[Python-authors] what should we do with this list?

Doug Hellmann doug at doughellmann.com
Mon Oct 10 16:57:03 EDT 2016

> On Oct 10, 2016, at 4:23 PM, Steve Holden <steve at holdenweb.com> wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> My experience is that there aren't a huge number of changes tot he standard library (and no new modules yet). I don't think you will lose a lot of audience with your decisions.

Thanks for the confirmation, Steve!

> S
> Steve Holden
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 7:10 PM, Doug Hellmann <doug at doughellmann.com <mailto:doug at doughellmann.com>> wrote:
>> On Oct 10, 2016, at 12:19 PM, Steve Holden <steve at holdenweb.com <mailto:steve at holdenweb.com>> wrote:
>> Maybe we could encouraging some swapping of war stories, under "frieNDA".
>> I can mention that I have an authoring project on the go - with Alex Martelli and Anna Ravenscroft I am working on the 3rd Edition of "Python in a Nutshell." I spent this weekend taking the "What's New in Python 3.6" documentation apart and analysing the changes so that we could be sure that the book will be as up to date as possible when it's published early next year.
> I’m working on updating “The Python Standard Library by Example” to work with Python 3.5. I haven’t tested any of my examples to make sure they still work with 3.6, and I’m close enough to my deadline that I don’t think I want to try it for now. Unless someone thinks there’s a critical new module in that version?
>> O'Reilly wanted to have the book out for Christmas, and I fought hard to delay it, on the grounds that the publication timetable would be too rushed to submit before Christmas, product quality would have suffered and we wouldn't have been able to be definitive on 3.6. The first and only other time I wrote a major work (Python Web Programming, published in 2002) I was a brand new author, and tended to defer too easily to the publisher. But now I hope I have learned how to make an argument to them in business terms.
>> So, having tried to get the party started, what's everyone else working on?
>> regards
>>  Steve
>> Steve Holden
>> On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 3:57 PM, Vasudev Ram <vasudevram at gmail.com <mailto:vasudevram at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Steve Holden wrote:
>> >But if nobody has the time to perform the resultant tasks, the list would probably be better fading away.
>> What would be those resultant tasks? IIRC it's quite a while since I
>> saw any emails from this list, so I don't remember what kinds of
>> emails there may have been, earlier, of the type you refer to. Was it
>> something like other authors on this list being able to help out
>> anyone posting questions as a first-time author, with some advice?
>> (I was earlier going to say maybe close the list, but it seems like a
>> pity to let the effort of starting it go waste).
>> But, sort of agreeing now with Steve's and Mike Driscoll's  suggestion
>> that it be kept open, and just see if anything happens - i.e. if there
>> will be any activity on it and if it turns out to be useful to people.
>> That still doesn't solve how new people will get to know of it,
>> though. Maybe it could be mentioned somewhere on the Python Wiki, if
>> that is not already done?
>> And/or a post once in a while on the PSF blog?
>> My 2c.
>> --
>> Vasudev Ram
>> - gumroad.com/vasudevram <http://gumroad.com/vasudevram> | jugad2.blogspot.com <http://jugad2.blogspot.com/> | vasudevram.github.io <http://vasudevram.github.io/>
>> FlyWheel - Managed WordPress Hosting: - http://share.getf.ly/p35s5a <http://share.getf.ly/p35s5a>
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