug_id(self, url):
            return self._bsp.get_sf_bug_id(self.id)
        except KeyError:
            return None

    def _load_bug_summary(self, url, buf):
        """Load a bug summary start with the HTML response in buf"""
        self._bsp = BugSummaryParser()
    def encode_initial_bug_report(self):
        # the form vars definitions are defined by the form used to
        # submit bugs on SF
        form_vars = {'func': 'postaddbug',
                     'group_id': BugLabels.PROJECT_GROUP_ID,
                     'category': BugLabels.CATEGORY,
                     'bug_group_id': BugLabels.GROUP,
                     'priority': BugLabels.PRIORITY,
                     'assigned_to': BugLabels.ASSIGNMENT,
        form_vars['summary'] = "%s (PR#%s)" % \
        collector = StringIO()
        collector.seek(0, 0)
        form_vars['details'] = collector.read().strip()

        return urllib.urlencode(form_vars)

    def encode_followup_comment(self, bug_id, msg):
        form_vars = {'func': 'postaddcomment',
                     'group_id': BugLabels.PROJECT_GROUP_ID,
                     'bug_id': bug_id,
        form_vars['details'] = msg.dump()
        return urllib.urlencode(form_vars)

class BugSummaryParser:
    """Parse the bug summary page from sourceforge

    Specific intent of this class is to extract the SF bug id
    associated with a newly entered jitterbug record.  We identify the
    Jitterbug record by the (PR#NNN) string in the details line.  The

    Requires that each bug is on its own line in the HTML table.  If
    SF changes its output, all bets are off.

    def __init__(self):
        self.bugs = {}
        self.parser = sflib.SummaryParser(SF_SUBMIT_URL,

    def get_sf_bug_id(self, pr_id):
        return self.bugs[pr_id]

    rx_pr = re.compile('\(PR#(\d+)\)')

    def parse(self, buf):

    def _load_hrefs(self):
        """Load hrefs from the parser object inecto self.bugs"""
        for href, query_dict, line in self.parser.get_hrefs():
            mo = self.rx_pr.search(line)
            if not mo:
            pr_id = mo.group(1)
            bug_id = query_dict['bug_id']
            self.bugs[pr_id] = bug_id

--- NEW FILE: login.py ---
import httplib
import re
import urllib

SF_HOST = "sourceforge.net"
FORM_URL = "http://sourceforge.net/account/login.php"
test_url = "http://sourceforge.net/bugs/?func=detailbug&group_id=5470&bug_id=112628"

class Session:

    def __init__(self, username, password):
        self.session_hash = None
        self._do_login(username, password)
        if self.session_hash is None:
            raise ValueError, "invalid username and password"

    def _do_login(self, username, password):
        form = {'return_to': '',
                'form_loginname': username,
                'form_pw': password,
                'stay_in_ssl': '1',
                'login': 'Login',
        query = urllib.urlencode(form)

        headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

        c = httplib.HTTPConnection(SF_HOST)
        c.request('POST', FORM_URL, query, headers)
        resp = c.getresponse()
        cookie = resp.msg.getheader('set-cookie')
        if cookie is None:
            raise ValueError, "invalid name/password: %s" % resp.read()
        self.session_hash = self._get_session_hash(cookie)

    _rx_sess_hash = re.compile('(session_hash=[a-z0-9]+);')

    def _get_session_hash(self, cookie):
        mo = self._rx_sess_hash.search(cookie)
        if mo:
            return mo.group(1)
        raise ValueError, "could not find session_hash in %s" % repr(cookie)

    def get(self, url, method="GET", headers={}, body=None):
        c = httplib.HTTPConnection(SF_HOST)
        _headers = {'Cookie': self.session_hash}
        if headers:
        if body:
            c.request(method, url, body, _headers)
            c.request(method, url, headers=_headers)
        resp = c.getresponse()
        return resp

def Login(username, password):
    return Session(username, password)

--- NEW FILE: patchtool.py ---
"""Screen scraper for Patch Manager interface

The patch form URL is http://www.sourceforge.net/patch/index.php.
GET method
If I'm lucky, it can be used without authentication.

the input fields are:  (* means hidden field)

This script produces the following HTML for each entry:
    <TD><A HREF='?func=detailpatch&patch_id=100518&group_id=5470'>100518</A>
    <TD>fix bltinmodule.c for 64-bit platforms</TD>
    <TD>2000-Jun-07 03:21</TD>

