From tundra at Sat Jun 2 00:54:53 2012 From: tundra at (Tim Daneliuk) Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2012 17:54:53 -0500 Subject: [ANN]: 'mkproject', Rapid Project Templating Tool, Version 1.100 Released Message-ID: <> 'mkproject' Version 1.100 is now released and available for download at: This is the first public release. --------------------------------------------------------------------- What Is 'mkproject'? ------------------ 'mkproject' is a way to quickly produce the code and documentation skeletons for a new project and to put these under 'CVS' version control. It allows you to "brand" them with your own company and copyright information, as well specifying a standard license and pricing (if any). The package comes with example templates for 'perl', 'python', and 'shell scripts'. These contain some of the standard code you may want to use with every project. Also included is an example standard for writing documentation using the 'Restructured Text' markdown language. Documentation is automatically produced in a wide variety of formats including 'html', 'PostScript', 'pdf', 'man', and plain text. Finally, a 'makefile' is included to produce documentation and release packaging for your project. The package comes with a default 'Makefile' that is useful when creating a 'FreeBSD' port of your project. Because everything is template-driven, it is simple to customize the "standard" program and documentation templates to suit your needs. It is also quite straightforward to add support for additional languages. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete details of all fixes, changes, and new features can be found in the WHATSNEW.txt and documentation files included in the distribution. From therve at Tue Jun 5 12:26:05 2012 From: therve at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Thomas_Herv=E9?=) Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2012 12:26:05 +0200 Subject: Twisted 12.1.0 released Message-ID: <> On behalf of Twisted Matrix Laboratories, I am pleased to announce the release of Twisted 12.1. 107 tickets are closed by this release, with the following highlights: * The revival of the kqueue reactor for BSD platforms. * epoll is now the default reactor under Linux after a fix to handle files on stdin/stdout. * New reactors supporting GTK3 and GObject-Introspection. * Several enhancements regarding file descriptors passing: systemd support for servers, ability to send and receive file descriptors for IReactorUNIX and an AMP argument using that feature. * Support for IPv6 literals in connectTCP. * Persistent connections support for the new HTTP client. This is the last Twisted release supporting Python 2.5. For more information, see the NEWS file here: Download it now from: or or or Thanks to the supporters of Twisted via the Software Freedom Conservancy and to the many contributors for this release. -- Thomas From mmueller at Tue Jun 5 22:40:31 2012 From: mmueller at (=?ISO-8859-15?Q?Mike_M=FCller?=) Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2012 22:40:31 +0200 Subject: PyCon DE 2012 - New Deadline for Proposals is June 15 Message-ID: <> Dear Pythonistas, You haven't missed it yet. The new deadline to submit a talk or tutorial proposal for PyCon DE 2012 is June 15, 2012. Don't miss this chance to speak at the largest gathering of the German-speaking Python community. Talks and tutorials in English are welcome if you are not comfortable with German. Please spread the word and let other, interested people know about this deadline. Cheers, Mike PyCon DE 2012 - Call for Papers =============================== The second PyCon DE will be held October 29 - November 3, 2012 in Leipzig Germany. We ask you to submit your proposal for a talk [2]. Details of the call are below in German. The conference language will be German. However, talks in English by non-native German speakers will be accepted. PyCon DE 2012 - Aufruf zur Vortr?gen ===================================== Ab sofort kann jeder, der sich f?r Python interessiert, einen Vortragsvorschlag f?r die PyCon DE 2012 einreichen [1]. Es gibt nur zwei Bedingungen: Das Thema sollte interessant sein, und es sollte etwas mit Python zu tun haben. F?r die zweite Python-Konferenz sind wir an einer breiten Themenpalette interessiert, die das ganze Spektrum der Entwicklung, Nutzung und Wirkung von Python zeigt. Folgende Tracks sind geplant: Python als Programmiersprache ----------------------------- * Fortgeschrittene Programmierung, zum Beispiel Metaprogramming * CPython * Python-Kernentwicklung * Python-Implementierungen (PyPy, Jython, IronPython) * Python 3 * Zuk?nftige Entwicklungen Webanwendungen mit Python ------------------------- * Web-Frameworks f?r Python * Best Practises f?r die Python-Programmierung * Kombination von Python und JavaScript * Contentmanagement mit Python Anwendungsbereiche ------------------ * Wissenschaftliche Anwendungen mit Python * Python f?r Finanz-Anwendungen * Lehre mit Python / Python als erste Programmiersprache * Python im Unternehmensumfeld * Systemintegration mit Python * Grafische Nutzerschnittstellen (GUIs) * Datenbankanwendungen mit Python * Python f?r die Hardware-Steuerung Softwareentwicklung ------------------- * Testen von Python-Programmen * Agile Entwicklung mit Python * Algorithmen mit Python * Datenstrukturen mit Python * Design-Patterns mit Python * Parallele Programmierung mit Python * Einbetten von Python in andere Anwendungen Werkzeuge --------- * Packaging von Python-Bibliotheken * Deployment von Python-Anwendungen * IDEs f?r Python * Plattformen wie GAE, EC2 Python-Community ---------------- * Marketing f?r Python * Python, Open Source und Entwickler-Gemeinschaft Mehr ... -------- Ihr Themenbereich ist nicht aufgelistet, w?re aber aus Ihrer Sicht f?r die PyCon DE interessant? Kein Problem. Reichen Sie Ihren Vortragsvorschlag einfach ein. Auch wir k?nnen nicht alle Anwendungsbereiche von Python ?berschauen. Vortragstage sind der 30. und 31. Oktober sowie der 1. November 2012. Es gibt zwei Vortragsformate: Standard-Vortrag -- 20 Minuten Vortrag + 5 Minuten Diskussion Lang-Vortrag -- 45 Minuten Vortrag + 10 Minuten Diskussion Die Vortragszeit wird strikt eingehalten. Bitte testen Sie die L?nge Ihres Vortrags. Lassen Sie gegebenenfalls ein paar Folien weg. Die Vortragssprache ist Deutsch. In begr?ndeten Ausnahmef?llen k?nnen Vortr?ge auch auf Englisch gehalten werden. Bitte fragen Sie uns dazu. Bitte reichen Sie Ihren Vortrag auf ?ber die Konferenz-Website [2] ein bis zum 31.05.2012 ein. Wir entscheiden bis zum 30. Juni 2012 ?ber die Annahme der Vortr?ge. [1] [2] PyCon DE 2012 - Call for Tutorials ================================== The second PyCon DE will be held October 29 - November 3, 2012 in Leipzig, Germany. We ask you to submit your proposal for a tutorial [1]. Details of the call are below in German. The conference language will be German. However, tutorials in English by non-native German speakers will be accepted. PyCon DE 2012 - Aufruf zu Tutorials =================================== Wir rufen alle erfahrenen Python-Nutzer auf, Bewerbungen f?r Tutorials f?r die PyCon DE 2012 einzureichen. Die Tutorials finden am 29. Oktober 2012 im Rahmen der PyCon DE ( statt. Ein Tutorial soll drei Stunden dauern. Die Themen der Tutorials k?nnen Einf?hrung in Python, fortgeschrittene Themen, Web-Frameworks oder andere gro?e Python-Bibliotheken sowie typische Softwareentwicklungsarbeiten wie Testen oder Versionskontrolle mit Python sein. Bitte reichen Sie Ihren Vorschlag bis zum 31. Mai 2012 ?ber Konferenz-Website [1] ein. Der Vorschlag muss Folgendes enthalten: * Titel * Kurzbeschreibung des Inhaltes * Zielgruppe (Anf?nger, Fortgeschrittene, Experten) * stichpunktartige Gliederung des Tutorials mit Zeitangaben zu den einzelnen Punkten (die Summe muss 180 Minuten betragen) Jedes Tutorial umfasst zwei Bl?cke mit je 90 Minuten mit einer halbst?ndigen Pause. Eine Person kann Vorschl?ge f?r zwei Tutorials machen. Wenn sich das Thema nicht sinnvoll in drei Stunden behandeln l?sst, k?nnen auch zwei aufeinander aufbauende Tutorials vorgeschlagen werden. Vor jedem Tutorial m?ssen die Teilnehmer die Unterlagen als Datei oder ausgedruckt erhalten. Tutorial-Trainer erhalten freien Eintritt zur Konferenz. [1] From dinov at Thu Jun 7 18:51:09 2012 From: dinov at (Dino Viehland) Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2012 16:51:09 +0000 Subject: [ANN] Python Tools for Visual Studio 1.5 Beta Message-ID: <> We're pleased to announce the release of Python Tools for Visual Studio 1.5 Beta []. Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS) is an open-source plug-in for Visual Studio which supports programming with the Python language. PTVS supports a broad range of features including: * Supports CPython, IronPython, Jython and PyPy * Python editor with advanced member, signature intellisense and refactoring * Code navigation: "Find all refs", goto definition, and object browser * Local and remote debugging * Profiling with multiple views * Integrated Python interactive session window with inline matplotlib graphics * Support for HPC clusters and MPI, including debugging and Profiling * Interactive parallel computing via integrated IPython REPL (read-evaluate-print-loop) The primary new feature for this release is Django including Azure support! The is a popular Python webframework/CMS which is used by many reputable companies and high-traffic websites. In this Beta release, the following are supported: * Create a New Project / Django Application * Add Django HTML Template * Intellisense for Django templates * Runtime debugging of Django templates * Use IIS with a pure-Python FastCGI interface * Support for deploying to Windows Azure when Windows Azure Tools for Visual Studio is installed For more information on Python support for Windows Azure, please see This release also introduces Python client libraries for Windows Azure services available via PyPI that work across Windows, Linux and Mac OS operating systems. The 1.5 release also includes several new intellisense features including some contributed by the community. This includes completions after "def " based upon methods defined in base classes and completions for exception types after "raise" statements" (thanks Zooba!). There are also improvements to the import intellisense. Full list of issues addressed in 1.5 beta: 714 VS crashes when open project 713 Import Intellisense should work after typing "," 712 IronPython REPL runs in builtin and not main 704 pyopencl causes AttributeError when run under the debugger. 702 VS startup crash 699 Resolve import box doesn't show when I hover the mouse on functions. 676 exception when launching a python solution with vs2010 667 stop executing when error occurs 711 Send to REPL fails with "The Python REPL process has exited" 717 Error in Interactive window crashes VS We'd like to thank the following people who took the time to report the issues and feedback for this release: ajp, Anna0311, golubdr, hjyh, hyh, mahpour, tramsay, and zooba. From michael at Thu Jun 7 20:48:33 2012 From: michael at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Michael_Str=F6der?=) Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2012 20:48:33 +0200 Subject: ANN: python-ldap 2.4.10 Message-ID: <> Find a new release of python-ldap: python-ldap provides an object-oriented API to access LDAP directory servers from Python programs. It mainly wraps the OpenLDAP 2.x libs for that purpose. Additionally it contains modules for other LDAP-related stuff (e.g. processing LDIF, LDAP URLs and LDAPv3 schema). Project's web site: Ciao, Michael. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Released 2.4.10 2012-06-07 Changes since 2.4.9: Lib/ * ldapobject.ReconnectLDAPObject.reconnect() now preserves order of options set with LDAPObject.set_option before. This is needed e.g. for setting connection-specific TLS options. Demo/ * Better version of Demo/pyasn1/ (thanks to Ben Cooksley) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Released 2.4.9 2012-03-14 Changes since 2.4.8: Lib/ * ldapobject.ReconnectLDAPObject.reconnect() now does kind of an internal locking to pause other threads while reconnecting is pending. * Changes to bind- and startTLS-related operation methods of class ReconnectLDAPObject for more robustness * New constant ldap.OPT_NAMES_DICT contains mapping from integer to variable name for all option-related constants. From jim at Thu Jun 7 22:13:09 2012 From: jim at (Jim Fulton) Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2012 16:13:09 -0400 Subject: Vulnerability in zdaemon 2.0.5 and earlier Message-ID: zdaemon is a Unix (Unix, Linux, Mac OS X) Python program that wraps commands to make them behave as proper daemons. See zdaemon can be configured to start as root and then switch to a less privileged user. In version 2.0.5 and earlier, zdaemon didn't update supplementary groups. Processes started as root retain root's supplementary groups, likely providing more privileges than intended. This is fixed by zdaemon 2.0.6. It's recommended that people using zdaemon 2.0.5 and earlier upgrade to 2.0.6 at their earliest convenience. Jim -- Jim Fulton From tismer at Fri Jun 8 01:14:07 2012 From: tismer at (Christian Tismer) Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2012 01:14:07 +0200 Subject: tiffany 0.3 released Message-ID: <> # coding=utf-8 Tiffany - Read/Write Multipage-Tiff with PIL without PIL ======================================================== Tiffany stands for any tiff. The tiny module solves a large set of problems, has no dependencies and just works wherever Python works. Tiffany was developed in the course of the *DiDoCa* project and will now appear on PyPi. Abstract ======== During the development of *DiDoCa* (Distributed Document Capture) we were confronted with the problem to read multipage Tiff scans. The GUI toolkit *PySide (Qt)* does support Tiff, but only shows the first page. We also had to support Fax compression (CCITT G3/G4), but *Qt* supports this. As a first approach we copied single pages out of multi-page tiff files using *tiffcp* or *tiffutil* (OS X) as a temp file for display. A sub-optimum solution, especially for data security reasons. The second approach replaced this by a tiny modification of the linkage of the tiff directories (IFD). This way, a tiff file could be patched in memory with the wanted page offset and then be shown without any files involved. Unfortunately also this solution was not satisfactory: - out tiff files have anomalies in their tiff tags like too many null-bytes and wrong tag order, - Qt's implementation of tiff is over-pedantic and ignores all tags after the smalles error. Being a good friend of *Fredrik Lundh* and his *PIL* since years, I tried to attach the problem using this. Sadly Fredrik hasn't worked much on this since 2006, and the situation is slightly messed up: *PIL* has a clean-up of tiff tags, but cannot cope with fax compression by default. There exists a patch since many years, but this complicates the build process and pulls with *libtiff* a lot of dependencies in. Furthermore, *PIL* is unable to write fax compressed files, but blows the data up to the full size, making this approach only a half solution as well. After a longer odyssey I saw then the light of a Tiffany lamp: I use only a hand-full of *PIL*s files, without any modification, pretend to unpack a tiff file, but actually cheating. Only the tiff tags are nicely processed and streamlined, but the compressed data is taken unmodified as-is. When writing a tiff page out, the existing data is just assembled in the correct order. For many projects like *didoca* that are processing tiff files without editing their contents, this is a complete solution of their tiff problem. The dependencies of the project stay minimal, there are no binaries required, and Tiffany is with less than 300 lines remarkably small. Because just 5 files from *PIL* are used and the _imaging module is not compiled at all, I'm talking about "PIL without PIL" ;-) Tiffany is a stand-alone module and has no interference with *PIL*. You can see this by looking at ````. This module modifies ``__import__`` so that the *PIL* modules appear as top-level internally, but become sub-modules of tiffany in ``sys.modules``. Please let me know if this stuff works for you, and send requests to or use the links in the bitbucket website: cheers -- Chris -- Christian Tismer :^) tismerysoft GmbH : Have a break! Take a ride on Python's Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 121 : *Starship* 14482 Potsdam : PGP key -> work +49 173 24 18 776 mobile +49 173 24 18 776 fax n.a. PGP 0x57F3BF04 9064 F4E1 D754 C2FF 1619 305B C09C 5A3B 57F3 BF04 whom do you want to sponsor today? From jurgen.erhard at Fri Jun 8 06:35:12 2012 From: jurgen.erhard at (=?utf-8?q?J=C3=BCrgen_A=2E_Erhard?=) Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 06:35:12 +0200 (CEST) Subject: Karlsruhe Python User Group, June 15th 2012, 7pm Message-ID: <> The Karlsruhe Python User Group (KaPy) meets again. Friday, 2012-06-15 (June 15th) at 19:00 (7pm) in the rooms of Entropia eV (the local affiliate of the CCC). See on how to get there. For your calendars: meetings are held monthly, on the 3rd Friday. There's also a mailing list at From fijall at Fri Jun 8 11:50:20 2012 From: fijall at (Maciej Fijalkowski) Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 11:50:20 +0200 Subject: PyPy 1.9 - Yard Wolf Message-ID: ==================== PyPy 1.9 - Yard Wolf ==================== We're pleased to announce the 1.9 release of PyPy. This release brings mostly bugfixes, performance improvements, other small improvements and overall progress on the `numpypy`_ effort. It also brings an improved situation on Windows and OS X. You can download the PyPy 1.9 release here: .. _`numpypy`: What is PyPy? ============= PyPy is a very compliant Python interpreter, almost a drop-in replacement for CPython 2.7. It's fast (`pypy 1.9 and cpython 2.7.2`_ performance comparison) due to its integrated tracing JIT compiler. This release supports x86 machines running Linux 32/64, Mac OS X 64 or Windows 32. Windows 64 work is still stalling, we would welcome a volunteer to handle that. .. _`pypy 1.9 and cpython 2.7.2`: Thanks to our donors ==================== But first of all, we would like to say thank you to all people who donated some money to one of our four calls: * `NumPy in PyPy`_ (got so far $44502 out of $60000, 74%) * `Py3k (Python 3)`_ (got so far $43563 out of $105000, 41%) * `Software Transactional Memory`_ (got so far $21791 of $50400, 43%) * as well as our general PyPy pot. Thank you all for proving that it is indeed possible for a small team of programmers to get funded like that, at least for some time. We want to include this thank you in the present release announcement even though most of the work is not finished yet. More precisely, neither Py3k nor STM are ready to make it in an official release yet: people interested in them need to grab and (attempt to) translate PyPy from the corresponding branches (respectively ``py3k`` and ``stm-thread``). .. _`NumPy in PyPy`: .. _`Py3k (Python 3)`: .. _`Software Transactional Memory`: Highlights ========== * This release still implements Python 2.7.2. * Many bugs were corrected for Windows 32 bit. This includes new functionality to test the validity of file descriptors; and correct handling of the calling convensions for ctypes. (Still not much progress on Win64.) A lot of work on this has been done by Matti Picus and Amaury Forgeot d'Arc. * Improvements in ``cpyext``, our emulator for CPython C extension modules. For example PyOpenSSL should now work. We thank various people for help. * Sets now have strategies just like dictionaries. This means for example that a set containing only ints will be more compact (and faster). * A lot of progress on various aspects of ``numpypy``. See the `numpy-status`_ page for the automatic report. * It is now possible to create and manipulate C-like structures using the PyPy-only ``_ffi`` module. The advantage over using e.g. ``ctypes`` is that ``_ffi`` is very JIT-friendly, and getting/setting of fields is translated to few assembler instructions by the JIT. However, this is mostly intended as a low-level backend to be used by more user-friendly FFI packages, and the API might change in the future. Use it at your own risk. * The non-x86 backends for the JIT are progressing but are still not merged (ARMv7 and PPC64). * JIT hooks for inspecting the created assembler code have been improved. See `JIT hooks documentation`_ for details. * ``select.kqueue`` has been added (BSD). * Handling of keyword arguments has been drastically improved in the best-case scenario: proxy functions which simply forwards ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` to another function now performs much better with the JIT. * List comprehension has been improved. .. _`numpy-status`: .. _`JIT hooks documentation`: JitViewer ========= There will be a corresponding 1.9 release of JitViewer which is guaranteed to work with PyPy 1.9. See the `JitViewer docs`_ for details. .. _`JitViewer docs`: Cheers, The PyPy Team From jason at Fri Jun 8 14:52:13 2012 From: jason at (Jason Tishler) Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2012 08:52:13 -0400 Subject: Updated Cygwin Package: python-2.6.8-1 Message-ID: <> New News: === ==== I have updated the version of Python to 2.6.8-1. The tarballs should be available on a Cygwin mirror near you shortly. The following are the changes since the previous release: o upgrade to Python 2.6.8 Old News: === ==== Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. If interested, see the Python web site for more details: Please read the README file: /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/python.README since it covers requirements, installation, known issues, etc. Standard News: ======== ==== To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on the web page. This downloads setup.exe to your system. Then, run setup and answer all of the questions. If you have questions or comments, please send them to the Cygwin mailing list. *** CYGWIN-ANNOUNCE UNSUBSCRIBE INFO *** If you want to unsubscribe from the cygwin-announce mailing list, please