ordereddict 0.4.5 ( fast implementation of ordereddict and sorteddict in C)

Anthon van der Neut a.van.der.neut at ruamel.eu
Sun Jun 17 13:31:57 CEST 2012

After a hiatus of several years, I am pleased to announce version 0.4.5 
of the ordereddict module. This is primarily a bug fix release and will 
be the last one for ordereddict in this form.


- fixed a bug in slicing SortedDicts found by Migel Anguel
- fixed a bug reinserting last item again beyond last position found by 
Volkan Çetin
- fixed a bug for repeated deletion and insertion in small ordereddict 
(found and fixed independently by Darren Dowker and Fabio Zadronzy. 
Darren's fix was more elegant (and included extra tests)).

Future direction:
- ordereddict will soon get a new home on the website of my company. 
The sources will then be cloneable and the package made avaialble via PyPi.
- A compatability layer for the new collections.OrderedDict in the 
standard library that passes all the OrderedDict tests has already been 
implemented and will be included in that release.

 From the blurb on ordereddict's home-page:

This is an implementation of an ordered dictionary with Key Insertion Order
(KIO: updates of values do not affect the position of the key),
Key Value Insertion Order (KVIO, an existing key's position is removed 
and put at the back).

Sorted dictionaries are also provided. Currently only with Key Sorted Order
(KSO, no sorting function can be specified, but a transform function to
be applied on the key before comparison can be supplied).

It implementation is directly derived from dictobject.c and its speed is
5-10% slower than dict() and 5-9 times faster than Larosa/Foord
excellent pure Python implemention.

This module has been tested under:
    Ubuntu 12.04, gcc 4.6.3, Python 2.7.3
    Ubuntu 8.04, gcc 4.2.4, Python 2.6.4
    Ubuntu 8.04, gcc 4.2.4, Python 2.5.2
    Windows XP, Visual C++ 2008 Express, Python 2.7.3
    Windows XP, Visual C++ 2008 Express, Python 2.6.5

ordereddict's home on the web is at
there you also find the links where the source can be downloaded.
The .zip file there included a precompiled .pyd file for Windows (Python 

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