If there are more than 50 patches, the following HTML is produced:
		<TR><TD COLSPAN='2'>&nbsp;</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD><TD COLSPAN='2'><A HREF='?func=browse&group_id=5470&set=custom&_assigned_to=100&_status=100&offset=50'><B>Next 50 --></B></A></TD></TR></TABLE>	<!-- end content -->
Future plans:

support authentication
command-line interface for modifying patches

import cgi
import re
import types
from urllib import urlencode
from urlparse import urljoin
from urllib import urlopen

import pg

from sfdb import PatchDBInterface


class PatchListParser:
    """Minimal re-based parsed that grabs relevant URLs from summary"""

    rx_href = re.compile('HREF="([?/=&_A-Za-z0-9]+)"')

    def parse_hrefs(self, buf):
        hrefs = []
        offset = 0
        while 1:
            mo = self.rx_href.search(buf, offset)
            if mo is None:
            offset = mo.end(1)
        return hrefs

    def get_query_hrefs(self, buf):
        queries = []
        for href in self.parse_hrefs(buf):
            if href[0] == '?':
        return queries

class PatchParser:
    """Minimal re-based parser that pulls key-values from patch page"""

    rx_entry = re.compile('<TD[^>]*><B>(.+):</B><BR>(.+)</TD>')

    def parse(self, buf):
        entries = {}
        offset = 0

        while 1:
            mo = self.rx_entry.search(buf, offset)
            if mo is None:
            offset = mo.end(2)
            k, v = mo.group(1, 2)
            entries[k] = v
        return entries

def urldecode(query):
    d = cgi.parse_qs(query)
    for k, v in d.items():
        if len(v) != 1:
            raise ValueError, "unexpected duplicate entry"
        d[k] = v[0]
    return d

class PatchManager:
    url = "http://www.sourceforge.net/patch/index.php"
    group_id = 5470
    list_parser = PatchListParser()
    patch_parser = PatchParser()

    # XXX to get the right numeric values for assigned_to and status,
    # would need to scrape them out of the form...

    def get_patches(self, assigned_to='0', status='0'):
        assert type(assigned_to) == types.StringType
        assert type(status) == types.StringType

        url = self._get_initial_query(assigned_to, status)
        patch_list = self._load_patch_summary(url)
        patches = {}
        for patch_id, p in patch_list:
            patches[patch_id] = self._load_patch_detail(p)
        return patches

    def _get_initial_query(self, assigned_to, status):
        dict = {'group_id': self.group_id,
                'set': 'custom',
                'SUBMIT': 'Browse',
                '_assigned_to': assigned_to,
                '_status': status,
        query = urlencode(dict)
        return "%s?%s" % (self.url, query)

    def _load_patch_summary(self, url):
        todo = [(url, 0)]
        patches = []
        offset = 0
        while todo:
            url, offset = todo[0]
            del todo[0]
            if VERBOSE:
                print "load %s" % url
            buf = urlopen(url).read()
            for href in self.list_parser.get_query_hrefs(buf):
                d = urldecode(href[1:])
                if d['func'] == 'detailpatch':
                                    urljoin(self.url, href)))
                elif d['func'] == 'browse':
                    new_offset = int(d['offset'])
                    if new_offset > offset:
                        todo.append((urljoin(self.url, href),
        return patches

    def _load_patch_detail(self, url):
        if VERBOSE:
            print "load %s" % url
        buf = urlopen(url).read()
        return self.patch_parser.parse(buf)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    import getopt

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'vd:')
    assert len(args) == 0
    for k, v in opts:
        if k == '-v':
            VERBOSE = 1
        elif k == '-d':
            DATABASE = v
    pmgr = PatchManager()
    if VERBOSE:
        print "Loading patches"
    p = pmgr.get_patches()
    if VERBOSE:
        print "Retrieved %d patches" % len(p)

    if VERBOSE:
        print "Inserting into local database"
    if DATABASE:
        db = pg.connect(DATABASE)
        db = pg.connect()
    pdbi = PatchDBInterface(db)
    for p_id, attrs in p.items():
        pdbi.update(p_id, attrs)
    if VERBOSE:
        new = len(p) - pdbi.num_deletes
        print "Found %d new patches" % new
        print "Updated %d existing patches" % pdbi.num_deletes

--- NEW FILE: pest.py ---
#! /usr/bin/env python

"""Pest people about patches that aren't closed"""

import os
import pg
import smtplib

from patchdb import PatchDBInterface

SF_MAIL_SERVER = "ns1.varesearch.com"


