[Python-bugs-list] Python1.6 and wxPython incompatibility (PR#366)

rob.hathaway@freeuk.com rob.hathaway@freeuk.com
Fri, 23 Jun 2000 06:31:52 -0400 (EDT)

Full_Name: Rob Hathaway
Version: 1.6
OS: windows
Submission from: sot-mod08.interalpha.net (

    I recently loaded the latest (1.6) version of Python onto my PC (running
win95). I then loaded wxPython on top and attempted to run the demo from the
command line (python demo.py) while in the wxPython demo directory. The
following error message was issued: Fatal Python Error: PyThreadStateGet: No
Current Thread. 
    I then reloaded 1.5.2 and wxPython and the demo runs fine. I then loaded 1.6
onto a win98 and win2k OS and attempted to run the wxPython demo again always
with the same result.