[ANN] winpysetup 1.2

Anthon van der Neut anthon at mnt.org
Sun Sep 27 21:41:03 CEST 2015

I am happy to announce the availability of a new version of winpysetup

changes in this version:
- added 3.5 and VisualStudio 2015 Community edition. Both are for post
XP windows versions only. Be forewarned that VisualStudio can take a
long time downloading updates it needs on a clean Windows 7, all the
more reason to use winpysetup.

version 1.2 dd 2015-09-27

Winpysetup ( https://bitbucket.org/ruamel/winpysetup/ ) allows setting
up a clean testing environment on Windows for multiple python versions
without downloading and installing MSI installers, prerequisites,
yourself, all the time waiting for the last to finish in order to click
a few options to start the next install.
Winpysetup makes it trivial to install both 64- and 32-bit versions of
the same Python version. Because tox-globinterpreter is installed as
well, all these versions can be found and used on one machine.

- install Windows (or clone your clean Windows Virtual Machine)
- Download winpysetup.exe and start it.
  ( https://bitbucket.org/ruamel/winpysetup/downloads/winpysetup.exe )
- Once the program is done (now is a good time to make another snapshot
  if you run Windows in a VM), open a new Command Prompt (to get the
  change in PATH) and change to a directory without spaces in the path
  (e.g. C:\src).
- Run: hg clone --insecure https://hg@bitbucket.org/ruamel/minimal
- Change to the directory "minimal" and run tox.
- Watch how tox invokes py.test succesfully against Python
2.7/3.5/3.4/3.3/2.6 and pypy (you can of course run tox immediately on
your own, more interesting, code as well).

Installed items include: pip (latest version even if older version is
included in the installed python version), easy_install, mercurial, tox,
detox, py.test and the Visual C compiler for Python 2.7 (e.g. needed for
mercurial) and the other Pythons versions.

Special hooks can change the behaviour of the installer. In particular:
- the list of python versions to install can be easily extended/reduced
- the list of default packages to install can be extended/reduced
- already downloaded packages (Python, VisualStudio) can be cached.

To both cache downloads, and install 32 bit versions on a 64 bit system,
create a file pre_winpysetup.py next to your winpysetup.exe file before
starting the latter:


import sys
import os
import urllib2

def _download_url(self, url, path=None, base_name=None):
    """download a url if it is not yet in the cache """
    cache =
'/full/path/to/some/peristent/cache/directory/on/a/host/network drive'
    print 'url', url
    if cache and not os.path.exists(cache):
        cache = None
    if path is None:
        path = self._msi_dir
    if base_name is None:
        base_name = os.path.basename(url)
    if cache:
        full_name = os.path.join(cache, base_name)
        full_name = os.path.join(path, base_name)
    if not os.path.exists(full_name):
        print 'retrieving', base_name, '...'
        data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
        fp = open(full_name, 'wb')
    return full_name

def pre_versions(self):
    self.versions = self.versions[:-1] + [
    ] + [self.versions[-1]]

def main(verbose, installer):
    print 'loading winpysetup_pre'
    installer._download_url = _download_url
    installer.pre_versions = pre_versions


Winpysetup has been used to setup the 2.3 environment to create
the winpysetup.exe (so it will run on a clean Windows XP install).

Winpysetup is used to generate the wheel files for ruamel.ordereddict
and ruamel.yaml.

It has been tested on:

    WinXP with Service Pack 2 (32 and 64 bit)
    Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)

Feedback (avdn at europython.eu or via bitbucket) is welcome, in particular
if tested on other Windows environments to which I currently don't have

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