[issue46751] Windows-style path is not recognized under cygwin

Mike Kaganski report at bugs.python.org
Mon Feb 14 16:19:27 EST 2022

Mike Kaganski <mikekaganski at hotmail.com> added the comment:

> As for 3.9: it's not available through the 64 bit installer (at least, I don't see it there). I'll look and see what's involved in installing it.

I don't remember if I did something special to install it; however, just maybe you need to install python39 directly.

> Are you running the 32- or 64-bit version?


> Does Cygwin not use : as a path list separator?

It uses : as path separator:

$ echo $PATH
/opt/lo/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/AdoptOpenJDK/jdk- Files (x86)/Common Files/Oracle/Java/javapath:/cygdrive/c/ProgramData/Oracle/Java/javapath:/cygdrive/c/Windows/System32:/cygdrive/c/Windows:/cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/wbem:/cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0:...

But obviously, it can't use Windows-style paths in the $PATH (for that reason?).


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