[issue13636] Python SSL Stack doesn't have a Secure Default set of ciphers

naif report at bugs.python.org
Mon Dec 19 13:53:00 CET 2011

naif <naif at globaleaks.org> added the comment:

To disable SSLv2 you must specifically disable it.

Look, i tried a server we're working on http://github.com/hellais/tor2web that's running on:

privacyresearch.infosecurity.ch port 8888

With 'HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL' SSLv2 can connect:

openssl s_client -connect  privacyresearch.infosecurity.ch:8888 -ssl2

SSLv2, Cipher is DES-CBC3-MD5

So it negotiated SSLv2 with 3DES that's not a good choice, SSLv2 must be disabled.

We must disable SSLv1 with !SSLv2, for example i am using just now 'HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!SSLv2:@STRENGTH' .

Trying to connect with SSLv2 fail:
openssl s_client -connect  privacyresearch.infosecurity.ch:8888 -ssl2
140735092141340:error:1406D0B8:SSL routines:GET_SERVER_HELLO:no cipher list:s2_clnt.c:450:

Trying to connect by default, it select a strong cipher (i still didn't setup the dh/stuff):

openssl s_client -connect  privacyresearch.infosecurity.ch:8888

Connect with: TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is AES256-SHA


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