QUERY = "SELECT * FROM patches_t WHERE assigned_to = %d " \
        "AND status = %d"

HEADER = " user            open   accepted\n" \
ENTRY =  "%-15.15s|%5d |   %6d"

FROM = "Jeremy Hylton <jhylton@users.sourceforge.net>"
MSG_TEMPLATE = """From: Jeremy Hylton <jhylton@users.sourceforge.net>
To: %(user)s
Subject: Open and Accepted patches reminder

This message is automatically generated using the SF Patch Manager
database.  The database shows that you have %(count)s

Open patches need to be resolved -- either accepted, rejected, or
postponed.  Accepted patches need to be applied and closed.  The
sooner this can be done the better.  Open patches should be resolved
by the end of August in order to meet the 2.0b1 release deadline.

The specific patches assigned to you are:


MSG_ENTRY_TEMPLATE = """Patch #%(patch_id)s: %(summary)s

def send_pest_mail(user, open, accepted):
    user = user + "@users.sourceforge.net"
    n_open = len(open)
    n_accepted = len(accepted)
    if n_open:
        if n_accepted:
            count = "%d open and %d accepted" % (n_open, n_accepted)
            count = "%d open" % n_open
        if n_accepted:
            count = "%d accepted" % n_accepted
            raise ValueError, "both open and accepted were empty"
    msg = MSG_TEMPLATE % locals()
    status = []
    for patch_info in open + accepted:
        patch_id, summary = patch_info[:2]
        status.append(MSG_ENTRY_TEMPLATE % locals())
    msg = msg + "\n".join(status)

    s = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.concentric.net")
#    s.set_debuglevel(1)
    s.sendmail(FROM, (user,), msg)
#    s.sendmail(FROM, ("jhylton@users.sourceforge.net",), msg)

def main():
    dbname = os.environ['USER']
    db = PatchDBInterface(pg.connect(dbname))
    st_open = db.status.lookup('Open')
    st_accepted = db.status.lookup('Accepted')
    if VERBOSE:
        print HEADER
    for user, user_id in db.users.get_dict().items():
        if user_id <= 100:               # system-defined user ids
        open = db.query(QUERY % (user_id, st_open)).getresult()
        accepted = db.query(QUERY % (user_id, st_accepted)).getresult()
        if not (open or accepted):
            if VERBOSE:
                print ENTRY % (user, 0, 0)
        if VERBOSE:
            print ENTRY % (user, len(open), len(accepted))
        send_pest_mail(user, open, accepted)

if __name__ == "__main__":

--- NEW FILE: sf-schema.txt ---
CREATE TABLE users_t (
       user_id int PRIMARY KEY,
       username text NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE status_t (
       status_id int PRIMARY KEY,
       name text NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE patches_t (
       patch_id int PRIMARY KEY,
       summary text,
       status int REFERENCES status_t,
       category text,
       date text,
       submitted_by int REFERENCES users_t,
       assigned_to int REFERENCES users_t,
       summary_url text

CREATE TABLE category_t (
       category_id int PRIMARY KEY,
       name text NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE resolution_t (
       resolution_id int PRIMARY KEY,
       name text NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE bug_group_t (
       bug_group_id int PRIMARY KEY,
       name text NOT NULL

       bug_id int PRIMARY KEY,
       summary text,
       bug_group_id int REFERENCES bug_group_t,
       category_id int REFERENCES category_t,
       resolution_id int REFERENCES resolution_t,
       status_id int REFERENCES status_t,
       assigned_to int REFERENCES users_t,
       priority int

--- NEW FILE: sfdb.py ---
import pg
import re

def quote(s):
    return re.sub("'", r"\'", s)

class QueryResult:
    def __init__(self, result):
        self.__result = result
        self.__tuple = None

    def getresult(self):
        if self.__tuple is None:
            self.__tuple = self.__result.getresult()
        return self.__tuple

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.getresult())

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        return getattr(self.__result, attr)

class SQLMapping:
    """Decode a simple mapping from an SQL table

    An interface for a simple SQL table of the following sort:
    CREATE TABLE bug_group_t (
       bug_group_id int PRIMARY KEY,
       name text NOT NULL

    The chief requirements are that the types of the two fields match
    the example above. 

