PyOpenGL 3.0.2 Released

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at
Mon Oct 15 16:38:50 CEST 2012

PyOpenGL 3.0.2 (final, finally) has been released.  The major changes since 3.0.1 (released in 2010!) are:

   * OpenGL core support up to 4.3 level [1]
   * OpenGL extension support from the current registry [1]
   * Some missing FreeGLUT extensions added
   * OpenGL.GL.framebufferobjects providing ARB/EXT alternates for framebuffer operations
   * Experimental OSMesa (Offscreen Mesa) context (use the environment variable PYOPENGL_PLATFORM=osmesa)

Codebase changes:

   * Experimental Python 3.2 and PyPy support
   * Win64 Support (including OpenGL_accelerate)
   * Numarray (the ancient transitional module between Numeric and numpy) is no longer supported as an array type
   * More compact auto-generated wrappers
   * Large numbers of bug fixes

Downloads are at:

Future Compatibility Notes:

  * This will be the last release of PyOpenGL to support Python 2.5 (and
    it supports Python 2.5 in source-release only mode).
      o PyOpenGL will be moving to a "shared code" approach for Python
        2/3 support, which makes supporting the older Python releases
  * This will be the last release to support the use of bare numbers as
    number-array data-types
      o i.e. passing 1.00 to a function expecting an array/address of an
      o Use Glfloat( 1.00 ) to pass in an array-compatible value
      o Passing in an int/long will generate a GLvoidp( I ) to allow for
        easy offset-address-style API usage
  * The ancient Numeric package (as distinct from Numpy) will be dropped
    as a supported array format
      o Numeric itself has long since been deprecated, use Numpy

Enjoy all,

[1] Note: OpenGL extension and higher-level core feature support is auto-generated. As always, we are limited by the number of test programs that exercise more advanced features and the availability of hardware that can support the features on which to test
-- ________________________________________________ Mike C. Fletcher 
Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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