[Python-bugs-list] Blank except block fails in try statement (PR#60)

Dan Wolfe wolfeman@apple.com
Mon, 23 Aug 1999 17:52:17 -0700

At 12:43 PM -0400 8/23/99, Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
>  I've noted this conversation; I'll take a look at it when I get a
>chance to work on the documentation content again.
>  Thanks for raising the issue.


>At 12:00 PM -0500 8/23/99, Skip Montanaro wrote:
>Well, the CC to the bugs list should do the trick for the online docs.  If
>you can whip up a patch (or even just a suggested piece of replacement text)
>for the tutorial and/or reference manuals, Fred Drake (Dr. Doc) will see
>that it gets incorporated.  You can reach him at fdrake@acm.org.

Well, I'll do my part. :-)

* Section 8.3 (www.python.org/doc/tut/node10.html)

After the paragraph that starts with "The last exception clause may 
omit the exception name(s), to serve as a wildcard." add the 
following paragraph:

Each exception clause must have at least one line of executable code 
in the block.  Comments are not executable code.  If you want the 
exception clause to do nothing, use the pass command.

* In Section 7.4, modify the paragraph starting with "When a matching 
exception clause is found.." to

When a matching exception clause is found, the exception's parameter 
is assigned to the target specified in that exception clause, if 
present, and the exception clauses's block is executed. All 
exceptions must have an executable block.  When the end of this block 
is reached, the execution continues normally after the entire try 
statement. ......

- Dan