[Python-checkins] CVS: distutils/distutils/command bdist_rpm.py,1.5,1.6

Greg Ward python-dev@python.org
Thu, 1 Jun 2000 18:50:01 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/python/distutils/distutils/command
In directory slayer.i.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv2562/command

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Fairly massive overhaul to support getting RPM inputs (extra meta-data,
prep/build/etc. scripts, doc files, dependency info) from a config file
rather than the dedicated "package_info" file.  (The idea is that
developers will provide RPM-specific info in the "[bdist_rpm]" section of
setup.cfg, but of course it could also be supplied in the other config
files, on the command line, or in the setup script -- or any mix of the

Major changes:
  * added a boatload of options to 'user_options' and
    'initialize_options()': 'distribution_name', 'group', 'release', ...
  * added 'finalize_package_data()', which takes the place of
    '_get_package_data()' -- except it's called from 'finalize_options()',
    not 'run()', so we have everything figured out before we actually run
    the command
  * added 'ensure_string()', 'ensure_string_list()', 'ensure_filename()';
    these take the place of '_check_string()' and friends.  (These actually
    look like really useful type-checking methods that could come in handy
    all over the Distutils; should consider moving them up to Command and
    using them in other command classes' 'finalize_options()' method for
  * various cleanup, commentary, and adaptation to the new way of
    storing RPM info in '_make_spec_file()'

Index: bdist_rpm.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/distutils/distutils/command/bdist_rpm.py,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -r1.5 -r1.6
*** bdist_rpm.py	2000/06/01 00:40:25	1.5
--- bdist_rpm.py	2000/06/02 01:49:58	1.6
*** 6,12 ****
  # created 2000/04/25, by Harry Henry Gebel
! __revision__ = "$Id: bdist_rpm.py,v 1.5 2000/06/01 00:40:25 gward Exp $"
! import os, string
  from types import *
  from distutils.core import Command
--- 6,12 ----
  # created 2000/04/25, by Harry Henry Gebel
! __revision__ = "$Id: bdist_rpm.py,v 1.6 2000/06/02 01:49:58 gward Exp $"
! import os, string, re
  from types import *
  from distutils.core import Command
*** 29,32 ****
--- 29,89 ----
          ('use-bzip2', None,
           "use bzip2 instead of gzip to create source distribution"),
+         # More meta-data: too RPM-specific to put in the setup script,
+         # but needs to go in the .spec file -- so we make these options
+         # to "bdist_rpm".  The idea is that packagers would put this
+         # info in setup.cfg, although they are of course free to
+         # supply it on the command line.
+         ('distribution-name', None,
+          "name of the (Linux) distribution name to which this "
+          "RPM applies (*not* the name of the module distribution!)"),
+         ('group', None,
+          "package classification [default: \"Development/Libraries\"]"),
+         ('release', None,
+          "RPM release number"),
+         ('serial', None,
+          "???"),
+         ('vendor', None,
+          "RPM \"vendor\" (eg. \"Joe Blow <joe@example.com>\") "
+          "[default: maintainer or author from setup script]"),
+         ('packager', None,
+          "RPM packager (eg. \"Jane Doe <jane@example.net>\")"
+          "[default: vendor]"),
+         ('doc-files', None,
+          "list of documentation files (space or comma-separated)"),
+         ('changelog', None,
+          "RPM changelog"),
+         ('icon', None,
+          "name of icon file"),
+         ('prep-cmd', None,
+          "?? pre-build command(s) ??"),
+         ('build-cmd', None,
+          "?? build command(s) ??"),
+         ('install-cmd', None,
+          "?? installation command(s) ??"),
+         ('clean-cmd', None,
+          "?? clean command(s) ??"),
+         ('pre-install', None,
+          "pre-install script (Bourne shell code)"),
+         ('post-install', None,
+          "post-install script (Bourne shell code)"),
+         ('pre-uninstall', None,
+          "pre-uninstall script (Bourne shell code)"),
+         ('post-uninstall', None,
+          "post-uninstall script (Bourne shell code)"),
+         ('provides', None,
+          "???"),
+         ('requires', None,
+          "???"),
+         ('conflicts', None,
+          "???"),
+         ('build-requires', None,
+          "???"),
+         ('obsoletes', None,
+          "???"),
+         # Actions to take when building RPM
          ('clean', None,
           "clean up RPM build directory [default]"),
*** 49,52 ****
--- 106,135 ----
          self.source_only = None
          self.use_bzip2 = None
+         self.distribution_name = None
+         self.group = None
+         self.release = None
+         self.serial = None
+         self.vendor = None
+         self.packager = None
+         self.doc_files = None
+         self.changelog = None
+         self.icon = None
+         self.prep_cmd = None
+         self.build_cmd = None
+         self.install_cmd = None
+         self.clean_cmd = None
+         self.pre_install = None
+         self.post_install = None
+         self.pre_uninstall = None
+         self.post_uninstall = None
+         self.prep = None
+         self.provides = None