    Assumes that the keys and values are disjoint, so that a single
    interface can resolve in either direction.

    def __init__(self, db, table, fields="*"):
        self.dict1 = {}
        self.dict2 = {}
        self.__db = db
        self.__table = table
        r = db.query("SELECT %s FROM %s" % (fields, table)).getresult()
        for key, val in r:
            assert None not in (key, val)
            self.dict1[key] = val
            self.dict2[val] = key

    def lookup(self, kv):
        r = self.dict1.get(kv)
        if r is None:
            r = self.dict2.get(kv)
        return r

    def get_dict(self):
        """Return dict mapping key to value"""
        return self.dict2

    __insert_q = "INSERT INTO %(table)s VALUES (%(key)s, '%(value)s')"
    def insert(self, key, value):
        table = self.__table
        value = quote(value)
        query = self.__insert_q % locals()
        self.dict1[key] = value
        self.dict2[value] = key

class PatchDBInterface:
    """Interface between the PatchManager and the SQL database

    Scheme for the patches table is:
    CREATE TABLE patches_t (
       patch_id int PRIMARY KEY,
       summary text,
       status int REFERENCES status_t,
       category text,
       date text,
       submitted_by int REFERENCES users_t,
       assigned_to int REFERENCES users_t,
       summary_url text

    def __init__(self, db=None):
        db = db or pg.connect()
        self.db = db
        self.users = SQLMapping(db, 'users_t')
        self.status = SQLMapping(db, 'status_t')
        self.num_deletes = 0

    def update(self, patch_id, attrs):
        # resolve REFERENCES
        status = self.status.lookup(attrs['Status'])
        submitted_by = self.users.lookup(attrs['Submitted By'])
        if submitted_by is None:
            submitted_by = 0
        assigned_to = self.users.lookup(attrs['Assigned To'])
        if assigned_to is None:
            assigned_to = 100

        # delete old version if necessary
        if self.has_patch(patch_id):
            q = "DELETE FROM patches_t WHERE patch_id = %(patch_id)d"
            self.db.query(q % locals())
            self.num_deletes = self.num_deletes + 1

        d = locals()
        del d['attrs'] # just to make debugging prints clearer
        for k, v in attrs.items():
            d[k] = pg._quote(v, 0)
        q = "INSERT INTO patches_t VALUES (%(patch_id)d," \
            " %(Summary)s, %(status)d, %(Category)s, %(Date)s," \
            " %(submitted_by)d, %(assigned_to)d)"
        self.db.query(q % d)

    def has_patch(self, patch_id):
        r = self.db.query("SELECT * FROM patches_t" \
                          " WHERE patch_id = %d" % patch_id).getresult()
        if r:
            return 1
            return 0

    def query(self, query):
        return self.db.query(query)

class Bug:
    """Interface to bug_t row"""
    def __init__(self, bug_info, db):
        self.__db = db
        self.__dict = bug_info
        self.__clean = 1
        # Keep this one around solely for the benefit of the SF Web
        # interface; the local database ignores it.
        self.__details = None

    def get(self, attr):
        """Get an attribute of the bug

        This method understands a few different kinds of keys:
        names of bug_t columns, e.g. summary, status_id, etc.
        names of bug_t references, e.g. status returns the value
            referred to by status_id
        if self.__dict.has_key(attr):
            return self.__dict[attr]
        ref = attr + "_id"
        if self.__dict.has_key(ref):
            return self.__get_ref(attr, ref)
        if attr == "details":
            return self.__details
        raise KeyError, "no attribute: %s" % attr

    def __get_mapping(self, table):
            mapping = getattr(self.__db, table)
        except AttributeError:
            raise KeyError, "no table for attribute: %s" % table
        return mapping
    def __get_ref(self, table, id):
        mapping = self.__get_mapping(table)
        return mapping.lookup(self.__dict[id])

    def set(self, attr, value):
        if attr == 'details':
            self.__details = value
        if self.__dict.has_key(attr):
            self.__clean = 0
            self.__dict[attr] = value
        ref = attr + "_id"
        if self.__dict.has_key(ref):
            self.__set_ref(attr, ref, value)
        raise KeyError, "no attribute: %s" % attr

    def __set_ref(self, table, id, value):
        mapping = self.__get_mapping(table)
        key = mapping.lookup(value)
        if key is None:
            raise ValueError, "invalid attribute for table %s: %s" % \
                  (table, value)
        # __dict holds keys to values in the mapping
        self.__clean = 0
        self.__dict[id] = key

    def assign(self, username):
        # the set interface does not work well here
        self.__set_ref("users", "assigned_to", username)

