Vulture 0.4

Jendrik Seipp jendrikseipp at
Thu Jun 27 00:03:15 CEST 2013

vulture - Find dead code

vulture finds unused classes, functions and variables in Python code. 
This helps you cleanup and find errors in your programs. If you run it 
on both your library and test suite you can find untested code.

Due to Python's dynamic nature it is impossible to find all dead code 
for a static code analyzer like vulture, because it ignores scopes and 
scans only token names. Additionally some dynamic items that are not 
explicitly mentioned in the code may be incorrectly reported as dead code.


- Fast: Uses static code analysis
- Lightweight: Only one module
- Complements pyflakes and has the same output syntax
- Supports Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.x

* Ignore unused variables starting with an underscore.
* Show warning for syntax errors instead of aborting directly.
* Print warning if a file cannot be found.


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