Crochet 1.5.0: Use Twisted in Django, Flask, or anywhere else

Itamar Turner-Trauring itamar at
Wed Apr 13 16:18:22 EDT 2016

Do you wish you could:

  * Use the power of Twisted's asynchronous networking in Django, Flask,
    or other threaded applications?
  * Provide a blocking API powered by Twisted underneath, without
    exposing it to the caller?
  * Write a library that provides APIs both for Twisted and non-Twisted
  * Use threads more easily inside Twisted applications?

Crochet lets you do all that, and more, by hiding and automatically 
starting the Twisted reactor and providing a blocking API for calling 
into Twisted. If you need to use your library from a normal Twisted 
application you can disable the auto-start functionality. Here's an 
example of using Twisted in a blocking manner:

from __future__ import print_function
from twisted.names import client
from crochet import setup, wait_for

def gethostbyname(name):
      """Use the Twisted DNS library."""
      d = client.lookupAddress(name)
      d.addCallback(lambda result: result[0][0].payload.dottedQuad())
      return d

if __name__ == '__main__':
      # Application code using the public API - notice it works in a normal
      # blocking manner, with no event loop visible:
      import sys
      name = sys.argv[1]
      ip = gethostbyname(name)
      print(name, "->", ip)

New in 1.5.0 is official Python 3.5 support; Python 2.6, 3.3 and older 
versions of Twisted are no longer officially supported (but are likely 
to still work).

If you need help using Crochet (or just general Twisted or Python help) 
I am currently available for short-term consulting. You can read the 
documentation at

--Itamar Turner-Trauring

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