ANN: Bokeh 0.9.2 released

Damian Avila damian.avila at
Fri Jul 24 16:05:10 CEST 2015

Hi all,

On behalf of the Bokeh team, I am excited to announce the release of
version 0.9.2 of Bokeh, an interactive web plotting library for Python...
and other languages!

This release focused mainly in provide several bugfixes over our last 0.9.1
release bugs. Additionally, we also updated the MPL compatibility layer.

You should expect some more point releases before 0.10.0 which is in active
development in a separate branch.

Some of the highlights are:

* Several nan-related fixes including the slow rendering of plots
* Removed some unused dependencies
* Fixes in our automated release process
* Fixed the patchs vanishing on selection
* More control over ticks and gridlines
* MPL compatibility updated
* Several examples updated

See the CHANGELOG <> for
full details.

If you are using Anaconda/miniconda, you can install it with conda:

    *conda install bokeh*

or directly from our Binstar main channel with:

    *conda install -c bokeh bokeh*

Alternatively, you can also install it with pip:

    *pip install bokeh*

If you want to use Bokeh in standalone Javascript applications, BokehJS is
available by CDN at:


Additionally, BokehJS is also installable with the Node Package Manager at

Issues, enhancement requests, and pull requests can be made on the Bokeh
Github page:

Questions can be directed to the Bokeh mailing list: bokeh at



*Damián Avila*
*Software Developer*

*davila at <davila at>*

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