use the automated form at: If you need more information on unsubscribing, start reading here: Please read *all* of the information on unsubscribing that is available starting at this URL. Jason From ram.rachum at Fri Jun 8 19:14:23 2012 From: ram.rachum at (ram.rachum at Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 10:14:23 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Python Toolbox 0.1 released Message-ID: <> Hi, I'm pleased to announce the first release of the Python Toolbox: The Python Toolbox is a collection of Python tools for various tasks. It contains: - ``python_toolbox.caching``: Tools for caching functions, class instances and properties. - ``python_toolbox.cute_iter_tools``: Tools for manipulating iterables. Adds useful functions not found in Python's built-in ``itertools``. - ``python_toolbox.context_managers``: Pimping up your context managers. - `python_toolbox.emitters`: A publisher-subscriber framework that doesn't abuse strings. - And many, *many* more! The Python Toolbox contains **100+** useful little tools. Please keep in mind that Python Toolbox is still in alpha stage, and that backward compatibility would *not* be maintained in this phase. Documentation: Thanks, Ram. From jason at Sat Jun 9 19:50:12 2012 From: jason at (Jason Tishler) Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2012 13:50:12 -0400 Subject: Updated Cygwin Package: python-2.6.8-2 Message-ID: <> New News: === ==== I have updated the version of Python to 2.6.8-2. The tarballs should be available on a Cygwin mirror near you shortly. The following are the changes since the previous release: o build against expat 2.1.0 so pyexpat builds cleanly: Old News: === ==== Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. If interested, see the Python web site for more details: Please read the README file: /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/python.README since it covers requirements, installation, known issues, etc. Standard News: ======== ==== To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on the web page. This downloads setup.exe to your system. Then, run setup and answer all of the questions. If you have questions or comments, please send them to the Cygwin mailing list. *** CYGWIN-ANNOUNCE UNSUBSCRIBE INFO *** If you want to unsubscribe from the cygwin-announce mailing list, please use the automated form at: If you need more information on unsubscribing, start reading here: Please read *all* of the information on unsubscribing that is available starting at this URL. Jason From tundra at Sat Jun 9 23:46:09 2012 From: tundra at (Tim Daneliuk) Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2012 16:46:09 -0500 Subject: [ANN] tperimeter 1.113 Released And Available Message-ID: <> 'tperimeter' Version 1.113 is released and available at: The last public release was 1.112 What's New ---------- Changed the wrapper file rebuild logic to delete outstanding access requests independently of how often the script is run (either by cron, or manually). This means that the 'cron' frequency now determines the average waiting time before a user's request is fulfilled. The '${DURATION}' variable in '' sets how long access will be permitted (The default value is 10 minutes). Minor documentation updates, typo fixes, and housekeeping. What Is 'tperimeter'? --------------------- Have you ever been away from the office and needed, say, ssh access to your system? Ooops - you can't do that because in your zealous pursuit of security, you set your TCP wrappers to prevent outside access to all but a select group of hosts. Worse still, everywhere you go, your local IP address changes so there is no practical way to open up the wrappers for this situation. 'tperimeter' is a dynamic TCP wrapper control system that gives you (limited) remote control of your TCP wrapper configuration. It does this via a web interface that you've (hopefully) secured with https/SSL. You just log in, specify your current IP address and one of the services you want to access. 'tperimeter' will then briefly open a hole in your wrappers long enough to let you in. It then automatically closes the hole again. Voila! Remote access to your system, wherever you are. You get much of the facility of a VPN or so-called "port knocking" without most of the aggravation. As a side benefit, 'tperimeter' will also simplify management of your standard /etc/hosts.allow TCP wrapper control file. 'tperimeter' is written in python, shell script, and html. It is very small and easy to maintain. It was developed and tested on FreeBSD 4.x/8.x, and apache 1.x/2.x, but should run with very minor (or no) modification on most Unix-like systems like Linux or Mac OS X hosts. It comes complete with documentation in html, pdf, dvi, and Postscript formats. There is no licensing fee for any use, personal, commercial, government, or institutional. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tim Daneliuk tundra at PGP Key: From ahaidamaka at Sun Jun 10 11:14:15 2012 From: ahaidamaka at (Alexey Gaidamaka) Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 12:14:15 +0300 Subject: PyDoc - Python Documentation Plugin for Eclipse Message-ID: <> Greets! Since i'm new to Python, i've decided to create a handy plugin for Elipse SDK which is my primary dev environment. Practically the plugin is a simple html archive from python documentation website running inside Eclipse so you can call it using Eclipse help system. As for now it is pretty large (~7 mb), but i'm planning to optimize it in near future. For more information, please visit: or ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Advices are appreciated! Contact e-mail:
ahaidamaka at From puheenjohtaja at Sun Jun 10 21:10:32 2012 From: puheenjohtaja at (Jyrki Pulliainen) Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 21:10:32 +0200 Subject: PyCon Finland 2012 - Call for Proposals Message-ID: PyCon Finland 2012 Call For Proposals PyCon Finland will take place October 22-23 in Espoo. The first day will feature presentations and the second is reserved for sprints and hands-on. We are currently accepting proposals for both talks and sprints. If you would like to give a presentation, organize a sprint or see presentations on a particular topic, please see instructions at The deadline for proposals is the first of August. The organizers will notify accepted presenters and sprint coordinators by the 14th of August.. The presentation slots will be 20/40 minutes + 10 minutes of discussion at the end. Shared sessions are also possible. The language for the presentations should be English to encourage international participation. We are also trying to find a keynote speaker. If you know a good speaker who might be persuaded to come please let us know. Pycon Finland is not possible without corporate sponsorship. If you are interested in sponsoring this year?s event, please contact Python Finland at hallitus at for details about sponsorship packages. -- Jyrki Pulliainen Chairman, Python Finland From mmueller at Mon Jun 11 02:32:31 2012 From: mmueller at (=?ISO-8859-15?Q?Mike_M=FCller?=) Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 02:32:31 +0200 Subject: [ANN] Leipzig Python User Group - Meeting, June 12 2012, 08:00 p.m. Message-ID: <> === Leipzig Python User Group === We will meet on Tuesday, June 12 at 8:00 p.m. at the training center of Python Academy in Leipzig, Germany ( ). Everybody who uses Python, plans to do so or is interested in learning more about the language is encouraged to participate. While the meeting language will be mainly German, we will provide English translation if needed. Food and soft drinks are provided. Please send a short confirmation mail to info at, so we can prepare appropriately. Current information about the meetings are at . Mike == Leipzig Python User Group === Wir treffen uns am Dienstag, 12.06.2012 um 20:00 Uhr im Schulungszentrum der Python Academy in Leipzig ( ). Willkommen ist jeder, der Interesse an Python hat, die Sprache bereits nutzt oder nutzen m?chte. F?r das leibliche Wohl wird gesorgt. Eine Anmeldung unter info at w?re nett, damit wir genug Essen besorgen k?nnen. Aktuelle Informationen zu den Treffen sind unter zu finden. Viele Gr??e Mike From sarava at Mon Jun 11 06:59:55 2012 From: sarava at (Ramalingam Saravanan) Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 23:59:55 -0500 Subject: otrace - an object-oriented debugger for nonlinear tracing Message-ID: otrace is an object-oriented debugger for nonlinear tracing of asynchronous or multithreaded interactive programs. It addresses some of the limitations of sequential debugging techniques which do not work well with server programs, where multiple requests are handled in parallel. For example, instrumenting web servers with print/logging statements can often result in voluminous log output with interleaved streams of messages. otrace takes a different approach to debugging that relies less on sequential operations. Its features including taking "snapshots" of variables for tracing, "tagging" objects for tracking across different method invocations, and modifying live code ("monkey patching") to insert print statements etc. otrace maps all the objects in the running program, as well as the "snapshot" objects, to a virtual filesystem mounted under "/osh". It provides a shell-like interface, oshell, with commands like "cd", "ls" etc. that can be used to browse classes, methods, and instance variables in the virtual filesystem. Tab completion and simple wildcarding are supported. This is the first public release of otrace. It can be installed from: - Project page: - Source: - License: BSD - Version: 0.30 Enjoy, R. Saravanan ------------------ PS. Here is a brief excerpt of terminal output from a demo session, to provide a flavor of oshell command usage: # Initiate tracing of a method globals> cd Receive osh..Receive> pwd /osh/globals/Receive osh..Receive> ls -lf resp* respond = osh..Receive> trace respond Tracing Receive.respond From luis at Mon Jun 11 17:08:18 2012 From: luis at (Luis Pedro Coelho) Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 16:08:18 +0100 Subject: ANN: Jug 0.9.1. Parallel Programming Framework Message-ID: <1892919.56W3mgyhDj@peterrabbit> Hello List, This is to let you know of a new release of Jug. Jug allows you to write code that is broken up into tasks and run different tasks on different processors (even across a cluster). Jug is a pure Python implementation and should work on any platform. WHAT'S NEW Version 0.9.1 contains a few minor improvements and several bugfixes. In particular, Tasklet usage is a lot less buggy (previously, several uses would trigger idiotic bugs, now they work as they should). LINKS *Mailing List*: *Documentation*: *Code*: *Website*: *Video*: Bug reports, suggestions, &c are welcome. On the jug-users mailing list or by private email to me. -- Luis Pedro Coelho | Institute for Molecular Medicine | From tismer at Mon Jun 11 19:01:25 2012 From: tismer at (Christian Tismer) Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 19:01:25 +0200 Subject: Ann: New Stackless Website Message-ID: <> I'm very happy to