[Python-authors] Write Python Book - Packt Publishing.

Kshipra Singh kshipras at packtpub.com
Wed Oct 13 14:18:29 CEST 2010

Hi All, 

I represent Packt Publishing, the publishers of computer related books. 

We are planning to publish a new book on improving the performance of Python applications and are currently looking out for potential authors to write it. 
We pay a royalty of 16% and an advance against it. 

If you find it interesting to write this book, please send some details about your experience with the subject and your past writing experience (if you have any). 

Kshipra Singh
Author Relationship Manager
Packt Publishing
Skype: kshiprasingh15
Twitter: http://twitter.com/packtauthors
Interested in becoming an author? Visit http://authors.packtpub.com for all the information you need about writing for Packt.
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