[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

Vedran Čačić report at bugs.python.org
Fri Aug 19 00:47:25 EDT 2016

Vedran Čačić added the comment:

I don't think the problem is with (Auto)Enum at all. Problem is in a different place, and this is just a symptom.

Problem is that people make too many assumptions about `class` suite. Yes, type is default metaclass. But not every class should be constructed by type's rules - Python provides a very detailed and powerful mechanism for specifying a different set of rules, should you need it. This is what metaclass keyword argument should be all about. And that is the true reason why metaclass conflict is an issue: every metaclass is a DSL specification, and the same suite cannot be interpreted according to two different DSLs at the same time.

But since there's a widespread myth that users don't like to type, implementors use a trick, "class Spam(metaclass=SpamMeta): pass", and say to their users: "there, just inherit from Spam like you inherit from ordinary classes". That way, we spare them a few keystrokes, sparing them also of opportunity to learn that metaclasses _do_ change the semantics of what they see indented after the colon.

I wonder what Raymond's poll result would be if a normal way to write such code would expose the metaclass

    class Color(metaclass=AutoEnum):

? Raymond has many valid objections, but they all apply to "ordinary" classes, instances of type. Color is not an instance of type, or at least conceptually it isn't. type (as a metaclass in Python) means a blueprint, a way to construct new instances via __call__, and every instance of it has that behavior, some of which even customize it by defining __new__ and/or __init__. type is also special because its power of creation is transitive: its instances know how to produce their instances in almost the same way it does.

But nothing of it is mandatory, and in fact it just stands in the way when we try to define Enum (or singletons, or database models, or... whatever that is not really a Python type). We do inherit from type because it's easier, and then usurp and override its __call__ behavior to do something almost entirely different. (Don't you feel something is wrong when your __new__ method doesn't construct a new object at all?:) It's completely possible, but it's not the only way.

Maybe class is just too tainted a keyword. There was a thread on python-ideas, that we should have a new keyword, "make". "make m n(...)" would be a clearer way to write what's currently written "class n(..., metaclass=m)", with a much more prominent position for the metaclass, obviating the need for "just inherit from Spam" trick, and dissociating in people's minds the connections of arbitrary metaobjects with type. ("class" keyword could be just a shortcut for "make type" in that syntax.) But of course, a new keyword is probably too much to ask. (A mild effect can be gained by reusing keywords "class" and "from", but it looks much less nice.)

However, there is _another_ underused way metaclasses can communicate with the external world of users of their instances: keyword arguments. I wonder if Raymond's objections would be as strong if the autovivification was explicitly documented?

    class Color(Enum, style='declarative'):

Of course we can bikeshed about exact keyword argument names and values, but my point is that there is an unused communication channel for converting typical Python user's surprise "why does this code even work" into "hey, what does that style='declarative' mean?"

nosy: +veky

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