announce ================================== Stackless Python has a New Website ================================== Due to a great effort of the Nagare people: and namely by the tremendous work of Alain Pourier, Stackless Python has now a new website! This is no longer Plone based, but a nicely configured Trac site. The switch to it has happened right now, the old website will be around for a few days under while the new site is accessible as now allows the source to be browsed (an hourly updated clone from and includes a new issue tracker. Please let me know if you encounter any problems. cheers -- Chris -- Christian Tismer :^) tismerysoft GmbH : Have a break! Take a ride on Python's Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 121 : *Starship* 14482 Potsdam : PGP key -> work +49 173 24 18 776 mobile +49 173 24 18 776 fax n.a. PGP 0x57F3BF04 9064 F4E1 D754 C2FF 1619 305B C09C 5A3B 57F3 BF04 whom do you want to sponsor today? From robertb at Mon Jun 11 22:26:38 2012 From: robertb at (Robert Boehne) Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 15:26:38 -0500 Subject: Sybase module 0.40 released Message-ID: <> WHAT IS IT: The Sybase module provides a Python interface to the Sybase relational database system. It supports all of the Python Database API, version 2.0 with extensions. The module is available here: The module home page is here: MAJOR CHANGES SINCE 0.39: Modify the DateTimeAsPython output conversion to return None when NULL is output support for Python without threads Ignore additional non-error codes from Sybase (1918 and 11932) Use outputmap in bulkcopy mode (thanks to patch by Cyrille Froehlich) Raise exception when opening a cursor on a closed connection Added unit tests Added new exception DeadLockError when Sybase is in a deadlock situation Add command properties CS_STICKY_BINDS and CS_HAVE_BINDS Added support for inputmap in bulkcopy reuse command and cursor when calling cursor.execute with same request Use ct_setparam to define ct_cursor parameters types instead of ct_param implicit conversion for CS_DATE_TYPE in CS_DATETIME_TYPE DataBuf Adding ct_cmd_props wrapper Increase DataBuf maxlength for params of a request when using CS_CHAR_TYPE params so that the buf can be reused BUGS CORRECTED SINCE 0.39: Corrected money type when using CS_MONEY4 (close bug 2615821) Corrected thread locking in ct_cmd_props (thanks to patch by Cyrille Froehlich) Corrected bug in type mapping in callproc (thanks to report by Skip Montanaro) Correct passing None in a DataBuf (thanks to patch by Bram Kuijvenhoven) The full ChangeLog is here: From bumens at Tue Jun 12 20:45:04 2012 From: bumens at (Volker Birk) Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 18:45:04 +0000 (UTC) Subject: pyPEG 2.5 released Message-ID: This release offers support for Python 2.7 and to 3.x. pyPEG is a plain and simple intrinsic parser interpreter framework for Python version 2.7 and 3.x. It is based on Parsing Expression Grammar, PEG. With pyPEG you can parse and compose many formal languages in a very easy way. pyPEG supports partial parsing and recomposing text. It is well suited to be used in a Wiki engine or development tool as well as for common parsing purposes. You can find pyPEG at and in PyPI. The Mercurial repository is at There is support in on Freenode. Yours, VB. -- Marktkonforme Demokratie: der Steuerzahler bezahlt die Spielschulden. From holger at Wed Jun 13 15:45:03 2012 From: holger at (holger krekel) Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 13:45:03 +0000 Subject: tox-1.4: reference cross-section values, fixes, leaner reporting Message-ID: <> tox 1.4: the virtualenv-based test run automatizer ============================================================================= I am happy to announce tox 1.4 which brings: - improvements with configuration file syntax, now allowing re-using selected settings across config file sections. see - terminal reporting was simplified and streamlined. Now with verbosity==0 (the default), less information will be shown and you can use one or multiple "-v" options to increase verbosity. - internal re-organisation so that the separately released "detox" tool can reuse tox code to implement a fully distributed tox run. More documentation: Installation: pip install -U tox code hosting and issue tracking on bitbucket: What is tox? ---------------- tox standardizes and automates tedious test activities driven from a simple ``tox.ini`` file, including: * creation and management of different virtualenv environments with different Python interpreters * packaging and installing your package into each of them * running your test tool of choice, be it nose, py.test or unittest2 or other tools such as "sphinx" doc checks * testing dev packages against each other without needing to upload to PyPI best, Holger Krekel 1.4 ----------------- - fix issue26 - no warnings on absolute or relative specified paths for commands - fix issue33 - commentchars are ignored in key-value settings allowing for specifying commands like: python -c "import sys ; print sys" which would formerly raise irritating errors because the ";" was considered a comment - tweak and improve reporting - refactor reporting and virtualenv manipulation to be more accessible from 3rd party tools - support value substitution from other sections with the {[section]key} syntax - fix issue29 - correctly point to pytest explanation for importing modules fully qualified - fix issue32 - use --system-site-packages and don't pass --no-site-packages - add python3.3 to the default env list, so early adopters can test - drop python2.4 support (you can still have your tests run on python-2.4, just tox itself requires 2.5 or higher. From holger at Wed Jun 13 16:26:07 2012 From: holger at (holger krekel) Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 14:26:07 +0000 Subject: detox-0.9: speeding up tox/test runs with NUM(CORES) Message-ID: <> Morning all, be the goats with you. I've finally released detox-0.9 to PYPI which brings parallelizing tox/test runs to your console, driving the test runner of your choice. detox has the same options and invocation as the good old one-step-after-the-other tox, the virtualenv-based generic test runner (see install detox (and get tox installed for free!) with: pip install detox and run it on a project which already has a tox.ini with some environments: detox -e py26,py27,pypy to have all happen in parallel (packaging, virtualenv-creation, installation of deps, running of tests). Be the first to report issues to: best, holger P.S.: due to the recent refactoring of tox and due to the superiority of greenlet-based programming models, detox is only 175 lines of somewhat easy to read code :) From petri at Thu Jun 14 12:06:55 2012 From: petri at (Petri Lehtinen) Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2012 13:06:55 +0300 Subject: Sala 1.3 released Message-ID: <> Sala 1.3 has been released. New features: * Support for hooks, with a post-set hook initially supported. Patch by Jyrki Pulliainen. * Bash completion script for tab-completion in $SALADIR. Other changes: * Move the repository state to the .sala subdirectory. .salakey becomes .sala/key and sala.conf becomes .sala/config. These files are moved when sala 1.3 is run the first time on an old repository. Initial patch by Jyrki Pulliainen. * Respect SALADIR when creating subdirectories with set. The new version is available on PyPI and via pip and easy_install: $ pip install -U sala Announcement: Homepage: GitHub: PyPI: What is sala? ============= Sala is a command-line program that lets you store passwords and other bits of sensitive plain-text information to encrypted files on a directory hierarchy. The information is protected by GnuPG's symmetrical encryption. Sala is licensed under the MIT license. Dependencies: * Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, or newer * GnuPG Suggested packages: * pwgen: With the default configuration, used to suggest good passwords to the user (if installed). Petri Lehtinen From cournape at Thu Jun 14 15:58:51 2012 From: cournape at (David Cournapeau) Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2012 14:58:51 +0100 Subject: [ANN] Bento 0.1.0 Message-ID: Hi, I am pleased to announce a new release of bento, a packaging solution for python which aims at reproducibility, extensibility and simplicity. The main features of this 0.1.0 release are: - new commands register_pypi and upload_pypi to register a package to pypi and upload tarballs to it. - add sphinx command to build a package documentation if it uses sphinx. - add tweak_library/tweak_extension functions to build contexts to simplify simple builder customization (e.g. include_dirs, defines, etc...) - waf backend: cython tool automatically loaded if cython files are detected in sources - UseBackends feature: allows to declare which build backend to use when building C extensions in the file directly - add --use-distutils-flags configure option to force using flags from distutils (disabled by default). - add --disable-autoconfigure build option to bypass configure for fast partial rebuilds. This is not reliable depending on how the environment is changed, so one should only use this during development. - add register_metadata API to register new metadata to be filled in MetaTemplateFile Bento source code can be found on github: Bento documentation is there as well: regards, David From ralf at Thu Jun 14 22:01:44 2012 From: ralf at (Ralf Schmitt) Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2012 22:01:44 +0200 Subject: [ANNOUNCE] pypiserver 0.6.0 - minimal private pypi server Message-ID: <87haudslw7.fsf@myhost.lan> Hi, I've just uploaded pypiserver 0.6.0 to the python package index. pypiserver is a minimal PyPI compatible server. It can be used to serve a set of packages and eggs to easy_install or pip. pypiserver is easy to install (i.e. just easy_install pypiserver). It doesn't have any external dependencies. should contain enough information to easily get you started running your own PyPI server in a few minutes. The code is available on github: Changes in version 0.6.0 ------------------------- - make pypiserver work with pip on windows - add support for password protected uploads - make pypiserver work with non-root paths - make pypiserver 'paste compatible' - allow to serve multiple package directories using paste -- Cheers, Ralf From mmueller at Fri Jun 15 01:34:29 2012 From: mmueller at (=?ISO-8859-15?Q?Mike_M=FCller?=) Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 01:34:29 +0200 Subject: PyCon DE 2012 - Today, June 15, is Deadline for Proposals Message-ID: <> Dear Pythonistas, Only a few hours left. The deadline to submit a talk or tutorial proposal for PyCon DE 2012 is June 15, 2012, 23:59 (CEST). Don't miss this chance to speak at the largest gathering of the German-speaking Python community. Talks and tutorials in English are welcome if you are not comfortable with German. Please spread the word and let other, interested people know about this deadline. Cheers, Mike PyCon DE 2012 - Call for Papers =============================== The second PyCon DE will be held October 29 - November 3, 2012 in Leipzig Germany. We ask you to submit your proposal for a talk [2]. Details of the call are below in German. The conference language will be German. However, talks in English by non-native German speakers will be accepted. PyCon DE 2012 - Aufruf zur Vortr?gen ===================================== Ab sofort kann jeder, der sich f?r Python interessiert, einen Vortragsvorschlag f?r die PyCon DE 2012 einreichen [1]. Es gibt nur zwei Bedingungen: Das Thema sollte interessant sein, und es sollte etwas mit Python zu tun haben. F?r die zweite Python-Konferenz sind wir an einer breiten Themenpalette interessiert, die das ganze Spektrum der Entwicklung, Nutzung und Wirkung von Python zeigt. Folgende Tracks sind geplant: Python als Programmiersprache ----------------------------- * Fortgeschrittene Programmierung, zum Beispiel Metaprogramming * CPython * Python-Kernentwicklung * Python-Implementierungen (PyPy, Jython, IronPython) * Python 3 * Zuk?nftige Entwicklungen Webanwendungen mit Python ------------------------- * Web-Frameworks f?r Python * Best Practises f?r die Python-Programmierung * Kombination von Python und JavaScript * Contentmanagement mit Python Anwendungsbereiche ------------------ * Wissenschaftliche Anwendungen mit Python * Python f?r Finanz-Anwendungen * Lehre mit Python / Python als erste Programmiersprache * Python im Unternehmensumfeld * Systemintegration mit Python * Grafische Nutzerschnittstellen (GUIs) * Datenbankanwendungen mit Python * Python f?r die Hardware-Steuerung Softwareentwicklung ------------------- * Testen von Python-Programmen * Agile Entwicklung mit Python * Algorithmen mit Python * Datenstrukturen mit Python * Design-Patterns mit Python * Parallele Programmierung mit Python * Einbetten von Python in andere Anwendungen Werkzeuge --------- * Packaging von Python-Bibliotheken * Deployment von Python-Anwendungen * IDEs f?r Python * Plattformen wie GAE, EC2 Python-Community ---------------- * Marketing f?r Python * Python, Open Source und Entwickler-Gemeinschaft Mehr ... -------- Ihr Themenbereich ist nicht aufgelistet, w?re aber aus Ihrer Sicht f?r die PyCon DE interessant? Kein Problem. Reichen Sie Ihren Vortragsvorschlag einfach ein. Auch wir k?nnen nicht alle Anwendungsbereiche von Python ?berschauen. Vortragstage sind der 30. und 31. Oktober sowie der 1. November 2012. Es gibt zwei Vortragsformate: Standard-Vortrag -- 20 Minuten Vortrag + 5 Minuten Diskussion Lang-Vortrag -- 45 Minuten Vortrag + 10 Minuten Diskussion Die Vortragszeit wird strikt eingehalten. Bitte testen Sie die L?nge Ihres Vortrags. Lassen Sie gegebenenfalls ein paar Folien weg. Die Vortragssprache ist Deutsch. In begr?ndeten Ausnahmef?llen k?nnen Vortr?ge auch auf Englisch gehalten werden. Bitte fragen Sie uns dazu. Bitte reichen Sie Ihren Vortrag auf ?ber die Konferenz-Website [2] ein bis zum 31.05.2012 ein. Wir entscheiden bis zum 30. Juni 2012 ?ber die Annahme der Vortr?ge. [1] [2] PyCon DE 2012 - Call for Tutorials ================================== The second PyCon DE will be held October 29 - November 3, 2012 in Leipzig, Germany. We ask you to submit your proposal for a tutorial [1]. Details of the call are below in German. The conference language will be German. However, tutorials in English by non-native German speakers will be accepted. PyCon DE 2012 - Aufruf zu Tutorials =================================== Wir rufen alle erfahrenen Python-Nutzer auf, Bewerbungen f?r Tutorials f?r die PyCon DE 2012 einzureichen. Die Tutorials finden am 29. Oktober 2012 im Rahmen der PyCon DE ( statt. Ein Tutorial soll drei Stunden dauern. Die Themen der Tutorials k?nnen Einf?hrung in Python, fortgeschrittene Themen, Web-Frameworks oder andere gro?e Python-Bibliotheken sowie typische Softwareentwicklungsarbeiten wie Testen oder Versionskontrolle mit Python sein. Bitte reichen Sie Ihren Vorschlag bis zum 31. Mai 2012 ?ber Konferenz-Website [1] ein. Der Vorschlag muss Folgendes enthalten: * Titel * Kurzbeschreibung des Inhaltes * Zielgruppe (Anf?nger, Fortgeschrittene, Experten) * stichpunktartige Gliederung des Tutorials mit Zeitangaben zu den einzelnen Punkten (die Summe muss 180 Minuten betragen) Jedes Tutorial umfasst zwei Bl?cke mit je 90 Minuten mit einer halbst?ndigen Pause. Eine Person kann Vorschl?ge f?r zwei Tutorials machen. Wenn sich das Thema nicht sinnvoll in drei Stunden behandeln l?sst, k?nnen auch zwei aufeinander aufbauende Tutorials vorgeschlagen werden. Vor jedem Tutorial m?ssen die Teilnehmer die Unterlagen als Datei oder ausgedruckt erhalten. Tutorial-Trainer erhalten freien Eintritt zur Konferenz. [1] From chrisjrn at Fri Jun 15 03:21:11 2012 From: chrisjrn at (Chris Neugebauer) Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 11:21:11 +1000 Subject: PyCon Australia 2012 Conference Programme Revealed! In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: (Hobart Tasmania, 15 June 2012) With both of our keynotes announced, PyCon Australia is very proud to be able to reveal the programme for the 2012 conference, to be held on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 August 2012 in Hobart, Tasmania. Following an impressive response to our Call for Proposals the conference will feature three full tracks of presentations and tutorials, across two days, covering all aspects of the Python ecosystem, presented by experts and core developers of key Python technology. Our keynote presenters, Mark Ramm, Engineering Manager on Juju at Canonical [1], and Kenneth Reitz, Python lead at Heroku [2] will be joined by a wide array of presenters covering a broad range of backgrounds, including industry, research, government and academia. As ever, PyCon Australia is a great place to keep up-to-date with the latest trends in Python web technology: From Heroku, Lincoln Stoll will be presenting on the 12 Factor Method for building software-as-a-service apps [3]. Other web related topics include deployment and testing techniques for Django applications and techniques for asynchronous web programming. There's also a wide range of talks for the rapidly growing community of developers using Python in science. Edward Schofield's survey of the latest developments in Python for Science and Engineering [4] will get you up to scratch on what tools and techniques are shaping the Python world for scientists. From there, case studies and introductory talks will delve into all aspects of Python in science: including techniques for handling large scientific data sets, natural language processing, and data visualisation -- attendees working with Python in all fields of science will gain something from PyCon Australia 2012. Finally, for newcomers to Python looking to quickly enhance their Python skillset, Graeme Cross' tutorials [5] in our Classroom stream will help you to rapidly enhance your knowledge of Python -- you can then attend our general stream talks to glean a snapshot of the state of the art in Python. PyCon Australia 2012 programme committee chair, Richard Jones, was impressed with the level of response to the Call for Proposals, which closed in early May: "We had an unprecedented response to our Call for Proposals this year, and this has helped us to put together one of the strongest programmes ever at PyCon Australia. There's something for every developer working with Python in this year's programme -- be they working in web technology, in research, or even if they're just a Python enthusiast who wants to learn more about their favourite language." The full schedule for PyCon Australia 2012 can be found at Registrations for PyCon Australia 2012 are now open, with prices starting at AU$44 for students, and tickets for the general public starting at AU$198. All prices include GST, and more information can be found at We're looking forward to seeing this excellent programme brought to life at PyCon Australia 2012, in Hobart, in August. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] === About PyCon Australia === PyCon Australia is the national conference for the Python Programming Community. The third PyCon Australia will be held on August 18 and 19, 2012 in Hobart, Tasmania, bringing together professional, student and enthusiast developers with a love for developing with Python. PyCon Australia informs the country?s Python developers with presentations, tutorials and panel sessions by experts and core developers of Python, as well as the libraries and frameworks that they rely on. To find out more about PyCon Australia 2012, visit our website at or e-mail us at contact at PyCon Australia is presented by Linux Australia ( and acknowledges the support of our Gold sponsors: Google Australia (, and the Australian Computer Society (Tasmanian Branch) (; our Event partners: Kogan, and Secret Lab; and our Silver sponsors: the Python Software Foundation, the Django Software Foundation, Anchor Systems, 99designs, Red Hat, ekit, RimuHosting, and CSIRO. -- --Christopher Neugebauer Conference Coordinator and Sponsor Liaison PyCon Australia: Hobart 2012 -- -- @pyconau Conference registration and accommodation deals now available! See our website for details. Jabber: chrisjrn at -- IRC: chrisjrn on -- WWW: -- Twitter/ @chrisjrn From dmitrey15 at Fri Jun 15 13:09:32 2012 From: dmitrey15 at (dmitrey) Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 04:09:32 -0700 (PDT) Subject: OpenOpt Suite 0.39 Message-ID: Hi all, I'm glad to inform you about new OpenOpt release 0.39 (quarterly since 2007). OpenOpt is free, even for commercial purposes, cross-platform software for mahematical modeling and (mainstream) optimization. Our website have reached 259 visitors daily, that is same to and ~ 1/3 of (details). In the new release: interalg (medium-scaled solver with specifiable accuracy abs(f-f*) <= fTol): add categorical variables and general logical constraints, many other improvements Some improvements for automatic differentiation DerApproximator and some OpenOpt/FuncDesigner functionality now works with PyPy (Python with dinamic compilation, some problems are solved several times faster now) New solver lsmr for dense/sparse LLSP (linear least squares) Some bugfixes and some other changes In our website ( you could vote for most required OpenOpt Suite development direction(s). Regards, D. From tismer at Fri Jun 15 18:39:59 2012 From: tismer at (Christian Tismer) Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 18:39:59 +0200 Subject: tiffany 0.4 released Message-ID: <> Tiffany - Read/Write Multipage-Tiff with PIL without PIL ======================================================== Tiffany stands for any tiff. The tiny module solves a large set of problems, has no dependencies and just works wherever Python works. Tiffany was developed in the course of the *DiDoCa* project and will now appear on PyPi. Version 0.4 ----------- This is a compatibility update for Python 2.6. I hope to submit Python 3.2 compatibility with version 0.5. Please let me know if this stuff works for you, and send requests to or use the links in the bitbucket website: cheers -- Chris -- Christian Tismer :^) tismerysoft GmbH : Have a break! Take a ride on