    _update_ids = ('bug_group_id', 'status_id', 'category_id',

    def get_update_data(self):
        """Return data in the format expected by db update method"""
        d = {}
        for attr in Bug._update_ids: 
            attr_value = attr[:-3]
            key = self.get(attr_value)
            if key is not None:
                d[attr] = key, self.get(attr)
        d['priority'] = self.get('priority'), self.get('priority')
        user = self.__get_ref('users', 'assigned_to')
        if user is not None:
            d['assigned_to'] = user, self.get('assigned_to')
        for attr, (k, v) in d.items():
            d[attr] = k, str(v)
        return self.__dict['bug_id'], self.__dict['summary'], d

    _form_keys = ('bug_id', 'summary', 'category_id', 'priority',
                  'bug_group_id', 'resolution_id', 'assigned_to',

    def get_form_data(self):
        d = {}
        for name in Bug._form_keys:
            val = self.get(name)
            if val is None:
                val = 100
            s = str(val)
            d[name] = s
        if self.__details is not None:
            d['details'] = self.__details
        return d

    def flush_sf(self):
        # XXX not sure what to do here...
    def flush_local(self):
        args = self.get_update_data()

    def flush(self):
        if not self.__clean:
            self.__clean = 1

class BugDBInterface:
    """Interface to bug_t"""

    def __init__(self, db=None):
        db = db or pg.connect()
        self.__db = db
        self.bug_group = SQLMapping(db, "bug_group_t")
        self.category = SQLMapping(db, "category_t")
        self.status = SQLMapping(db, "status_t")
        self.users = SQLMapping(db, "users_t")
        self.resolution = SQLMapping(db, "resolution_t")

    def __query(self, query):
        print query
        return QueryResult(self.__db.query(query))

    def get(self, bug_id):
        r = self.__query('select * from bug_t where bug_id = %s' % bug_id)
        if len(r) == 0:
            return None
        assert len(r) == 1
        return Bug(r.dictresult()[0], self)

    def insert(self, bug_id, summary, attrs):
        """Load bug using the info from the buglig BugParser"""
        self._do_bug_query(bug_id, summary, attrs, self.__insert_q)

    def update(self, bug_id, summary, attrs):
        """Update existing bug using info from buglib BugParser"""
        self.__query("BEGIN WORK")
        sql = 'DELETE FROM bug_t WHERE bug_id = %(bug_id)s' % locals()
        self.insert(bug_id, summary, attrs)
        self.__query("COMMIT WORK")

    __insert_q = "INSERT INTO bug_t (bug_id, summary, " \
                 "%(optional_keys)s, priority) VALUES " \
                 "(%(bug_id)s, '%(summary)s', %(optional_values)s,  " \

    def _do_bug_query(self, bug_id, summary, attrs, query):
        summary = quote(summary)
        priority = int(attrs["priority"][1])
        optional_keys, optional_values = self._prep_query_refs(attrs)

        sql = self.__insert_q % locals()

    def _prep_query_refs(self, attrs):
        self._lookup_ref(self.bug_group, attrs, "bug_group_id")
        self._lookup_ref(self.category, attrs, "category_id")
        self._lookup_ref(self.resolution, attrs, "resolution_id")
        self._lookup_ref(self.status, attrs, "status_id")
        self._lookup_ref(self.users, attrs, "assigned_to")

        # now figure out which of the optional fields have values (yuck)
        for k, v in self.refs.items():
            if v is None:
                del self.refs[k]
        optional_keys = ", ".join(self.refs.keys())
        optional_values = ", ".join(map(str, self.refs.values()))
        return optional_keys, optional_values

    __exists_q = "SELECT * FROM bug_t WHERE bug_id = %(bug_id)s"
    def exists(self, bug_id):
        if self.__query(self.__exists_q % locals()):
            return 1
            return 0

    def _new_query(self):
        self.refs = {}

    def _lookup_ref(self, table, attrs, attrname):
        pair = attrs.get(attrname)
        if pair is None:
            self.refs[attrname] = None
            return None
        value, key = pair
        id = table.lookup(value)
        if id is None:
            id = int(key)
            table.insert(id, value)
        self.refs[attrname] = id
        return id

--- NEW FILE: sflib.py ---
"""Routines for interacting with SourceForge interfaces"""

import cgi
import re
import urllib
import urlparse

def urldecode(query):
    d = cgi.parse_qs(query)
    for k, v in d.items():
        if len(v) != 1:
            raise ValueError, "unexpected duplicate entry"
        d[k] = v[0]
    return d

class SummaryParser:
    rx_href = re.compile('HREF="(\S*\?[A-Za-z0-9=&_]+)"')

