multipy -- Install multiple Python versions locally

Petri Lehtinen petri at
Tue Mar 29 20:44:32 CEST 2011

I'm pleased to announce multipy, a shell utility that helps you
install and manage multiple local Python installations. It's available

It downloads source tarballs for the newest version of any Python X.Y,
compiles the source, and installs everything under a single directory
hierarchy. By default, the install location is ~/multipy.

distribute is also installed along with each Python version, as well
as an activate script (in the spirit of virtualenv) for easier shell

multipy is a single shell script. It requires a POSIX compliant shell,
wget, tar and gzip to download and extract source tarballs, and a
compiler, development headers and libraries to compile Python. No
existing Python installation is required. multipy should work on any
Unix-like system that Python can be compiled on.

Python versions 2.4 and up can be installed (including all 3.x

Usage examples:

Install Python 2.7 and 3.2:

    $ multipy install 2.7 3.2

Install all supported Python versions (2.4 and up):

    $ multipy install all

List installed Python versions:

    $ multipy list

Remove Python 2.7:

    $ multipy remove 2.7

Use a custom installation directory:

    $ multipy -b /path/to/somewhere install 3.2

Tweak PATH to "activate" the local Python 2.5:

    $ . $(multipy activate 2.5)

After this, e.g. python and easy_install can be used without
an absolute path. To leave this mode, use deactivate.

Petri Lehtinen

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