[Python-checkins] CVS: python/dist/src/Doc/texinputs python.sty

Fred L. Drake fdrake@weyr.cnri.reston.va.us
Wed, 13 Jan 1999 12:09:07 -0500

Update of /projects/cvsroot/python/dist/src/Doc/texinputs
In directory weyr:/home/fdrake/projects/python/Doc/texinputs

Modified Files:
Log Message:

\seemodule:  Fix so that each \seemodule entry gets its own paragraph, 
	so they don't get run together when there's no blank line
	between them in the source.  The HTML conversion already did
	the right thing.

\refmodule:  Refer to a module, using a hyperlink in the PDF version.
	Visually the same as \module.