+         self.requires = None
+         self.conflicts = None
+         self.build_requires = None
+         self.obsoletes = None
          self.clean = 1
          self.use_rpm_opt_flags = 1
*** 64,76 ****
              raise DistutilsOptionsError, \
                    "cannot supply both '--source-only' and '--binary-only'"
          # don't pass CFLAGS to pure python distributions
          if not self.distribution.has_ext_modules():
              self.use_rpm_opt_flags = 0
      # finalize_options()
      def run (self):
!         self._get_package_data() # get packaging info
          # make directories
--- 147,256 ----
              raise DistutilsOptionsError, \
                    "cannot supply both '--source-only' and '--binary-only'"
          # don't pass CFLAGS to pure python distributions
          if not self.distribution.has_ext_modules():
              self.use_rpm_opt_flags = 0
+         self.finalize_package_data()
      # finalize_options()
+     def finalize_package_data (self):
+         self.ensure_string('group', "Development/Libraries")
+         self.ensure_string('vendor',
+                            "%s <%s>" % (self.distribution.get_contact(),
+                                         self.distribution.get_contact_email()))
+         self.ensure_string('packager', self.vendor) # or nothing?
+         self.ensure_string_list('doc_files')
+         if type(self.doc_files) is ListType:
+             for readme in ('README', 'README.txt'):
+                 if os.path.exists(readme) and readme not in self.doc_files:
+                     self.doc.append(readme)
+         self.ensure_string('release', "1")   # should it be an int?
+         self.ensure_string('serial')   # should it be an int?
+         self.ensure_string('icon')
+         self.ensure_string('distribution_name')
+         self.ensure_string('prep_cmd', "%setup") # string or filename?
+         if self.use_rpm_opt_flags:
+             def_build = 'env CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" python setup.py build'
+         else:
+             def_build = 'python setup.py build'
+         self.ensure_string('build_cmd', def_build)
+         self.ensure_string('install_cmd',
+                            "python setup.py install --root=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT "
+                            "--record=INSTALLED_FILES")
+         self.ensure_string('clean_cmd',
+                            "rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT")
+         self.ensure_filename('pre_install')
+         self.ensure_filename('post_install')
+         self.ensure_filename('pre_uninstall')
+         self.ensure_filename('post_uninstall')
+         # XXX don't forget we punted on summaries and descriptions -- they
+         # should be handled here eventually!
+         # Now *this* is some meta-data that belongs in the setup script...
+         self.ensure_string_list('provides')
+         self.ensure_string_list('requires')
+         self.ensure_string_list('conflicts')
+         self.ensure_string_list('build_requires')
+         self.ensure_string_list('obsoletes')
+     # finalize_package_data ()
+     # XXX these look awfully handy: should probably move them
+     # up to Command and use more widely.
+     def _ensure_stringlike (self, option, what, default=None):
+         val = getattr(self, option)
+         if val is None:
+             setattr(self, option, default)
+             return default
+         elif type(val) is not StringType:
+             raise DistutilsOptionError, \
+                   "'%s' must be a %s (got `%s`)" % (option, what, val)
+         return val
+     def ensure_string (self, option, default=None):
+         self._ensure_stringlike(option, "string", default)
+     def ensure_string_list (self, option):
+         val = getattr(self, option)
+         if val is None:
+             return
+         elif type(val) is StringType:
+             setattr(self, option, re.split(r',\s*|\s+', val))
+         else:
+             if type(val) is ListType:
+                 types = map(type, val)
+                 ok = (types == [StringType] * len(val))
+             else:
+                 ok = 0
+             if not ok:
+                 raise DistutilsOptionError, \
+                       "'%s' must be a list of strings (got %s)" % \
+                       (option, `val`)
+     def ensure_filename (self, option, default=None):
+         val = self._ensure_stringlike(option, "filename", None)
+         if val is not None and not os.path.exists(val):
+             raise DistutilsOptionError, \
+                   "error in '%s' option: file '%s' does not exist" % \
+                   (option, val)
      def run (self):
!         print "before _get_package_data():"
!         print "vendor =", self.vendor
!         print "packager =", self.packager
!         print "doc_files =", self.doc_files
!         print "changelog =", self.changelog
          # make directories
*** 207,213 ****
      def _make_spec_file(self):
!         ''' Generate an RPM spec file '''
!         # definitons and headers
          spec_file = [
              '%define name ' + self.distribution.get_name(),
--- 387,394 ----
      def _make_spec_file(self):
!         """Generate the text of an RPM spec file and return it as a
!         list of strings (one per line).
