[Python-bugs-list] [Bug #116678] minidom doesn't raise exception for illegal children

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Tue, 20 Feb 2001 17:32:28 -0800

Bug #116678, was updated on 2000-Oct-11 19:30
Here is a current snapshot of the bug.

Project: Python
Category: XML
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Bug Group: None
Priority: 5
Submitted by: akuchling
Assigned to : akuchling
Summary: minidom doesn't raise exception for illegal children

Details: Some types of DOM node such as Text can't have children.
minidom doesn't check for this at all:

from xml.dom import minidom
doc = minidom.Document()
text = doc.createTextNode('lorem ipsum')
elem = doc.createElement('leaf')
text.appendChild( elem )
print text.toxml()

This outputs just 'lorem ipsum', but elem really is a child 
of text; Text.toxml() just isn't recursing because it doesn't expect to do


Date: 2001-Feb-20 17:32
By: akuchling

Checked in a patch to fix the minor issue Fred raised, so 
this bug can now be closed.

Date: 2001-Jan-19 08:17
By: akuchling

I still have to follow up on Fred's comment; will add it to the stack...


Date: 2001-Jan-18 19:48
By: gvanrossum

Nudge, nudge?  Andrew?  Anybody home? :)

Date: 2001-Jan-04 07:54
By: fdrake

Andrew, didn't you mostly fix this?  If you're done, please close the bug

(One thing to check:  it doesn't look like NamedNodeMap.setNamedItem() and
.setNamedItemNS() check that the inserted node is an ATTRIBUTE_NODE; if
not, HierarchyRequestErr should be raised.)

Thanks for working on this!

Date: 2000-Dec-12 13:08
By: gvanrossum

Reassigning to Fred so he can pressure Paul into doing something about

Date: 2000-Nov-23 08:07
By: akuchling

Patch #102485 has been submitted to fix this.

Date: 2000-Nov-21 14:33
By: fdrake

Oops, should re-categorize this as "XML" while I'm at it.

Date: 2000-Nov-21 14:33
By: fdrake

>From the documentation, I'd expect the Pythonic "moral equivalents" to be
raised, which would be a ValueError in the case of illegal node types.

I'll even go so far as to say that ValueError should be raised when a
second documentElement is appended, instead of a TypeError, to be more
consistent with usage else where in the standard library:  Pythonic style
is to raise a ValueError when the type of a value is right (in this case, a
DOM Node), but the specific value is not acceptable, either because it is
illegal or because it cannot be accepted given existing state (like already
having a documentElement).

Date: 2000-Oct-15 07:06
By: loewis

I believe this is not a bug, but an intended deviation from the DOM spec.
minidom (as the proposed documentation in patch 101821 explains) does
not support the IDL exceptions of module DOM, so it cannot report errors
about improper usage.

Date: 2000-Oct-12 20:02
By: fdrake

This is a bug with detecting an improper use.  It should be fixed, but need
not be for Python 2.0.  Correct use will not produce erroneous behavior. 
Reducing priority by one.

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