Wakari 1.0 Released (In-Browser Python Data Analytics Environment)

Corinna Bahr corinna.bahr at continuum.io
Wed May 22 18:25:29 CEST 2013

Continuum Analytics released Wakari (www.wakari.io) version 1.0, a cloud-based, collaborative Python environment for analyzing, exploring and visualizing large data sets.

 * Access to a full range of Amazon AWS compute nodes and clusters
 * Share analyses and results via IPython notebook (https://www.wakari.io/gallery)
 * SSH access
 * Visualize with Matplotlib or Bokeh
 * Bundling sharing (files, folders, and corresponding Python library dependencies)
 * Switch between multiple versions of Python and its scientific libraries
 * Collaborate and iterate in the cloud
 * Share code and results as simple web URLs
 * Hosted on Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) or on private installations

Wakari documentation (https://www.wakari.io/docs/)

Free and paid plans available at www.wakari.io. 
 - Free plan includes 10 GB of storage, as well as a number of sample data sets
 - Premium plans offer increased RAM and disk space, SSH access, long-running jobs, the ability to add nodes/clusters, and access to high-memory compute nodes
 - Private installations of the entire Wakari system onto internal hardware or private clouds, contact sales[at]continuum[dot]io.

Source: http://continuum.io/press/wakari-1-0-release

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