[Python-bugs-list] Re: [Bug #127722] getpythonregpath fails

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Wed, 31 Jan 2001 02:52:24 -0500

[Jack Andrews]
> I'm embedding Python -- it would be handy if PATH were inspected to find
> python.exe and deduce PYTHONHOME.
> The doco for the Python/C API says that the PATH environment variable
> is examined to locate the python executable, but it appears that in the
> Win version of Python2.0, PATH is ignored.  Is there a reason why PATH
> is not examined in the Win version?

In the msg to which you replied, follow the link Mark gave:

> This is "by design" - see my comments at
> http://sourceforge.net/bugs/?func=detailbug&group_id=5470&bug_id=129584