ANN: czml3 0.1.0 released 🌍

Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez juanlu001 at
Thu Jun 13 18:56:53 EDT 2019

Hi all,

It fills us with astronomical joy to announce the release of czml3 0.1.0! 🌍

czml3 is a Python (3.6+) library to write CZML. Copying from the CZML Guide:

> CZML is a JSON format for describing a time-dynamic graphical scene,
> primarily for display in a web browser running Cesium. It describes
> lines, points, billboards, models, and other graphical primitives, and
> specifies how they change with time. While Cesium has a rich
> client-side API, CZML allows it to be data-driven so that a generic
> Cesium viewer can display a rich scene without the need for any custom
> code. In many ways, the relationship between Cesium and CZML is
> similar to the relationship between Google Earth and KML.

czml3 aims to be useful for interactive use:

>>> from czml3 import Packet
>>> Packet()
    "id": "adae4d3a-7087-4fda-a70b-d18a262a890e"
>>> packet0 = Packet(id="Facility/AGI", name="AGI")
>>> packet0
    "id": "Facility/AGI",
    "name": "AGI"
>>> packet0.dumps()
'{"id": "Facility/AGI", "name": "AGI"}'

This first release is far from complete, but already has the core
functionality and many basic properties that allow users to visualize
Earth orbits. You can install it with pip:

pip install czml3

And check out the repository on GitHub, which contains a more detailed
README, tests (>99 % coverage) and the issue tracker:

If you have any questions or want to contribute, join our chat!

czml3 is similar in intent to czml, a Python library written by
Christian Ledermann. czml3 is implemented from scratch and tries to be
easier to use on an interactive interpreter, and (for the moment)
focuses only on writing.

Per Python ad astra!

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