    VERBOSE = 0

    def __init__(self, root_url, funcs, verbose=None):
        if verbose:
            self.VERBOSE = verbose
        self.root_url = root_url
        self.offset = 0
        self.hrefs = []
        self.funcs = {}
        self.next = None
        for func in funcs:
            self.funcs[func] = 1

    def get_hrefs(self):
        return self.hrefs

    def load(self, _url, offset=None):
        url = urlparse.urljoin(self.root_url, _url)
        if self.VERBOSE:
            print "loading", url
        if offset is not None:
            self.offset = offset
        f = urllib.urlopen(url)
        resp = f.read()

    def parse(self, buf):
        for line in buf.split("\n"):
            line_offset = 0
            while 1:
                mo = self.rx_href.search(line, line_offset)
                if mo:
                    self.handle_href_match(mo, line)
                    line_offset = mo.end(1)
        if self.VERBOSE:
            print "found %d hrefs" % len(self.hrefs)
        if self.next:

    def handle_href_match(self, mo, line):
        query = mo.group(1)
        d = self.parse_query(query)
        self.handle_query(query, d, line)

    def handle_query(self, query, dict, line):
        if self.VERBOSE:
            print query
        if not dict.has_key('func'):
        if dict['func'] == 'browse' and dict.has_key('offset'):
            off = int(dict['offset'])
            if off > self.offset:
                self.next = query, dict
        if self.keep_func(dict['func']):
            self.hrefs.append((query, dict, line))
    def keep_func(self, func):
        if self.funcs.has_key(func):
            return 1

    def parse_query(self, href):
        i = href.find("?")
        return urldecode(href[i+1:])
    def load_next(self):
        assert self.next is not None
        query, dict = self.next
        self.next = None
        new_offset = int(dict['offset'])
        self.load(query, new_offset)

--- NEW FILE: upload.py ---
#! /usr/bin/env python

"""Enter Jitterbug reports into the SF Bug Tracker

upload.py [OPTIONS] [jitterbug_path]

This script reads Jitterbug data from its filesystem representation
and uploads each bug report to the SourceForge Bug Tracker.

Jitterbug stores each of its bug categories in a separate directory
 (e.g. open, notabug, etc.).  This script reads all of the bug files
from a single directory.  To upload an entire Jitterbug database, the
script must be run once on each directory.

The command-line options are used to specify metadata for SF.  For
each option, you must specify the SF id for the field, which you can
find by viewing the source of the standard bug submission form.

  -P [project_group_id]      which project to add bugs to (REQUIRED)
  -p [1..10]                 bug priority (default 5)
  -c [category_id]           SF bug category
  -g [group_id]              SF bug group

The -v option provides verbose output.
The -h option prints this message.

import sys
import os
import re
import getopt

import jitterbuglib

_rx_num = re.compile('\d+$')

def find_bugs(dir):
    """Return a list of the bug ids contained in dir"""
    bug_ids = []
    for file in os.listdir(dir):
        mo = _rx_num.match(file)
        if mo:
    return bug_ids

def main(dir):
    bug_ids = find_bugs(dir)
    for bid in bug_ids:
        bug = jitterbuglib.Bug(dir, bid)
        if VERBOSE:
            print "loaded PR#%s" % bid

def usage(code, msg=''):
    print >> sys.stderr, __doc__
    if msg:
        print >> sys.stderr, msg

if __name__ == "__main__":
    proj_group_set = 0
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'P:g:vp:hc:')
    except getopt.error, msg:
        usage(1, msg)
    if len(args) > 1:
        usage(1, 'unexpected arguments: ' + ' '.join(args[1:]))
    if len(args) == 0:
        usage(1, 'jitterbug_path missing')

    for k, v in opts:
        if k == '-v':
            VERBOSE = 1
        elif k == '-h':
        elif k == '-g':
            jitterbuglib.set_label("GROUP", v)
        elif k == '-p':
            jitterbuglib.set_label("PRIORITY", v)
        elif k == '-P':
            jitterbuglib.set_label("PROJECT_GROUP_ID", v)
            proj_group_set = 1
        elif k == '-c':
            jitterbuglib.set_label("CATEGORY", v)

    if not proj_group_set:
        usage(1, '-P option is required')

    # all's well