Python's Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 121 : *Starship* 14482 Potsdam : PGP key -> work +49 173 24 18 776 mobile +49 173 24 18 776 fax n.a. PGP 0x57F3BF04 9064 F4E1 D754 C2FF 1619 305B C09C 5A3B 57F3 BF04 whom do you want to sponsor today? From davide.alberani at Sat Jun 16 10:57:34 2012 From: davide.alberani at (Davide Alberani) Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 01:57:34 -0700 (PDT) Subject: IMDbPY 4.9 Message-ID: IMDbPY is a Python package useful to retrieve and manage the data of the IMDb movie database about movies, people, characters and companies. Version 4.9 can be downloaded from In this release: an urgent fix for the search queries, some new features like a "gender" field for persons in the database, improved performances restoring imdbIDs and many other fixes. From a.van.der.neut at Sun Jun 17 13:31:57 2012 From: a.van.der.neut at (Anthon van der Neut) Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2012 13:31:57 +0200 Subject: ordereddict 0.4.5 ( fast implementation of ordereddict and sorteddict in C) Message-ID: <> After a hiatus of several years, I am pleased to announce version 0.4.5 of the ordereddict module. This is primarily a bug fix release and will be the last one for ordereddict in this form. Changes: - fixed a bug in slicing SortedDicts found by Migel Anguel - fixed a bug reinserting last item again beyond last position found by Volkan ?etin - fixed a bug for repeated deletion and insertion in small ordereddict (found and fixed independently by Darren Dowker and Fabio Zadronzy. Darren's fix was more elegant (and included extra tests)). Future direction: - ordereddict will soon get a new home on the website of my company. The sources will then be cloneable and the package made avaialble via PyPi. - A compatability layer for the new collections.OrderedDict in the standard library that passes all the OrderedDict tests has already been implemented and will be included in that release. -------- From the blurb on ordereddict's home-page: This is an implementation of an ordered dictionary with Key Insertion Order (KIO: updates of values do not affect the position of the key), Key Value Insertion Order (KVIO, an existing key's position is removed and put at the back). Sorted dictionaries are also provided. Currently only with Key Sorted Order (KSO, no sorting function can be specified, but a transform function to be applied on the key before comparison can be supplied). It implementation is directly derived from dictobject.c and its speed is 5-10% slower than dict() and 5-9 times faster than Larosa/Foord excellent pure Python implemention. This module has been tested under: Ubuntu 12.04, gcc 4.6.3, Python 2.7.3 Ubuntu 8.04, gcc 4.2.4, Python 2.6.4 Ubuntu 8.04, gcc 4.2.4, Python 2.5.2 Windows XP, Visual C++ 2008 Express, Python 2.7.3 Windows XP, Visual C++ 2008 Express, Python 2.6.5 ordereddict's home on the web is at there you also find the links where the source can be downloaded. The .zip file there included a precompiled .pyd file for Windows (Python 2.7.3). From chrisjrn at Tue Jun 19 03:54:04 2012 From: chrisjrn at (Chris Neugebauer) Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2012 11:54:04 +1000 Subject: Closes this week: PyCon Australia 2012 and Google Australia announce gender diversity grants Message-ID: Hello there! Just a friendly reminder to all of you that applications for our Gender Diversity Grants close on Friday this week. Google Australia are funding several AU$500 grants for deserving women living outside of the Souther Tasmania Region to attend PyCon Australia 2012, which us happening in August in Hobart. Please pass this onto anyone you know who may be interested in applying for one of these grants. Further information can be found at including the application form. Original message follows. --Chris *** PyCon Australia and Google Australia are pleased to announce that they're joining forces to offer gender diversity delegate grants to women who wish to attend PyCon Australia in 2012. These grants will cover up to $AUD500 of travel, accommodation and registration costs for women living outside of the Southern Tasmania region to attend this year's conference. These grants aim to reduce the financial barriers to attending PyCon Australia 2012, by subsidising the registration and travel costs of people from diverse groups, who contribute in important ways to the Python community. More information can be found at ==== Eligibility ==== In order to be eligible for one of the grants, you must be: - A woman, aged 18 or older - A professional, enthusiast or student interested in, or currently working in Python-related fields or projects - Planning to attend both days of PyCon Australia 2012 - In order to be eligible for the travel and accommodation grant, you must additionally: live further than 150 km (by road) from the conference venue. (If you are unsure, please visit,%20Tasmania and use the "Get Directions" link in the upper left-hand corner to calculate the driving distance from your place of residence to the venue.) More information can be found at ?==== Award Amount ?==== All selected grant recipients will be extended the Early Bird registration rates to PyCon Australia, provided registration is completed prior to 13 July. In addition, recipients of the travel and accommodation grant will be reimbursed up to $500 in travel and accommodation costs. More information can be found at ?==== Timeline ?==== Applications for the gender diversity delegates grants are open now, and will close on Friday 22 June We will notify all successful recipients of their award by Friday 29 June so that you can have ample time to complete your travel plans. More information can be found at === About PyCon Australia === PyCon Australia is the national conference for the Python Programming Community. The third PyCon Australia will be held on August 18 and 19, 2012 in Hobart, Tasmania, bringing together professional, student and enthusiast developers with a love for developing with Python. PyCon Australia informs the country?s Python developers with presentations, tutorials and panel sessions by experts and core developers of Python, as well as the libraries and frameworks that they rely on. To find out more about PyCon Australia 2012, visit our website at or e-mail us at contact at PyCon Australia is presented by Linux Australia ( and acknowledges the support of our Gold sponsors: Google Australia (, and the Australian Computer Society (Tasmanian Branch) (; our Event partners: Kogan, and Secret Lab; and our Silver sponsors: the Python Software Foundation, the Django Software Foundation, Anchor Systems, Red Hat, ekit, RimuHosting, 99designs and CSIRO. -- --Christopher Neugebauer Conference Coordinator and Sponsor Liaison PyCon Australia: Hobart 2012 -- -- @pyconau Conference registration and accommodation deals now available! See our website for details. Jabber: chrisjrn at -- IRC: chrisjrn on -- WWW: -- Twitter/ @chrisjrn From info at Wed Jun 20 15:12:34 2012 From: info at (eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg) Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 15:12:34 +0200 Subject: ANN: Python Meeting =?ISO-8859-1?Q?D=FCsseldorf_-_17=2E07=2E?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?2012?= Message-ID: <> [This announcement is in German since it targets a local user group meeting in D?sseldorf, Germany] ________________________________________________________________________ ANK?NDIGUNG Python Meeting D?sseldorf Ein Treffen von Python Enthusiasten und Interessierten in ungezwungener Atmosph?re. Dienstag, 17.07.2012, 18:00 Uhr Clara Schumann Raum DJH D?sseldorf Diese Nachricht k?nnen Sie auch online lesen: ________________________________________________________________________ EINLEITUNG Das Python Meeting D?sseldorf ( ist eine neue lokale Veranstaltung in D?sseldorf, die sich an Python Begeisterte in der Region wendet. Wir starten bei den Treffen mit einer kurzen Einleitung und gehen dann zu einer Reihe Kurzvortr?gen (Lightning Talks) ?ber, bei denen die Anwesenden ?ber neue Projekte, interessante Probleme und sonstige Aktivit?ten rund um Python berichten k?nnen. Anschlie?end geht es in eine Gastst?tte, um die Gespr?che zu vertiefen. Einen guten ?berblick ?ber die Vortr?ge bietet unser YouTube-Kanal, auf dem wir die Vortr?ge nach den Meetings ver?ffentlichen: Veranstaltet wird das Meeting von der GmbH, Langenfeld, in Zusammenarbeit mit Clark Consulting & Research, D?sseldorf: * * ________________________________________________________________________ ORT F?r das Python Meeting D?sseldorf haben wir den Clara Schumann Raum in der modernen Jugendherberge D?sseldorf angemietet: Jugendherberge D?sseldorf D?sseldorfer Str. 1 40545 D?sseldorf Telefon: +49 211 557310 Die Jugendherberge verf?gt ?ber eine kostenpflichtige Tiefgarage (EUR 2,50 pro Stunde, maximal EUR 10,00). Es ist aber auch m?glich per Bus und Bahn anzureisen. Der Raum befindet sich im 1.OG links. ________________________________________________________________________ PROGRAMM Das Python Meeting D?sseldorf nutzt eine Mischung aus Open Space und Lightning Talks: Die Treffen starten mit einer kurzen Einleitung. Danach geht es weiter mit einer Lightning Talk Session, in der die Anwesenden Kurzvortr?ge von f?nf Minuten halten k?nnen. Hieraus ergeben sich dann meisten viele Ansatzpunkte f?r Diskussionen, die dann den Rest der verf?gbaren Zeit in Anspruch nehmen k?nnen. F?r 19:45 Uhr haben wir in einem nahegelegenen Restaurant Pl?tze reserviert, damit auch das leibliche Wohl nicht zu kurz kommt. Lightning Talks k?nnen vorher angemeldet werden, oder auch spontan w?hrend des Treffens eingebracht werden. Ein Beamer mit XGA Aufl?sung steht zur Verf?gung. Folien bitte als PDF auf USB Stick mitbringen. Lightning Talk Anmeldung bitte formlos per EMail an info at ________________________________________________________________________ KOSTENBETEILIGUNG Das Python Meeting D?sseldorf wird von Python Nutzern f?r Python Nutzer veranstaltet. Da Tagungsraum, Beamer, Internet und Getr?nke Kosten produzieren, bitten wir die Teilnehmer um einen Beitrag in H?he von EUR 10,00 inkl. 19% Mwst. Wir m?chten alle Teilnehmer bitten, den Betrag in bar mitzubringen. ________________________________________________________________________ ANMELDUNG Da wir nur f?r ca. 20 Personen Sitzpl?tze haben, m?chten wir bitten, sich per EMail anzumelden. Damit wird keine Verpflichtung eingegangen. Es erleichtert uns allerdings die Planung. Meeting Anmeldung bitte formlos per EMail an info at ________________________________________________________________________ WEITERE INFORMATIONEN Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Webseite des Meetings: Mit freundlichen Gr??en, -- Marc-Andre Lemburg Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Jun 20 2012) >>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ... >>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ... >>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ... ________________________________________________________________________ 2012-07-17: Python Meeting Duesseldorf ... 27 days to go 2012-07-02: EuroPython 2012, Florence, Italy ... 