[Python-checkins] CVS: python/dist/src/Mac/Python macglue.c,1.100,1.101

Jack Jansen jackjansen@users.sourceforge.net
Wed, 08 Aug 2001 06:17:33 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Mac/Python
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv11197/Mac/Python

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Split macglue.c into two: a new mactoolboxglue.c (in ./Python)
with functionality needed for both unix-Python and MacPython and a
new smaller ./Mac/Python/macglue.c which contains MacPython stuff only.

pymactoolbox.h has moved to ./Include from ./Mac/Include and now also
contains the relevant stuff from macglue.h.

The net effect of this is that the ./Mac subdirectory is not needed
anymore for building the unix-Python core on MacOSX (it is needed
for building the extension modules).

Index: macglue.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Mac/Python/macglue.c,v
retrieving revision 1.100
retrieving revision 1.101
diff -C2 -d -r1.100 -r1.101
*** macglue.c	2001/08/07 15:30:07	1.100
--- macglue.c	2001/08/08 13:17:31	1.101
*** 180,219 ****
  int PyMac_AppearanceCompliant;
- /*
- ** Find out what the current script is.
- ** Donated by Fredrik Lund.
- */
- char *PyMac_getscript()
- {
-    int font, script, lang;
-     font = 0;
-     font = GetSysFont();
-     script = FontToScript(font);
-     switch (script) {
-     case smRoman:
-         lang = GetScriptVariable(script, smScriptLang);
-         if (lang == langIcelandic)
-             return "mac-iceland";
-         else if (lang == langTurkish)
-             return "mac-turkish";
-         else if (lang == langGreek)
-             return "mac-greek";
-         else
-             return "mac-roman";
-         break;
- #if 0
-     /* We don't have a codec for this, so don't return it */
-     case smJapanese:
-         return "mac-japan";
- #endif
-     case smGreek:
-         return "mac-greek";
-     case smCyrillic:
-         return "mac-cyrillic";
-     default:
-         return "ascii"; /* better than nothing */
-     }
- }
  /* Given an FSSpec, return the FSSpec of the parent folder */
--- 180,183 ----
*** 422,485 ****
  #endif /* TARGET_API_MAC_OS8 */
- /* Like strerror() but for Mac OS error numbers */
- char *PyMac_StrError(int err)
- {
- 	static char buf[256];
- 	Handle h;
- 	char *str;
- 	h = GetResource('Estr', err);
- 	if ( h ) {
- 		HLock(h);
- 		str = (char *)*h;
- 		memcpy(buf, str+1, (unsigned char)str[0]);
- 		buf[(unsigned char)str[0]] = '\0';
- 		HUnlock(h);
- 		ReleaseResource(h);
- 	} else {
- 		sprintf(buf, "Mac OS error code %d", err);
- 	}
- 	return buf;
- }
- /* Exception object shared by all Mac specific modules for Mac OS errors */
- PyObject *PyMac_OSErrException;
- /* Initialize and return PyMac_OSErrException */
- PyObject *
- PyMac_GetOSErrException()
- {
- 	if (PyMac_OSErrException == NULL)
- 		PyMac_OSErrException = PyString_FromString("MacOS.Error");
- 	return PyMac_OSErrException;
- }
- /* Set a MAC-specific error from errno, and return NULL; return None if no error */
- PyObject * 
- PyErr_Mac(PyObject *eobj, int err)
- {
- 	char *msg;
- 	PyObject *v;
- 	if (err == 0 && !PyErr_Occurred()) {
- 		Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- 		return Py_None;
- 	}
- 	if (err == -1 && PyErr_Occurred())
- 		return NULL;
- 	msg = PyMac_StrError(err);
- 	v = Py_BuildValue("(is)", err, msg);
- 	PyErr_SetObject(eobj, v);
- 	Py_DECREF(v);
- 	return NULL;
- }
- /* Call PyErr_Mac with PyMac_OSErrException */
- PyObject *
- PyMac_Error(OSErr err)
- {
- 	return PyErr_Mac(PyMac_GetOSErrException(), err);
- }
  /* Check for stack overflow */
--- 386,389 ----
*** 960,1242 ****
  #endif /* TARGET_API_MAC_OS8 */
- /* Convert a 4-char string object argument to an OSType value */
- int
- PyMac_GetOSType(PyObject *v, OSType *pr)
- {
- 	if (!PyString_Check(v) || PyString_Size(v) != 4) {
- 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- 			"OSType arg must be string of 4 chars");
- 		return 0;
- 	}
- 	memcpy((char *)pr, PyString_AsString(v), 4);
