[issue22273] abort when passing certain structs by value using ctypes

Eryk Sun report at bugs.python.org
Tue Feb 21 08:27:59 EST 2017

Eryk Sun added the comment:

The 24-byte struct gets passed on the stack, as it should be. In this case ffi_call doesn't abort() because examine_argument returns 0, which is due to the following code in classify_argument:

    if (words > 2)
        /* When size > 16 bytes, if the first one isn't
           X86_64_SSE_CLASS or any other ones aren't
           X86_64_SSEUP_CLASS, everything should be passed in
           memory.  */
        if (classes[0] != X86_64_SSE_CLASS)
            return 0;

        for (i = 1; i < words; i++)
            if (classes[i] != X86_64_SSEUP_CLASS)
                return 0;

It looks like X86_64_SSEUP_CLASS is never actually assigned by classify_argument(), in which case libffi never uses registers to pass structs that are larger than 16 bytes. 

Regarding floating-point values, we get a similar abort for passing a struct containing an array of two doubles because ctypes passes one ffi_type_pointer element instead of two ffi_type_double elements. 

Also, a struct with an array of one double (weird but should be supported) doesn't abort, but instead gets passed incorrectly like a pointer, i.e. as an integer in register rdi, instead of in the expected xmm0 register. The call thus uses whatever garbage value is currently in xmm0. You have to use a test lib to reproduce this. It's not apparent with a ctypes callback because ffi_closure_unix64 (unix64.S) and ffi_closure_unix64_inner (ffi64.c) use the same incorrect classification before calling ctypes closure_fcn and _CallPythonObject.


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