12 days to go ::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! :::: Software, Skills and Services GmbH Pastor-Loeh-Str.48 D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611 From holger at Wed Jun 20 22:08:09 2012 From: holger at (holger krekel) Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 20:08:09 +0000 Subject: execnet-1.1: cross-interpreter distributed execution library Message-ID: <> execnet-1.1 is a backward compatible beta release of the popular (>53000 pypi downloads of 1.0.9) cross-interpreter execution library. If you are in need of connecting Python2 and Python3 and/or want to throw PyPy in your deployment mix, then you might want to join Quora and many others and try out execnet. execnet provides a share-nothing model with channel-send/receive communication and distributed execution across many Python interpreters across version, platform and network barriers. See below for changes and see here for extensive documentation and tested examples: Particular thanks to Ronny Pfannschmidt for a lot of internal cleanups and to Alex Gaynor for providing feature patches. Have fun, holger 1.1 (compared to 1.0.9) -------------------------------- - introduce execnet.dumps/loads providing serialization between python interpreters, see - group.remote_exec now supports kwargs as well - support per channel string coercion configuration, helping with dealing with mixed Python2/Python3 environments. - now reads correct amounts of bytes from nonblocking fd's - added a ``dont_write_bytecode`` option to Popen gateways, this sets the ``sys.dont_write_bytecode`` flag on the spawned process, this only works on CPython 2.6 and higher. Thanks to Alex Gaynor. - added a pytest --broken-isp option to skip tests that assume DNS queries for unknown hosts actually are resolved as such (Thanks Alex Gaynor) - fix issue 1 - decouple string coercion of channels and gateway - fix issue #2 - properly reconfigure the channels string coercion for rsync, so it can send from python2 to python3 - refactor socketserver, so it can be directly remote_exec'd for starting a socket gateway on a remote From holger at Wed Jun 20 22:52:01 2012 From: holger at (holger krekel) Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 20:52:01 +0000 Subject: new cache and pep8 pytest plugin releases Message-ID: <> i just released two new plugins: * pytest-cache-0.9 (initial) for easy caching of values across test runs and a new --lf option to rerun the failing tests of a previous run. Install, basic example and API (for use by other plugins) is here: * pytest-pep8-1.0 a flexible pep8 checker which allows to keep your project PEP8 compliant with your choice of ignore-options on a per-file basis. It avoids checking files that haven't changed. Examples and docs at: have fun, holger From holger at Thu Jun 21 10:32:44 2012 From: holger at (holger krekel) Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 08:32:44 +0000 Subject: [py-dev] new cache and pep8 pytest plugin releases In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> I quickly released a pytest-pep8-1.0.1 which includes an explicit dependency on pytest-cache. Thanks to Hynek Schlawack for reporting. On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 20:52 +0000, holger krekel wrote: > i just released two new plugins: > > * pytest-cache-0.9 (initial) for easy caching of values across test runs > and a new --lf option to rerun the failing tests of a previous run. Install, > basic example and API (for use by other plugins) is here: > > > > * pytest-pep8-1.0 a flexible pep8 checker which allows to keep your project > PEP8 compliant with your choice of ignore-options on a per-file basis. > It avoids checking files that haven't changed. Examples and docs at: > > > > have fun, > holger > _______________________________________________ > py-dev mailing list > py-dev at > > From geoff.bache at Thu Jun 21 12:56:44 2012 From: geoff.bache at (Geoff Bache) Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 12:56:44 +0200 Subject: TextTest 3.23: blackbox testing tool Message-ID: Dear all, There are many enhancements and bug fixes, notably - Tests run in parallel if run locally on a multicore machine - Improved handling of knownbugs - New possibility to split up long result files with many different changes present. Regards, Geoff Bache .... TextTest is a tool for automatic text-based functional testing. This means running a batch-mode executable in lots of different ways from the command line, and using the text output produced as a means of controlling the behavior of that application. As well as being usable "standalone", it is an extendable framework for black-box testing written in Python. It's also useful as a test management tool wrapping some other test tool as a test runner. Homepage: Download: Mailing list: Bugs: Source: From ralf at Thu Jun 21 21:45:17 2012 From: ralf at (Ralf Schmitt) Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 21:45:17 +0200 Subject: [ANNOUNCE] greenlet 0.4.0 Message-ID: <87hau4motu.fsf@myhost.lan> Hi, I have uploaded greenlet 0.4.0 to PyPI: What is it? ----------- The greenlet module provides coroutines for python. coroutines allow suspending and resuming execution at certain locations. concurrence[1], eventlet[2] and gevent[3] use the greenlet module in order to implement concurrent network applications. Documentation can be found here: The code is hosted on github: Changes in version 0.4.0 ------------------------ The NEWS file lists these changes for release 0.4.0: * Greenlet has an instance dictionary now, which means it can be used for implementing greenlet local storage, etc. However, this might introduce incompatibility if subclasses have __dict__ in their __slots__. Classes like that will fail, because greenlet already has __dict__ out of the box. * Greenlet no longer leaks memory after thread termination, as long as terminated thread has no running greenlets left at the time. * Add support for debian sparc and openbsd5-sparc64 * Add support for ppc64 linux * Don't allow greenlets to be copied with copy.copy/deepcopy * Fix arm32/thumb support * Restore greenlet's parent after kill * Add experimental greenlet tracing Many thanks to Alexey Borzenkov, who spent a lot of time on this release and everyone else that helped make this release happen. [1] [2] [3] -- Cheers Ralf Schmitt From atul.nene at Fri Jun 22 05:18:32 2012 From: atul.nene at (Atul) Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 20:18:32 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Announcing a minor bugfix update (v1.7) of YaMA, the meeting assistant Message-ID: <> Hi, Yet Another Meeting Assistant (YaMA), will help you with the Agenda, Meeting Invitations, Minutes of a Meeting as well as Action Points. If you are the assigned minute taker at any meeting, this tool is for you. Checkout YaMA is written in Python and Tkinter, is open source software released under GPLv2, and is hosted by SourceForge ( Whats New in version 1.7.1 : 1. Timezone related bug-fix. Regards, -- Atul From reingart at Sat Jun 23 21:23:23 2012 From: reingart at (Mariano Reingart) Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2012 16:23:23 -0300 Subject: PyCon Argentina 2012: 5 financial aid grants available (ARS $1500 each) - last week for talk submission Message-ID: PyCon Argentina is pleased to announce an extended set of 5 financial aid grants up to $1500 ARS pesos, around 300 USD each grant (according current currency exchange), to help speakers to cover travel and lodging costs. Do not wait to apply, applications will be analysed in a rolling-basis, the first applicants will be given priority. To propose activities please go to: To apply for financial aid please read the instructions and fill the following form: This is the last week to submit talk proposals (deadline June 6th, 2012). Don't miss this chance to speak at the largest gathering of the Spanish-speaking Python community and interact with almost 500 expected attendees, including high skilled python developers, entrepreneurs, scientific researchers, teachers and students. This year the conference will be held in Buenos Aires, one of the most important latin-american cities, full of nearby attractions! Talks and tutorials in English or Portuguese are welcome if you are not comfortable with Spanish. This year's PyCon AR preconfirmed special international speakers includes so far: * Massimo Di Pierro (USA) - De Paul University - web2py / FermiQCD * Andrea Gavana (Denmark) - Maersk Oil - wx.lib.agw & 2D/3D visualization * Brett Cannon (Canada) - Google - python core developer: importlib py3k pypy * Christophe Pettus (USA) - PostgreSQL Experts - Django & ORMs * Thiago Avelino (Brasil) - Mochii - MongoDB - London * Craig Kerstiens (USA) - Heroku - Tools, django, Postgres * John Anderson (Chile) - pyramid, gevent-socketio, real-time web Pycon Argentina is not possible without corporate sponsorship. For companies interested in sponsoring of PyCon AR we recommend to check sponsorship conditions at: Please spread the word and let other, interested people know about PyCon Argentina. Best Regards Mariano Reingart PyCon Argentina 2012 Chair From cdevienne at Sun Jun 24 13:53:20 2012 From: cdevienne at (Christophe de Vienne) Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2012 13:53:20 +0200 Subject: odt2sphinx 0.2.1 released Message-ID: <> Hello, odt2sphinx 0.2.1 is now available on pypi : Odt2sphinx convert OpenDocument Text file(s) to one or several .rst files suitable for Sphinx. Changes ------- * Add support for numbered lists, hyperlinks, underlined text (translated to italic). * Fix bold text support. Regards, Christophe de Vienne From tismer at Mon Jun 25 03:46:41 2012 From: tismer at (Christian Tismer) Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 03:46:41 +0200 Subject: tiffany 0.6 released Message-ID: <> Tiffany - Read/Write Multipage-Tiff with PIL without PIL ======================================================== Tiffany stands for any tiff. The tiny module solves a large set of problems, has no dependencies and just works wherever Python works. Tiffany was developed in the course of the *DiDoCa* project and will always appear on PyPi. Version 0.6 ----------- This is a compatibility update for Python 3.2. Tiffany now works on Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2. This version also reduces the needed PIL files to only four. The same files work for python2 and python3. You can help me by sending some tiff files with different encoding and larger file size for testing. I'm also thinking of - an interface to Qt (without adding a dependency) - a command line interface, to make tiffany into a new tiff tool, - support for other toolkits that need to handle tiff files. Ideas about this are most welcome. Please let me know if this stuff works for you, and send requests to or use the links in the bitbucket website: cheers -- Chris -- Christian Tismer :^) tismerysoft GmbH : Have a break! Take a ride on Python's Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 121 : *Starship* 14482 Potsdam : PGP key -> work +49 173 24 18 776 mobile +49 173 