!         """
!         # definitions and headers
          spec_file = [
              '%define name ' + self.distribution.get_name(),
*** 219,225 ****
          # put locale summaries into spec file
!         for locale in self.summaries.keys():
!             spec_file.append('Summary(%s): %s' % (locale,
!                                                   self.summaries[locale]))
--- 400,408 ----
          # put locale summaries into spec file
!         # XXX not supported for now (hard to put a dictionary
!         # in a config file -- arg!)
!         #for locale in self.summaries.keys():
!         #    spec_file.append('Summary(%s): %s' % (locale,
!         #                                          self.summaries[locale]))
*** 227,234 ****
--- 410,422 ----
              'Version: %{version}',
              'Release: %{release}',])
+         # XXX yuck! this filename is available from the "sdist" command,
+         # but only after it has run: and we create the spec file before
+         # running "sdist", in case of --spec-only.
          if self.use_bzip2:
              spec_file.append('Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2')
              spec_file.append('Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz')
              'Copyright: ' + self.distribution.get_licence(),
*** 248,254 ****
!             if getattr(self, string.lower(field)):
!                 spec_file.append('%s: %s' %
!                                  (field, getattr(self, string.lower(field))))
          if self.distribution.get_url() != 'UNKNOWN':
--- 436,445 ----
!             val = getattr(self, string.lower(field))
!             if type(val) is ListType:
!                 spec_file.append('%s: %s' % (field, string.join(val)))
!             elif val is not None:
!                 spec_file.append('%s: %s' % (field, val))
          if self.distribution.get_url() != 'UNKNOWN':
*** 259,263 ****
          if self.build_requires:
!              spec_file.append('BuildRequires: ' + self.build_requires)
          if self.icon:
--- 450,455 ----
          if self.build_requires:
!              spec_file.append('BuildRequires: ' +
!                               string.join(self.build_requires))
          if self.icon:
*** 271,296 ****
          # put locale descriptions into spec file
!         for locale in self.descriptions.keys():
!             spec_file.extend([
!                 '',
!                 '%description -l ' + locale,
!                 self.descriptions[locale],
!                 ])
          # rpm scripts
!         for script in ('prep',
!                        'build',
!                        'install',
!                        'clean',
!                        'pre',
!                        'post',
!                        'preun',
!                        'postun',
!                        ):
!             if getattr(self, script):
!                     '%' + script,
!                     getattr(self, script),
--- 463,494 ----
          # put locale descriptions into spec file
!         # XXX again, suppressed because config file syntax doesn't
!         # easily support this ;-(
!         #for locale in self.descriptions.keys():
!         #    spec_file.extend([
!         #        '',
!         #        '%description -l ' + locale,
!         #        self.descriptions[locale],
!         #        ])
          # rpm scripts
!         for (rpm_opt, attr) in (('prep', 'prep_cmd'),
!                                 ('build', 'build_cmd'),
!                                 ('install', 'install_cmd'),
!                                 ('clean', 'clean_cmd'),
!                                 ('pre', 'pre_install'),
!                                 ('post', 'post_install'),
!                                 ('preun', 'pre_uninstall'),
!                                 ('postun', 'post_uninstall')):
!             # XXX oops, this doesn't distinguish between "raw code"
!             # options and "script filename" options -- well, we probably
!             # should settle on one or the other, and not make the
!             # distinction!
!             val = getattr(self, attr)
!             if val:
!                     '%' + rpm_opt,
!                     val
*** 303,308 ****
!         if self.doc:
!             spec_file.append('%doc ' + self.doc)
          if self.changelog:
--- 501,506 ----
!         if self.doc_files:
!             spec_file.append('%doc ' + string.join(self.doc_files))
          if self.changelog: