Mastering Python 3 I/O - In Chicago

David Beazley d-beazley at
Wed Feb 3 16:05:05 CET 2010

Just a quick note to let everyone know that there are still a few slots available for this PyCON'2010 tutorial in Chicago.   Come find out why you might want to start using Python 3.1.

-- Dave

			Mastering Python 3 I/O
	     ** PyCON'2010 Tutorial Preview in Chicago **

			  with David Beazley
		    February 5, 2010,  12pm - 5pm

Can't make it to PyCON, but want to attend a cutting-edge tutorial on
the latest Python features?  Join David Beazley, author of the Python
Essential Reference, in Chicago for a preview of his new tutorial
"Mastering Python 3 I/O."  The goal of this tutorial is to take a top
to bottom tour of the Python 3 I/O system and to focus on essential
features that you must know if you are ever going to port existing
applications to Python 3 or use it for real applications.  This
tutorial promises to go far beyond what you find in the documentation
and books (Dave's included).  You'll learn about tricky gotchas, see
interesting practical examples, and get a better grasp of how Python 3
is put together.

This tutorial preview includes a free copy of the "Python Essential
Reference, 4th Ed.", lunch at one of Chicago's finest new restaurants,
artisinal pastries and more--all for the same price as a tutorial at
PyCON.  However, it's strictly limited to 8 attendees.

More information is available at:

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