- 	return 1;
- }
- /* Convert an OSType value to a 4-char string object */
- PyObject *
- PyMac_BuildOSType(OSType t)
- {
- 	return PyString_FromStringAndSize((char *)&t, 4);
- }
- /* Convert an NumVersion value to a 4-element tuple */
- PyObject *
- PyMac_BuildNumVersion(NumVersion t)
- {
- 	return Py_BuildValue("(hhhh)", t.majorRev, t.minorAndBugRev, t.stage, t.nonRelRev);
- }
- /* Convert a Python string object to a Str255 */
- int
- PyMac_GetStr255(PyObject *v, Str255 pbuf)
- {
- 	int len;
- 	if (!PyString_Check(v) || (len = PyString_Size(v)) > 255) {
- 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- 			"Str255 arg must be string of at most 255 chars");
- 		return 0;
- 	}
- 	pbuf[0] = len;
- 	memcpy((char *)(pbuf+1), PyString_AsString(v), len);
- 	return 1;
- }
- /* Convert a Str255 to a Python string object */
- PyObject *
- PyMac_BuildStr255(Str255 s)
- {
- 	if ( s == NULL ) {
- 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "Str255 pointer is NULL");
- 		return NULL;
- 	}
- 	return PyString_FromStringAndSize((char *)&s[1], (int)s[0]);
- }
- PyObject *
- PyMac_BuildOptStr255(Str255 s)
- {
- 	if ( s == NULL ) {
- 		Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- 		return Py_None;
- 	}
- 	return PyString_FromStringAndSize((char *)&s[1], (int)s[0]);
- }
- /* Convert a Python object to a Rect.
-    The object must be a (left, top, right, bottom) tuple.
-    (This differs from the order in the struct but is consistent with
-    the arguments to SetRect(), and also with STDWIN). */
- int
- PyMac_GetRect(PyObject *v, Rect *r)
- {
- 	return PyArg_Parse(v, "(hhhh)", &r->left, &r->top, &r->right, &r->bottom);
- }
- /* Convert a Rect to a Python object */
- PyObject *
- PyMac_BuildRect(Rect *r)
- {
- 	return Py_BuildValue("(hhhh)", r->left, r->top, r->right, r->bottom);
- }
- /* Convert a Python object to a Point.
-    The object must be a (h, v) tuple.
-    (This differs from the order in the struct but is consistent with
-    the arguments to SetPoint(), and also with STDWIN). */
- int
- PyMac_GetPoint(PyObject *v, Point *p)
- {
- 	return PyArg_Parse(v, "(hh)", &p->h, &p->v);
- }
- /* Convert a Point to a Python object */
- PyObject *
- PyMac_BuildPoint(Point p)
- {
- 	return Py_BuildValue("(hh)", p.h, p.v);
- }
- /* Convert a Python object to an EventRecord.
-    The object must be a (what, message, when, (v, h), modifiers) tuple. */
- int
- PyMac_GetEventRecord(PyObject *v, EventRecord *e)
- {
- 	return PyArg_Parse(v, "(Hll(hh)H)",
- 	                   &e->what,
- 	                   &e->message,
- 	                   &e->when,
- 	                   &e->where.h,
- 	                   &e->where.v,                   
- 	                   &e->modifiers);
- }
- /* Convert a Rect to an EventRecord object */
- PyObject *
- PyMac_BuildEventRecord(EventRecord *e)
- {
- 	return Py_BuildValue("(hll(hh)h)",
- 	                     e->what,
- 	                     e->message,
- 	                     e->when,
- 	                     e->where.h,
- 	                     e->where.v,
- 	                     e->modifiers);
- }
- /* Convert Python object to Fixed */
- int
- PyMac_GetFixed(PyObject *v, Fixed *f)
- {
- 	double d;
- 	if( !PyArg_Parse(v, "d", &d))
- 		return 0;
- 	*f = (Fixed)(d * 0x10000);
- 	return 1;
- }
- /* Convert a Point to a Python object */
- PyObject *
- PyMac_BuildFixed(Fixed f)
- {
- 	double d;
- 	d = f;
- 	d = d / 0x10000;
- 	return Py_BuildValue("d", d);
- }
- /* Convert wide to/from Python int or (hi, lo) tuple. XXXX Should use Python longs */
- int
- PyMac_Getwide(PyObject *v, wide *rv)
- {
- 	if (PyInt_Check(v)) {
- 		rv->hi = 0;
- 		rv->lo = PyInt_AsLong(v);
- 		if( rv->lo & 0x80000000 )
- 			rv->hi = -1;
- 		return 1;
- 	}
- 	return PyArg_Parse(v, "(ll)", &rv->hi, &rv->lo);
- }
- PyObject *
- PyMac_Buildwide(wide *w)
- {
- 	if ( (w->hi == 0 && (w->lo & 0x80000000) == 0) ||
- 	     (w->hi == -1 && (w->lo & 0x80000000) ) )
- 		return PyInt_FromLong(w->lo);
- 	return Py_BuildValue("(ll)", w->hi, w->lo);
- }
- /*