24 18 776 fax n.a. PGP 0x57F3BF04 9064 F4E1 D754 C2FF 1619 305B C09C 5A3B 57F3 BF04 whom do you want to sponsor today? -- From georg at Wed Jun 27 08:10:26 2012 From: georg at (Georg Brandl) Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 08:10:26 +0200 Subject: [RELEASED] Python 3.3.0 beta 1 Message-ID: <> On behalf of the Python development team, I'm happy to announce the first beta release of Python 3.3.0. This is a preview release, and its use is not recommended in production settings. Python 3.3 includes a range of improvements of the 3.x series, as well as easier porting between 2.x and 3.x. Major new features and changes in the 3.3 release series are: * PEP 380, syntax for delegating to a subgenerator ("yield from") * PEP 393, flexible string representation (doing away with the distinction between "wide" and "narrow" Unicode builds) * A C implementation of the "decimal" module, with up to 80x speedup for decimal-heavy applications * The import system (__import__) now based on importlib by default * The new "lzma" module with LZMA/XZ support * PEP 397, a Python launcher for Windows * PEP 405, virtual environment support in core * PEP 420, namespace package support * PEP 3151, reworking the OS and IO exception hierarchy * PEP 3155, qualified name for classes and functions * PEP 409, suppressing exception context * PEP 414, explicit Unicode literals to help with porting * PEP 418, extended platform-independent clocks in the "time" module * PEP 412, a new key-sharing dictionary implementation that significantly saves memory for object-oriented code * PEP 362, the function-signature object * The new "faulthandler" module that helps diagnosing crashes * The new "unittest.mock" module * The new "ipaddress" module * The "sys.implementation" attribute * A policy framework for the email package, with a provisional (see PEP 411) policy that adds much improved unicode support for email header parsing * A "collections.ChainMap" class for linking mappings to a single unit * Wrappers for many more POSIX functions in the "os" and "signal" modules, as well as other useful functions such as "sendfile()" * Hash randomization, introduced in earlier bugfix releases, is now switched on by default In total, almost 500 API items are new or improved in Python 3.3. For a more extensive list of changes in 3.3.0, see (*) To download Python 3.3.0 visit: Please consider trying Python 3.3.0 with your code and reporting any bugs you may notice to: Enjoy! (*) Please note that this document is usually finalized late in the release cycle and therefore may have stubs and missing entries at this point. -- Georg Brandl, Release Manager georg at (on behalf of the entire python-dev team and 3.3's contributors) From g.rodola at Wed Jun 27 21:36:18 2012 From: g.rodola at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Giampaolo_Rodol=E0?=) Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 21:36:18 +0200 Subject: ANN: psutil 0.5.0 released Message-ID: Hi folks, I'm pleased to announce the 0.5.0 release of psutil: === Major new features === - system users - (Linux, Windows) process CPU affinity (get and set) - (POSIX) process number of opened file descriptors. - (Windows) process number of opened handles. - psutil.disk_partitions() now provides also mount options - new Process.as_dict() method. - Process.get_children(recursive=True): return all process descendants. - 2to3 is not longer required to run at installation time in order to support Python 3 - ppid, name, exe, cmdline and create_time properties of Process class are now cached after being accessed. - psutil.process_iter() now caches Process instances between calls. For a complete list of features and bug fixes see: === New features by example === >>> import psutil, os >>> >>> psutil.get_users() [user(name='giampaolo', terminal='pts/2', host='localhost', started=1340737536.0), user(name='giampaolo', terminal='pts/3', host='localhost', started=1340737792.0)] >>> >>> psutil.disk_partitions() [partition(device='/dev/sda1', mountpoint='/', fstype='ext4', opts='rw,nosuid'), partition(device='/dev/sda2', mountpoint='/home', fstype='ext, opts='rw')] >>> >>> p = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) >>> p.get_num_fds() 4 >>> >>> p.get_num_handles() # windows only 254 >>> >>> p.get_memory_maps() [mmap(path='/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/', rss=16384, anonymous=8192, swap=0), mmap(path='/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/', rss=6384, anonymous=15, swap=0), mmap(path='/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/', rss=34124, anonymous=1245, swap=0), mmap(path='[heap]', rss=54653, anonymous=8192, swap=0), mmap(path='[stack]', rss=1542, anonymous=166, swap=0), ...] >>> >>> p.as_dict() {'status': 0, 'pid': 29510, 'connections': [], 'cmdline': ['python'], ...} >>> >>> p.get_cpu_affinity() [0, 1, 2, 3] >>> p.set_cpu_affinity([0]) >>> >>> p.get_children(recursive=True) [, , ...] >>> === Links === * Home page: * Source tarball: * Api Reference: Please try out this new release and let me know if you experience any problem by filing issues on the bug tracker. Thanks in advance. --- Giampaolo Rodola' From whykay at Thu Jun 28 11:57:35 2012 From: whykay at (Vicky Twomey-Lee) Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 10:57:35 +0100 Subject: PyCon Ireland 2012 - Tickets on Sale / Call for Papers In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hi All, Just to let you know that the Early Bird ends this week. Call for papers is still open. For more details, see Thanks, /// Vicky (PyCon Ireland 2012) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 11:56 PM, Vicky Twomey-Lee wrote: > Hi All, > > Python Ireland is delighted to announce that early bird tickets are now > available for our 2012 PyCon Ireland conference, to be held in the Radisson > Blue Hotel in Dublin between the 13th and 14th of October. > > PyCon lreland is the premier Irish open source conference for python > programming enthusiasts, professionals and students. Early bird > registration guarantees your place at a reduced rate. We also offer > corporate and student rates. > Register: > > Call for Papers now open also, please register here: > > > Call for Sponsors still open, please register your interest here: > > > For more details see > > Thanks, > > /// Vicky Lee (PyCon Ireland 2012 Committee) > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > ~~ ~~ > ~~ ~~ > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > From fabiofz at Thu Jun 28 22:26:37 2012 From: fabiofz at (Fabio Zadrozny) Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 17:26:37 -0300 Subject: PyDev 2.6.0 Released Message-ID: Hi All, PyDev 2.6.0 has been released Details on PyDev: Details on its development: Release Highlights: ------------------------------- Interactive console: * It's now possible to use the interactive console attached to a debug session. (patch from Hussain Bohra) To use this feature either right-click a frame in the debug view and choosing PyDev > Debug console or create a new Interactive console as usual (Ctrl+Alt+Enter and choose 'PyDev Debug Console' -- but note that this option will only be enabled when in a debug session with a selected frame in the Debug view. * Fixed issue where completions from the console did not work properly with '%' because quoting was not being properly done. * Fixed issue where the execfile() redefinition in the PyDev console did not use the proper globals * When launching interactive console, PYTHONPATH order is properly kept (patch from James Blackburn). * Fix pasting into the middle of the console (patch from James Blackburn). * For paste, only go to the end of the line if the cursor isn't in range (patch from James Blackburn). PyUnit: * Improved preferences page configuration (links shown to add options). * Improved test discovery in PyDev PyUnit runner (exclude/include files/tests options added). Jython: * print may be used in dotted names as Jython requires for grammars 2.4 and 2.5. Others: * In a build, PyDev could end up reading the contents of files unrelated to Python. * Django project startup compatible with django 1.4. * Assignments to builtins when in the class-level no longer generate a warning. * Fixed issue starting new thread in the debugger (fix for paste/waitress). * Fixed error configuring interpreter if os.path was not present. * Fixed issue when configuring interpreter which has unicode characters in the PYTHONPATH. * When searching for external files, also take a look at the configured projects, as it may be that the file should actually be found in an external source folder. * Fixed issues getting marker on files with a dirty editor and where we could end up getting markers from other files. * The scripting output console is not shown unless there's actually some output to show. * A bunch of other minor fixes. What is PyDev? --------------------------- PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python, Jython and IronPython development -- making Eclipse a first class Python IDE -- It comes with many goodies such as code completion, syntax highlighting, syntax analysis, refactor, debug and many others. Cheers, -- Fabio Zadrozny ------------------------------------------------------ Software Developer Appcelerator Aptana PyDev - Python Development Environment for Eclipse From tismer at Sat Jun 30 12:41:46 2012 From: tismer at (Christian Tismer) Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2012 12:41:46 +0200 Subject: tiffany 0.6.1 released Message-ID: <> Tiffany - Read/Write Multipage-Tiff with PIL without PIL ======================================================== Tiffany stands for any tiff. The tiny module solves a large set of problems, has no dependencies and just works wherever Python works. Tiffany was developed in the course of the *DiDoCa* project and will always appear on PyPi. Version 0.6.1 ------------- This version uses the new int.from_bytes/to_bytes methods from python3.2 and emulates them on python2.6/2.7 . This migration was tested using pytest. Tiffany is quite unlikely to change anymore until user requests come, or I get better test data: Testing with larger tiff files ------------------------------ The implementation right now copies data in one big chunk. I would like to make that better/not limited by memory. For that, I need a tiff file that is a few megabytes big. Can somebody please send me one? Extending Tiffany? ------------------ I'm also thinking of - an interface to Qt (without adding a dependency) - a command line interface, to make tiffany into a new tiff tool, - support for other toolkits that need to handle tiff files. Ideas about this are most welcome. Please let me know if this stuff works for you, and send requests to or use the links in the bitbucket website: cheers -- Chris -- Christian Tismer :^) tismerysoft GmbH : Have a break! Take a ride on Python's Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 121 : *Starship* 14482 Potsdam : PGP key -> work +49 173 24 18 776 mobile +49 173 24 18 776 fax n.a. PGP 0x57F3BF04 9064 F4E1 D754 C2FF 1619 305B C09C 5A3B 57F3 BF04 whom do you want to sponsor today? -- --