[issue34414] Absolute imports conflict with local files

Jonathan Hadida report at bugs.python.org
Thu Aug 16 12:45:25 EDT 2018

New submission from Jonathan Hadida <ariel.hadida at gmail.com>:

This submission follows a post on StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/q/51878397/472610

I have reproduced the unexpected behaviour with multiple python versions, either with a Homebrew install, or using Anaconda/Miniconda. Note that comments to the post on StackOverflow indicate that this behaviour could only be reproduced on Windows and Linux using conda with late versions of Python.


Absolute imports seem to conflict with local files (not in any module). 
This is at odds with the documented behaviour (https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/modules.html#the-module-search-path):

"When a module named spam is imported, the interpreter first searches for a built-in module with that name."


On OSX, use either:

 - A Homebrew-installed version (e.g. /usr/local/bin/python2 or 3)
 - A Miniconda2 or 3 installation
 - An Anaconda3 v5.2.0 installation (not tested with other versions, nor Anaconda2)

NOTE: in cases 1 and 2, you need to install numpy manually.

Create a directory structure as follows:

  └── foo
      ├── a.py
      └── math.py

  1 directory, 2 files

where a.py contains "import numpy", and math.py contains "x++" (intentionally invalid).
For example, the following bash code sets this up in a temporary folder:

  D=$(mktemp -d)
  mkdir "$D/foo"
  echo "import numpy" >| "$D/foo/a.py"
  echo "x++" >| "$D/foo/math.py"

Go to that directory (the one containing folder "foo"), and run:

  <PythonExecutableFromStep1> foo/a.py

The previous command causes the following error, for example using /usr/local/bin/python3 (Homebrew):

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "foo/a.py", line 1, in <module>
    import numpy
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py", line 142, in <module>
    from . import add_newdocs
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/add_newdocs.py", line 13, in <module>
    from numpy.lib import add_newdoc
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/lib/__init__.py", line 3, in <module>
    import math
  File "/private/var/folders/j7/kd8mc69j25j0yw50q_08wmlm0000gt/T/tmp.FfJzdVuG/foo/math.py", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The statement "import math" in numpy/lib/__init__.py should not resolve to foo/math.py, but rather, it should find the standard module "math".


Although I do not know what this list should look like, I would expect the list of builtin modules to be larger than this:

> python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.builtin_module_names)"
('_ast', '_codecs', '_collections', '_functools', '_imp', '_io', '_locale', '_operator', '_signal', '_sre', '_stat', '_string', '_symtable', '_thread', '_tracemalloc', '_warnings', '_weakref', 'atexit', 'builtins', 'errno', 'faulthandler', 'gc', 'itertools', 'marshal', 'posix', 'pwd', 'sys', 'time', 'xxsubtype', 'zipimport')

> python2 -c "import sys; print sys.builtin_module_names"
('__builtin__', '__main__', '_ast', '_codecs', '_sre', '_symtable', '_warnings', '_weakref', 'errno', 'exceptions', 'gc', 'imp', 'marshal', 'posix', 'pwd', 'signal', 'sys', 'thread', 'xxsubtype', 'zipimport')

components: macOS
messages: 323609
nosy: jhadida, ned.deily, ronaldoussoren
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Absolute imports conflict with local files
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.4, Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7

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