[issue1035] bytes buffer API needs to support read locking and/or PyBUF_LOCKDATA

Gregory P. Smith report at bugs.python.org
Wed Sep 12 08:57:35 CEST 2007

Gregory P. Smith added the comment:

Attaching the most recent patch (minor update from the second one i sent
to the python-3000 mailing list to initialize ob_readonly_exports = 0 in
the appropriate places).

Current mailing list discussion is pointing out that the name LOCKDATA
means something other than what the existing pep3118 description implies
and that we may want to modify the pep to support more obviously named
things such as READ_LOCK, and EXCLUSIVE or similar...  here's a link to
the current thread:


keywords: +patch
title: bytes buffer API needs to support PyBUF_LOCKDATA -> bytes buffer API needs to support read locking and/or PyBUF_LOCKDATA

Tracker <report at bugs.python.org>
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