Python Networks and Distributed Systems - Chicago - June 21-23

David Beazley dave at
Mon Jun 7 21:44:37 CEST 2010

	Python Networks, Concurrency, and Distributed Systems

			 with David Beazley,
		 author "Python Essential Reference"

			   June 21-23, 2010
			  Chicago, Illinois

Just a quick note to say that there are still a few slots available
for my upcoming course on Python networks and distributed systems.
This is an in-depth course that covers a variety of systems-related
topics including networking and concurrency as well as an introduction
to a variety of other advanced Python features (decorators, context
managers, coroutines, etc.).  This course is strictly limited to 6
people and is being held in Chicago's distinctive Andersonville
neighborhood.  Come to hack some Python code while enjoying the summer
sights, sounds, and tastes of the city.


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