[issue26249] Change PyMem_Malloc to use PyObject_Malloc allocator?

Catalin Gabriel Manciu report at bugs.python.org
Mon Feb 22 07:50:31 EST 2016

Catalin Gabriel Manciu added the comment:

Hi all,

Please find below the results from a complete GUPB run on a patched CPython 3.6. In average, an improvement of about 2.1% can be observed. 

I'm also attaching an implementation of the patch for CPython 2.7 and its benchmark results. On GUPB the average performance boost is 1.5%. 
In addition we are also seeing a 2.1% increase in throughput rate from our OpenStack Swift setup as measured by ssbench.

Compared to my proposition in issue #26382, this patch yields slightly better results for CPython 3.6, gaining an average of +0.36% on GUPB,
and similar results for CPython 2.7.

Hardware and OS configuration:
Hardware:           Intel XEON (Haswell-EP)

BIOS settings:      Intel Turbo Boost Technology: false
                    Hyper-Threading: false                  

OS:                 Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS

OS configuration:   Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) disabled to reduce run
                    to run variation by echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
                    CPU frequency set fixed at 2.3GHz

Repository info:
CPython2 : 2d8e8d0e7162 (2.7)
CPython3 : f9391e2b74a5 tip


Table 1: CPython 3 GUPB results
unpickle_list           22.74%
mako_v2                 9.13%
nqueens                 6.32%
meteor_contest          5.61%
fannkuch                5.34%
simple_logging          5.28%
formatted_logging       5.06%
fastunpickle            4.37%
json_dump_v2            3.10%
regex_compile           3.01%
raytrace                2.95%
pathlib                 2.43%
tornado_http            2.22%
django_v3               1.94%
telco                   1.65%
pickle_list             1.59%
chaos                   1.50%
etree_process           1.48%
fastpickle              1.34%
silent_logging          1.12%
2to3                    1.09%
float                   1.01%
nbody                   0.89%
normal_startup          0.86%
startup_nosite          0.79%
richards                0.67%
regex_v8                0.61%
etree_generate          0.57%
hexiom2                 0.54%
pickle_dict             0.20%
call_simple             0.18%
spectral_norm           0.17%
regex_effbot            0.16%
unpack_sequence         0.00%
call_method_unknown    -0.04%
chameleon_v2           -0.07%
json_load              -0.08%
etree_parse            -0.09%
pidigits               -0.15%
go                     -0.16%
etree_iterparse        -0.22%
call_method_slots      -0.49%
call_method            -0.97%

Table 2: CPython 2 GUPB results
unpickle_list           16.88%
json_load               11.74%
fannkuch                8.11%
mako_v2                 6.91%
meteor_contest          6.27%
slowpickle              4.81%
nqueens                 4.46%
html5lib_warmup         3.53%
chaos                   2.67%
regex_v8                2.56%
html5lib                2.34%
fastunpickle            2.32%
tornado_http            2.23%
rietveld                2.15%
simple_logging          1.82%
normal_startup          1.57%
call_method_slots       1.53%
telco                   1.49%
regex_compile           1.47%
spectral_norm           1.36%
hg_startup              1.27%
regex_effbot            1.18%
nbody                   1.02%
2to3                    1.01%
pybench                 0.99%
chameleon_v2            0.98%
slowunpickle            0.93%
startup_nosite          0.92%
pickle_list             0.89%
richards                0.56%
django_v3               0.48%
json_dump_v2            0.41%
raytrace                0.38%
unpack_sequence         0.00%
float                  -0.05%
slowspitfire           -0.07%
go                     -0.24%
hexiom2                -0.26%
spambayes              -0.27%
pickle_dict            -0.30%
etree_parse            -0.32%
pidigits               -0.41%
etree_iterparse        -0.47%
bzr_startup            -0.55%
fastpickle             -0.74%
etree_process          -0.96%
formatted_logging      -1.01%
call_simple            -1.08%
pathlib                -1.12%
silent_logging         -1.22%
etree_generate         -1.23%
call_method_unknown    -2.14%
call_method            -2.22%

Table 3: OpenStack Swift ssbench results
ssbench                 2.11%

nosy: +catalin.manciu
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file42004/pymem_27.patch

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