[issue18264] enum.IntEnum is not compatible with JSON serialisation

Ethan Furman report at bugs.python.org
Fri Jun 21 19:35:59 CEST 2013

Ethan Furman added the comment:

I'd be in favor of the __protocol__ route first and the PEP 443 route second.

The problem with just tacking in `str(int(value))` or `str(float(value))` is where does it stop?  StrEnum, TupleEnum, BytesEnum, ComplexEnum, SomeOtherInterestingConstantEnum, etc., etc..

If we go the __protocol__ route we add one method to Enum which returns the `str` of its `.value`, and we're set for every Enum.*  As a bonus, any other object that needs special json (or yaml or whatever) consideration has a fairly easy way to make it happen.

*Every normal Enum, anyway. ;)


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