ANN: SortedContainers 0.9.6 released

Grant Jenks grant.jenks at
Mon Jun 22 22:31:25 CEST 2015

Announcing the release of SortedContainers version 0.9.6

What is SortedContainers?

SortedContainers is an Apache2-licensed, pure-Python implementation of
sorted list, sorted dict, and sorted set data types that is fast-as-C
implementations with 100% code coverage and hours of stress testing.
The project is fully documented with performance benchmarks and
comparisons to alternative implementations.

What's new in 0.9.6?

- Added `islice` method to all data types. This method is similar to
  `__getitem__` index slicing but returns an iterator, similar to
  itertools.islice but without the `step` parameter. `islice` also has a
  default argument `reverse=False` which will yield items from the slice in
  reverse order when True.
- Added `irange` and `irange_key` methods to all data types. Like `islice` this
  method returns an iterator but slices the data type from a given minimum to
  maximum value. By default both the minimum and maximum are included in the
  range and a parameter `inclusive=(True, True)` allows this to be changed. A
  default argument `reverse=False` will yield items in reverse order when True.
  The `irange_key` variant permits constructing ranges directly from the
  indexed key, similar to `bisect_key` and related methods.
- Minor fix to index checking.
- Minor documentation improvements.


- Documentation:
- Download:
- Source:
- Issues:

This release is backwards-compatible. Please upgrade.

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