ANN: phileas (="Python/Html Integration; Larry's Elegant Alternative scheme") 0.6 available

Larry Myerscough hippos at
Sun Jan 2 16:24:38 CET 2011

Hippo's Techical Systems BV is proud to anounced that release 0.6 of 
'phileas' is available.

Phileas stands for:

    *P*ython *H*TML *I*ntegration - *L*arry's *E*legant *A*lternative

(The word 'elegant' is a matter of taste of course but it makes the 
acronym work!)



    Phileas is actually a new take on some old ideas:

    The code in '' allows html to be coded in a natural /[dare
    I say'pythonic'?]/ style, as the following fragment illustrates:

    from phileas.html40 import HTML40
    # .....
    h = HTML40()
    # .....
    h._(h.h1|'Major Heading',
         h.p | (
             """ closing tags may be implied by use of the '|'
                 operator. with brackets where appropriate""",
         h.p, "or be coded explicitly like this!",

    As such, it covers similar ground to established packages like
    'HTMLgen' but I believe it is somewhat easier to use and leads to
    clearer code when nested tags and looping constructions are used. In
    fact, my intention is to make the practice of mixing templating
    constructions with python code unnecesary.

    The other files in the phileas package implement an object-oriented
    web-page framework, rather like psp's ('python server pages') but
    styled around the constructs in


    [You may wish/need to deviate from the followng instructions
    depending on your platform.]

    1.    Create a directory 'phileas' in a location of your choice;
    make a note of the parent directory name
    2.    Unzip the latest zip-file from into this directory.
    3.    Create a file 'phileas.pth' in your python site-packages
    directory containg the name of the parent directory (forward slashes
    are ok, even on windows)
    4.    Check that the above has worked by doing 'import phileas' 
    from a python shell; no news (no output) is good news.
    5.    The rest is up to you; the other stuff on may help you to get  started.

/A final note from the author:/

    I'm sure I need to improve a number of things before I have a
    package worth calling 1.0. I look forward to receiving input from
    the python community which will guide the necessary improvements.

    Larry Myerscough (aka 'papahippo')
    Hippos Technical Systems BV

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