- ** Glue together the toolbox objects.
- **
- ** Because toolbox modules interdepend on each other, they use each others
- ** object types, on MacOSX/MachO this leads to the situation that they
- ** cannot be dynamically loaded (or they would all have to be lumped into
- ** a single .so, but this would be bad for extensibility).
- **
- ** This file defines wrappers for all the _New and _Convert functions,
- ** which are the Py_BuildValue and PyArg_ParseTuple helpers. The wrappers
- ** check an indirection function pointer, and if it isn't filled in yet
- ** they import the appropriate module, whose init routine should fill in
- ** the pointer.
- */
- #define GLUE_NEW(object, routinename, module) \
- PyObject *(*PyMacGluePtr_##routinename)(object); \
- \
- PyObject *routinename(object cobj) { \
-     if (!PyMacGluePtr_##routinename) { \
-        if (!PyImport_ImportModule(module)) return NULL; \
-        if (!PyMacGluePtr_##routinename) { \
-            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, "Module did not provide routine: " module ": " #routinename); \
-            return NULL; \
-        } \
-     } \
-     return (*PyMacGluePtr_##routinename)(cobj); \
- }
- #define GLUE_CONVERT(object, routinename, module) \
- int (*PyMacGluePtr_##routinename)(PyObject *, object *); \
- \
- int routinename(PyObject *pyobj, object *cobj) { \
-     if (!PyMacGluePtr_##routinename) { \
-        if (!PyImport_ImportModule(module)) return NULL; \
-        if (!PyMacGluePtr_##routinename) { \
-            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, "Module did not provide routine: " module ": " #routinename); \
-            return NULL; \
-        } \
-     } \
-     return (*PyMacGluePtr_##routinename)(pyobj, cobj); \
- }
- GLUE_CONVERT(FSSpec, PyMac_GetFSSpec, "macfs")
- GLUE_NEW(AppleEvent *, AEDesc_New, "AE") /* XXXX Why by address? */
- GLUE_CONVERT(AppleEvent, AEDesc_Convert, "AE")
- GLUE_NEW(Component, CmpObj_New, "Cm")
- GLUE_CONVERT(Component, CmpObj_Convert, "Cm")
- GLUE_NEW(ComponentInstance, CmpInstObj_New, "Cm")
- GLUE_CONVERT(ComponentInstance, CmpInstObj_Convert, "Cm")
- GLUE_NEW(ControlHandle, CtlObj_New, "Ctl")
- GLUE_CONVERT(ControlHandle, CtlObj_Convert, "Ctl")
- GLUE_NEW(DialogPtr, DlgObj_New, "Dlg")
- GLUE_CONVERT(DialogPtr, DlgObj_Convert, "Dlg")
- GLUE_NEW(DialogPtr, DlgObj_WhichDialog, "Dlg")
- GLUE_NEW(DragReference, DragObj_New, "Drag")
- GLUE_CONVERT(DragReference, DragObj_Convert, "Drag")
- GLUE_NEW(ListHandle, ListObj_New, "List")
- GLUE_CONVERT(ListHandle, ListObj_Convert, "List")
- GLUE_NEW(MenuHandle, MenuObj_New, "Menu")
- GLUE_CONVERT(MenuHandle, MenuObj_Convert, "Menu")
- GLUE_NEW(GrafPtr, GrafObj_New, "Qd")
- GLUE_CONVERT(GrafPtr, GrafObj_Convert, "Qd")
- GLUE_NEW(BitMapPtr, BMObj_New, "Qd")
- GLUE_CONVERT(BitMapPtr, BMObj_Convert, "Qd")
- GLUE_NEW(RGBColor *, QdRGB_New, "Qd") /* XXXX Why? */
- GLUE_CONVERT(RGBColor, QdRGB_Convert, "Qd")
- GLUE_NEW(GWorldPtr, GWorldObj_New, "Qdoffs")
- GLUE_CONVERT(GWorldPtr, GWorldObj_Convert, "Qdoffs")
- GLUE_NEW(Track, TrackObj_New, "Qt")
- GLUE_CONVERT(Track, TrackObj_Convert, "Qt")
- GLUE_NEW(Movie, MovieObj_New, "Qt")
- GLUE_CONVERT(Movie, MovieObj_Convert, "Qt")
- GLUE_NEW(MovieController, MovieCtlObj_New, "Qt")
- GLUE_CONVERT(MovieController, MovieCtlObj_Convert, "Qt")
- GLUE_NEW(TimeBase, TimeBaseObj_New, "Qt")
- GLUE_CONVERT(TimeBase, TimeBaseObj_Convert, "Qt")
- GLUE_NEW(UserData, UserDataObj_New, "Qt")
- GLUE_CONVERT(UserData, UserDataObj_Convert, "Qt")
- GLUE_NEW(Media, MediaObj_New, "Qt")
- GLUE_CONVERT(Media, MediaObj_Convert, "Qt")
- GLUE_NEW(Handle, ResObj_New, "Res")
- GLUE_CONVERT(Handle, ResObj_Convert, "Res")
- GLUE_NEW(Handle, OptResObj_New, "Res")
- GLUE_CONVERT(Handle, OptResObj_Convert, "Res")
- GLUE_NEW(TEHandle, TEObj_New, "TE")
- GLUE_CONVERT(TEHandle, TEObj_Convert, "TE")
- GLUE_NEW(WindowPtr, WinObj_New, "Win")
- GLUE_CONVERT(WindowPtr, WinObj_Convert, "Win")
- GLUE_NEW(WindowPtr, WinObj_WhichWindow, "Win")
\ No newline at end of file
--- 864,866 ----