ANN lauda 1.1.0

Andrea Stagi stagi.andrea at
Wed Sep 16 12:19:53 CEST 2015

I've created lauda, a little python module to measure time. Thanks a lot to
Jesús Espino (@jespinog) for the new context manager feature

You can install it with

    pip install lauda

you can find the source code on Github:

You can use lauda StopWatch to measure a portion of code

    from lauda import StopWatch

    watch = StopWatch()
    for i in range(10000000):
    print ('Time spent in range {0}'.format(watch.elapsed_time))

If you want to measure an entire function execution, you can decorate it
using the stopwatch decorator

    from lauda import stopwatch

    def awesome_mul(a, b):
        return a * b

By default stopwatch decorator will print the time spent inside the
decorated function, if you want more control you can pass to your decorator
a callback that will receive a StopWatch instance and the decorated

    from lauda import stopwatch

    def stopwatch_sum_cb(watch, function):
        print ('Time spent {0}'.format(watch.elapsed_time))

    def awesome_sum(a, b):
        return a + b

If you want to measure a block of code, you can use the `stopwatchcm`
context manager

    from lauda import stopwatchcm

    with stopwatchcm():
        c = a * b

By default `stopwatchcm` context manager will print the time spent inside
the context manager body, if you want more control you can pass to your
context manager a callback that will receive a `StopWatch` instance.

    from lauda import stopwatchcm

    def stopwatch_sum_cb(watch):
        print ('Time spent {0}'.format(watch.elapsed_time))

    with stopwatchcm(callback=stopwatch_sum_cb):
        c = a + b

Andrea Stagi (@4stagi) - Develover @Nephila
Job profile:

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