JyNI 2.7-alpha.3 released!

Stefan Richthofer Stefan.Richthofer at gmx.de
Tue Feb 16 09:30:05 EST 2016

Following up on the recent release of Jython 2.7.1 beta 3
I am proud to announce the release of JyNI 2.7-alpha.3.

Take a look at


or go directly to the release:


Binaries are provided for target platforms JyNI is tested on.
It should in principle be buildable/workable also on other posix platforms.

Main new features are:

* OS-X support
* CPython-compatible garbage collection of native objects
* capable of loading ctypes (core functionality tested)

What comes next?

With this release I updated jyni.org/#roadmap; take a look to
learn about plans for alpha.4, alpha.5 and beta.1.
However, before I continue work toward alpha.4 I will check
some Python frameworks that have ctypes-only native dependency
for workability (e.g. PyOpenGL).

Wish List

With this release I also introduce the Wish List section
The intention of this list is to focus on actually *needed* API
with priority before attempting exhaustive API support.
If you have desire for a specific extension to work, send me a mail
regarding jyni.org/#wish-list and I will check whether your
extension is a "low hanging fruit" that can be supported via
minor improvements. Especially extensions from the above mentioned
category of ctypes-only-dependency highly qualify.



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