Retask 0.4 released

Kushal Das kushaldas at
Tue Sep 3 09:31:53 CEST 2013

Hi all,

During this weekend in PyCon India I released `Retask 0.4
<>`_. You can install it from

What is Retask ?
Retask is a python module to create and manage distributed task queue/job queue.

It uses Redis to create task queues. User can enqueue and dequeue
tasks in the queues they manage. Each task can contain any JSON
serializable python objects. We use JSON internally to store the tasks
in the queues.

Features added

- Python 3 support (Done with help from Toshio during Python 3 porting
OpenSpace in PyCon US 2013)
- Partially specifying a Queue config (Thanks to the patches from Ralph Bean).
- API is much more simplified (Thanks to Kenneth Reitz for the tips).
- Many documentation updates (Thanks to patches from Maximiliano Curia).

On going work
We are working on one C library and one for Go. With these one can
enqueue tasks in from a system written in a different language and
execute it in a worker with a different language.


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