Subject: mrjob v0.2.6 released

Jimmy Retzlaff jimmy at
Wed May 25 02:26:00 CEST 2011

What is mrjob?
mrjob is a Python package that helps you write and run Hadoop Streaming jobs.

mrjob fully supports Amazon's Elastic MapReduce (EMR) service, which
allows you to buy time on a Hadoop cluster on an hourly basis. It also
works with your own Hadoop cluster.

Some important features:

 * Run jobs on EMR, your own Hadoop cluster, or locally (for testing).
 * Write multi-step jobs (one map-reduce step feeds into the next)
 * Duplicate your production environment inside Hadoop
   * Upload your source tree and put it in your job's $PYTHONPATH
   * Run make and other setup scripts
   * Set environment variables (e.g. $TZ)
   * Easily install python packages from tarballs (EMR only)
   * Setup handled transparently by mrjob.conf config file
 * Automatically interpret error logs from EMR
 * SSH tunnel to hadoop job tracker on EMR
 * Minimal setup
   * To run on your Hadoop cluster, install simplejson and make sure
$HADOOP_HOME is set.

More info:

 * Install mrjob: python install
 * Documentation:
 * PyPI:
 * Development is hosted at github:

What's new?
v0.2.6, 2011-05-24 -- fix bootstrapping mrjob
 * Set Hadoop to run on EMR with --hadoop-version (Issue #71).
   * Default is still 0.18, but will change to 0.20 in mrjob v0.3.0.
 * New inline runner, for testing locally with a debugger
 * New --strict-protocols option, to catch unencodable data (Issue #76)
 * Added steps_python_bin option (for use with virtualenv)
 * mrjob no longer chokes when asked to run on an EMR job flow running
Hadoop 0.20 (Issue #110)
 * mrjob no longer chokes on job flows with no LogUri (Issue #112)

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