[issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects

Matthew Barnett report at bugs.python.org
Fri Jun 5 04:46:06 CEST 2015

Matthew Barnett added the comment:

Here's how I can build the regex module on Windows 8.1, 64-bit, using only MinGW64.

For Python 3.5, I can link against "python35.dll", but for earlier versions, including Python 2.7, I need "libpython??.a".

I have built regex module for all of the 16 supported versions of Python (2.5-2.7, 3.1-3.5, 64-bit and 32-bit) and they have all passed the tests.

rem For Python 3.5, 64-bit.
rem Can link against the Python DLL.

rem Compile
"C:\MinGW64\bin\gcc.exe" -mdll -m64 -DMS_WIN64 -O2 -Wall -Wsign-compare 
-Wconversion -I"C:\Python35-64\include" -c 
"D:\mrab-regex\source\_regex_unicode.c" -o 

"C:\MinGW64\bin\gcc.exe" -mdll -m64 -DMS_WIN64 -O2 -Wall -Wsign-compare 
-Wconversion -I"C:\Python35-64\include" -c 
"D:\mrab-regex\source\_regex.c" -o "D:\mrab-regex\release\3.5-64\_regex.o"

rem Link
"C:\MinGW64\bin\gcc.exe" -m64 -shared -s 
"D:\mrab-regex\release\3.5-64\_regex.o" -L"C:\Python35" -lpython35 -o 

rem For Python 3.5, 32-bit.
rem Can link against the Python DLL.

rem Compile
"C:\MinGW64\bin\gcc.exe" -mdll -m32  -O2 -Wall -Wsign-compare 
-Wconversion -I"C:\Python35-32\include" -c 
"D:\mrab-regex\source\_regex_unicode.c" -o 

"C:\MinGW64\bin\gcc.exe" -mdll -m32  -O2 -Wall -Wsign-compare 
-Wconversion -I"C:\Python35-32\include" -c 
"D:\mrab-regex\source\_regex.c" -o "D:\mrab-regex\release\3.5-32\_regex.o"

rem Link
"C:\MinGW64\bin\gcc.exe" -m32 -shared -s 
"D:\mrab-regex\release\3.5-32\_regex.o" -L"C:\Python35-32" -lpython35 -o 

rem For Python 3.4, 64-bit.
rem Need to link against the Python .a file.

rem Make libpython34.a
"C:\MinGW64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\bin\gendef.exe" - 
"C:\Windows\System32\python34.dll" >"C:\Python34-64\libs\libpython34.def"

"C:\MinGW64\bin\dlltool.exe" --dllname python34.dll --def 
"C:\Python34-64\libs\libpython34.def" --output-lib 

rem Compile
"C:\MinGW64\bin\gcc.exe" -mdll -m64 -DMS_WIN64 -O2 -Wall -Wsign-compare 
-Wconversion -I"C:\Python34-64\include" -c 
"D:\mrab-regex\source\_regex_unicode.c" -o 

rem Link
"C:\MinGW64\bin\gcc.exe" -mdll -m64 -DMS_WIN64 -O2 -Wall -Wsign-compare 
-Wconversion -I"C:\Python34-64\include" -c 
"D:\mrab-regex\source\_regex.c" -o "D:\mrab-regex\release\3.4-64\_regex.o"

"C:\MinGW64\bin\gcc.exe" -m64 -shared -s 
"D:\mrab-regex\release\3.4-64\_regex.o" -L"C:\Python34-64\libs" 
-lpython34 -o "D:\mrab-regex\release\3.4-64\_regex.pyd"

rem For Python 3.4, 32-bit.
rem Need to link against the Python .a file.

rem Make libpython34.a
"C:\MinGW64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\bin\gendef.exe" - 
"C:\Windows\SysWOW64\python34.dll" >"C:\Python34-32\libs\libpython34.def"

"C:\MinGW64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\bin\dlltool.exe" --as-flags=--32 -m i386 
--dllname python34.dll --def "C:\Python34-32\libs\libpython34.def" 
--output-lib "C:\Python34-32\libs\libpython34.a"

rem Compile
"C:\MinGW64\bin\gcc.exe" -mdll -m32  -O2 -Wall -Wsign-compare 
-Wconversion -I"C:\Python34-32\include" -c 
"D:\mrab-regex\source\_regex_unicode.c" -o 

"C:\MinGW64\bin\gcc.exe" -mdll -m32  -O2 -Wall -Wsign-compare 
-Wconversion -I"C:\Python34-32\include" -c 
"D:\mrab-regex\source\_regex.c" -o "D:\mrab-regex\release\3.4-32\_regex.o"

rem Link
"C:\MinGW64\bin\gcc.exe" -m32 -shared -s 
"D:\mrab-regex\release\3.4-32\_regex.o" -L"C:\Python34-32\libs" 
-lpython34 -o "D:\mrab-regex\release\3.4-32\_regex.pyd"

rem For earlier versions of Python, follow the pattern of Python 3.4.

nosy: +mrabarnett

Python tracker <report at bugs.python.org>

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